The Life and Death of Doctor Faustus Made into a Farce Part 3

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But what is this Inscription on my Arm?

_h.o.m.o fuge_: Whether shall I fly?

My Senses are deceiv'd, here's nothing writ; O yes, I see it plain, even here is writ _h.o.m.o fuge_; yet shall not _Faustus_ fly, I'll call up something to delight his Mind.

[_Song._ Mephostopholis _waves his Wand_. _Enter several Devils, who present Crowns to_ Faustus, _and after a Dance vanish_.

_Faust._ What means this then?

_Meph._ 'Tis to delight thy Mind, and let thee see What Magick can perform.

_Faust._ And may I raise such Spirits when I please.

_Meph._ Ay, _Faustus_, and do greater Things than these.

_Faust._ Then, _Mephostopholis_ receive this Deed of Gift; But set Conditionally, that thou perform all Covenants and Articles herein subscribed.

_Meph._ I swear by h.e.l.l, and _Lucifer_, to effect all Promises between us both.

_Faust._ Then take it.

_Meph._ Do you deliver it as your Deed, and Gift?

_Faust._ Ay, and the Devil do you good on't.

_Meph._ So, now, _Faustus_, ask what thou wilt.

_Faust._ Then let me have a Wife.

Faustus _waves his Wand, and a Woman Devil rises: Fire-works about whirles round, and sinks_.

_Faust._ What sight is this?

_Meph._ Now, _Faustus_ wilt thou have a Wife?

_Faust._ Here's a hot Wh.o.r.e indeed, I'll have no Wife.

_Meph._ Marriage is but a Ceremonial Toy; I'll cull thee out the fairest Curtezans, And bring 'em every Morning to thy Bed: She whom thy Eye shall like, thy Heart shall have.

_Faust._ Then, _Mephostopholis_, let me behold the Famous _h.e.l.len_, who was the Occasion of great _Troys'_ Destruction.

_Meph._ _Faustus_, thou shalt. [_Waves his Wand, enters._

_Faust._ O _Mephostopholis_! what would I give to gain a Kiss from off those lovely Lips.

_Meph._ _Faustus_, thou may'st. [_He kisses her._

_Faust._ My Soul is fled; come _h.e.l.len_, come, give me my Soul again; she's gon. [_He goes to kiss her again, and she sinks._

_Meph._ Women are shy you know at the first Sight; but come, _Faustus_, command me somewhat else.

_Faust._ Then tell me, is h.e.l.l so terrible as Church-men write it.

_Meph._ No, _Faustus_ 'tis Glorious as the upper World; but that we have Night and Day, as you have here: Above there's no Night.

_Faust._ Why sighs my _Mephostopholis_, I think h.e.l.l's a meer Fable.

_Meph._ Ay, think so still.

_Faust._ Tell me who made the World?

_Meph._ I will not.

_Faust._ Sweet _Mephos._

_Meph._ Move me no further.

_Faust._ Villain, have I not bound thee to tell me any Thing.

_Meph._ That's not against our Kingdom, this is: Thou art Lost; think thou of h.e.l.l.

_Faust._ Think, _Faustus_, upon him that made the World.

_Meph._ Remember this. [_Sinks._

_Faust._ Ay, go accursed Spirit to ugly h.e.l.l, 'Tis thou hast d.a.m.n'd distressed _Faustus_ Soul: I will Repent: Ha! [_Goes to his Books._ This Bible's fast, but here's another:

[_They both fly out of's Hand, and a flaming Thing appears written_, &c.

Is't not too late? [_Ring. Good and bad descend._

_Bad An._ Too late.

_Good An._ Never too late, if _Faustus_ will repent.

_Bad An._ _Faustus_, behold, behold thy Deed; if thou repent Devils will tear thee in Pieces.

_Good An._ Repent, and they shall never raze thy Skin.

[_Scene shuts, Ang. ascends._

_Scene changes to the Street._ _Enter_ Harlequin.

_Harl._ This must be Mr. Doctor's House; I'll make bold to knock: My Heart fails me already.

[Harlequin _opens the Door, peeps about, and shuts it_.

I begin to tremble at the Thoughts of seeing the Devil.

[_Knocks again._

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