The Life and Death of Doctor Faustus Made into a Farce Part 2

The Life and Death of Doctor Faustus Made into a Farce -

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_Scar._ The Devil, or the Devil's Companion: He had a Head like a Bulls, with Horns on; and two Eyes that glow'd like the b.a.l.l.s of a dark Lantern: His Hair stood a Tiptoe, like your new-fas.h.i.+on'd Top-knots; with a Mouth as large as a King's Beef Eater: His Nails was as sharp as a Welshman's in Pa.s.sion; and he look'd as frightful as a Sergeant to an _Alsatian_.

_Faust._ But why art thou afraid of the Devil?

_Scar._ Why I never said my Prayers in all my Life, but once; and that was when my d.a.m.n'd Wife was sick, that she might dye: My Ears are as deaf to good Council, as _French_ Dragoons are to Mercy. And my Conscience wants as much sweeping as a Cook's Chimny. And I have as many Sins to answer for as a Church-warden, or an Overseer of the Poor.

_Faust._ Why, the Devil loves Sinners at his Heart.

_Scar._ Does he so?

_Faust._ He hates none, but the Vertuous, and the G.o.dly. Such as Fast, and go to Church, and give Alms-deeds.

_Scar._ I never saw a Church in my Life, thank G.o.d, (I mean the Devil;) and for Fasting, it was always my Abomination; and for Alms, I never gave any Thing in my Life, but the Itch once to a p.a.w.n-broker. Therefore I hope he may Love me.

_Faust._ And he shall Love thee; I'll bring thee acquainted with him.

_Scar._ Acquainted with the Devil?

_Faust._ Ay; _Tanto metropontis Acherontis_.

_Scar._ Oh, oh, oh.

_Faust._ Fear nothing _Mephostopholis_, be visible.

[Scaramouche _sinks behind the Doctor, and peeps his Head out behind the Slip of his Gown._ _A Devil rises in Thunder and Lightning._

I charge thee to be gon, and change thy Shape; thou art too ugly to attend on me. I find there's Virtue in my Charm; Come, rise up, Fool, the Devil's gon.

[_The Devil sinks._

_Scar._ The Devil go with him.

_Faust._ Fear nothing, I command the Devil. If thou wilt leave thy Chimny-sweeping Trade, and live with me, thou shalt have Meat and Drink in Plenty; and 40 Crowns a Year shall be thy Wages; I'll make thee Learned in the black Art.

_Scar._ I am a Student in that already: But let me consider, Good Meat and Drink, and 40 Crowns a Year. Then I'll change my black Art for yours.

_Faust._ There's Earnest, thou art now my Servant; dispose of thy Brooms and Poles, they'll be useless to thee here; take this Key, go into my Study, and clean; take all the Books you find scatter'd about, and range 'em orderly upon the Shelves.

_Scar._ Happy _Scaramouche_, now may'st thou Swear, Lye, Steal, Drink and Wh.o.r.e; for thy Master is the Devil's Master, and thou in time may'st master 'em both.

[_Exit_ Scaram.

_Enter_ Mephostopholis.

_Meph._ Now, _Faustus_, what wouldst thou have with me?

_Faust._ I charge thee wait upon me whilst I live, And do what-ever _Faustus_ shall command.

_Meph._ Ay _Faustus_, so I will, if thou wilt purchase me of _Lucifer_.

_Faust._ What says _Lucifer_, thy Lord?

_Meph._ That I shall Wait on _Faustus_ whilst he Lives, So thou wilt buy my Service with thy Blood.

_Faust._ Already _Faustus_ has hazarded that for thee.

_Meph._ Ay, but thou must bequeath it solemnly, And write a Deed of Gift with it; For that Security craves _Lucifer_.

If thou deny it, I must back to h.e.l.l.

_Bad Ang._ But _Faustus_, if I shall have thy Soul, I'll be thy Slave, and wors.h.i.+p thy Commands, And give thee more than thou hast Will of.

_Faust._ If he wilt spare me Four and twenty Years, Letting me Live in all Voluptuousness, To have thee ever to attend on me, To give me whatsoever I shall ask, And tell me whatsoever I demand; On these Conditions I resign it to him.

_Meph._ Then, _Faustus_ stab thy Arm couragiously, And bind thy Soul, that at some certain Day Great _Lucifer_ may claim it as his own; And then be thou as Great as _Lucifer_.

_Faust._ Lo, _Mephostopholis_, for Love of thee, _Faustus_ has cut His Arm, and with his proper Blood a.s.sures his Soul to be great _Lucifers_.

_Meph._ But, _Faustus_, write it in manner of a Deed, and Gift.

_Faust._ Ay, so I do; but, _Mephostopholis_, my Blood congeals, and I can write no more.

_Meph._ I'll fetch thee Fire to dissolve it streight. [_Exit._

_Faust._ What might the staying of my Blood portend, It is unwilling I should write this Bill.

_Good and Bad Angel descend._

_Good An._ Yet, _Faustus_, think upon thy precious Soul.

_Bad An._ No, _Faustus_, think of Honour, and of Wealth.

_Faust._ Of Wealth. Why all the _Indies_, _Ganges_, shall be mine.

_Good An._ No, _Faustus_, everlasting Tortures shall be thine.

_Bad An._ No, _Faustus_, everlasting Glory shall be thine.

The World shall raise a Statue of thy Name, And on it write, This, this is he that could command the World. [_Good Angel ascends, bad Angel descends._

_Faust._ Command the World; Ay, _Faustus_, think on that, Why streams not then my Blood that I may write?

_Faustus_ gives to thee his Soul; Oh! there it stops. Why shouldst thou not? Is not thy Soul thy own?

_Enter_ Mephostopholis _with a Chafer of Fire_.

_Meph._ See, _Faustus_, here is Fire, set it on.

_Faust._ So now the Blood begins to clear again.

_Meph._ What is't I would not do to obtain his Soul?

_Faust._ _Consummatum est_; the Bill is ended.

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