The Troubadours Part 8

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Paulet de Ma.r.s.elha. E. Levy, Paris, 1882.

Peire d'Alvernhe (d'Auvergne). R. Zenker, Rostock, 1900.

Peire Vidal. K. Bartsch, Berlin, 1857 (an edition by J. Anglade is about to appear).

Peire Rogier. C. Appel, Berlin, 1892.

Perdigon. H.J. Chaytor, _Annales du Midi_, xxi.

Pons de Capdoill. M. Napolski, Halle, 1879.

Raimbaut de Vaqueiras. O. Schultz, Halle, 1893.

Raimon de Miraval, Etude sur, etc. P. Andraud, Paris, 1902.

Sordel. De Lollis, Halle, 1896 (_Romanische Bibliothek_).

Numerous separate pieces have been published in the various periodicals concerned with Romance philology, as also have diplomatic copies of several MSS. Of these periodicals, the most important for Provencal are _Romania, les Annales du Midi, Zeitschrift der Romanischen Philologie, Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen, Romanische Studien, Studj di filologia romanza, Revue des langues romanes_. Mahn's _Gedichte der Troubadours_, 4 vols., Berlin, 1856-71, contains diplomatic copies of MSS.; his _Werke der Troubadours_, Berlin, 1846-55, contains reprints from Raynouard, _Choix des poesies originales des Troubadours_, Paris, 1816. Suchier, _Denkmaler provenzalischer Sprache_, Halle, 1883; Appel, _Provenzalische Inedita_, Leipsic, 1890; Chabaneau, _Poesies inedites des Troubadours du Perigord_, Paris, 1885; P. Meyer, _Les derniers troubadours de Provence_, Paris, 1871, should be mentioned. Most of the pieces in the Occitanien_, Toulouse, 1819, are to be found better edited elsewhere. Other pieces are to be found in various _Festschriften_ and occasional or private publications, too numerous to be detailed here. C. Chabaneau, _Les biographies des Troubadours_, Toulouse, 1885 (part of the _Histoire generale de Languedoc_) is full of valuable information. The biographies have been translated by I.

Farnell, _Lives of the Troubadours_, London, 1896.



1. See maps at the end of Grober's _Grundriss_, vol. i.

2. _De Vulg. El._ I., 8: alii oc, alii ol, alii si affirmando loquuntur, and _Vita Nuova_, xxv. Dante also knew the term provincialis.

3. Boethius. F. Hundgen, Oppeln, 1884. For Sainte Foy d'Agen, see _Romania_ x.x.xi., p, 177 ff.

4. P. Meyer in _Romania_ v., p. 257. Bedier, _Les chansons de Croisade_, Paris, 1909, p. 16.

5. See P. Maus, _Peire Cardenals Strophenbau_, Marburg, 1884.

6. See Jeanroy, Origines, etc.


7. Provencal has also the feminine _joia_ with the general meaning of "delight."

8. See Stimming's article in Grober's _Grundriss_.

9. Raynouard, _Les Troubadours et les Cours d'Amour_, Paris, 1817; see also Diez, _uber die Minnehofe_, Berlin, 1825. Pio Rajna, _Le Corti d'Amore_, Milan, 1890.

10. _Annales du Midi_, xix. p. 364.

11. _Die provenzalische Tenzone_, R. Zenker, Leipsic, 1888.


12. Girart de Roussillon, translation by P. Meyer, Paris, 1884: see also _Romania_, vii. Diplomatic copies of the MSS. in _Romanische Studien_ V.

_Le Roman de Flamenca_, P. Meyer, Paris, 1901.

13. J. B. Beck, _Die Melodien der Troubadours_, Strasburg, 1908. _La Musique des Troubadours_, Paris, 1910, by the same author, who there promised a selection of songs harmonized for performance: this has not yet appeared. See also _Quatre poesies de Marcabrun_, Jeanroy, Dejeanne and Aubry, Paris, 1904, with texts, music, and translations.

14. Schindler, _Die Kreuzzuge in der altprovenzalischen und mittelhochdeutschen lyrik._, Dresden, 1889. K. Lewent, _Das altprovenzalische Kreuzlied_, Berlin, 1905.

15. A. Pillet, _Studien zur Pastourelle_, Breslau, 1902. Romer, _Die volkstumlichen Dichtungsarten der altprovenzalischen Lyrik_, Marburg, 1884.

16. _Quae judicia de litteris fecerint Provinciales_. P. Andraud, Paris, 1902.

17. From _Si'm sentis fizels amics_, quoted by Dante, _De Vulg. El._ i. 9.


18. "Paubre motz"; also interpreted as "scanty words," i.e. poems with short lines. On Jaufre Rudel in literature, see a lecture by Carducci, Bologna 1888. The latest theory of his mysterious love is that she was the Virgin Mary; see C. Appel, _Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen_, cvii. 3-4.

19. Mahn, _Gedichte_, no. 707. An edition of Bernard de Ventadour's poems is in preparation by Prof. Appel.

20. _Cp._ Dante, _Par._ xx. 73.


21. Dante, _De Vulg. El._ ii. 2.

22. "Il Provenzale," _Conv._ iv. 11.

23. _Purg._ xxvi.

24. On his family see Stronski, _Folquet de Ma.r.s.eille_, p. 15 and 159-172.

25. See G. Paris, _La Litterature francaise au moyen age_, -- 128.


26. The best short account of the Albigenses is to be found in vol. i.

of H.C. Lea's _Histoire de L'Inquisition au moyen age_, Paris, 1903.

This, the French translation, is superior to the English edition as it contains the author's last corrections, and a number of bibliographical notes. The Adoptionist theory is stated in the introduction to F.C.

Conybeare's _Key of Truth_, Oxford, 1908. The _Chanson de la Croisade Albigeoise_, P. Meyer, Paris, 1875, 2 vols., is indispensable to students of the subject. In these works will be found much of the extensive bibliography of the heresy and crusade.

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