Carey & Hart's Catalog Part 11

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With Forty Beautifully Colored Plates, COMPRISING FOUR HUNDRED SEPARATE ILl.u.s.tRATIONS, Carefully Colored from Nature, and 450 pages of Letterpress.

Handsomely bound in Cloth Gilt.

Price $15 00

_Opinions of the Press._

"We take leave of our author with the declaration that his work is a monument of the most extraordinary industry. We have no hesitation in adding that it is the best book we possess in any language on the subject; and that should any of our readers desire to sail over the unbounded sea of letterpress formed of the history and pathology of the diseases of the cutaneous surface, M. Rayer should be his pilot."

OF THE PLATES.--"Considered in this respect, but more especially in reference to the number of ill.u.s.trations of the general species and varieties of such order which it contains, this Atlas far any that has yet appeared. _ON THE WHOLE RAYER'S ATLAS MAY CONSCIENTIOUSLY BE SAID TO CONTAIN THE MOST COMPLETE SERIES OF ILl.u.s.tRATIONS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASEs. .h.i.tHERTO PUBLISHED, AND IS, BESIDES,_ not only cheaper than any other, but well worth the sum for which it is offered to the profession"--_British and Foreign Medical Review._

RICORD ON EXTREME CASES OF VENEREAL DISEASES _Cured at the Venereal Hospital at Paris_.

Under the direction of DR. PH. RICORD, with 276 elegantly coloured engravings, in one volume quarto, uniform with "Quain's Anatomical Plates," "Pancoast's Operative Surgery," &c. _Price $15, cloth, gilt._

"This truly great work of M. Ricord, who is an American and a native, we believe, of Baltimore, though now the eminent hospital surgeon of Paris, has long been a desideratum in the English language. The immense expense of its publication, and especially the cost of the richly coloured engravings, which are an indispensable accompaniment of the text, has. .h.i.therto deterred publishers at home and abroad from its issue. The profession are largely indebted to Dr. Betton, the translator, and Dr.

G.o.ddard, who has prepared the work for the press, as also the enterprising publisher, who has brought out this magnificent book, in royal quarto, with its multiplied ill.u.s.trations, in a style of excellence as respects typography, engraving, and colouring, which will do honour to American art. Of the value of this work it is unnecessary to say more than that it is and must continue to be a standard authority on a most important subject involving the interests of both science and humanity. The publisher deserves the patronage of the whole profession, for placing within the reach of all this n.o.ble contribution to our libraries."--_N. Y. Medical Gazette._


Compiled from the Papers of the late Robert H. Baird.

In One Volume, Cloth Gilt, Price $1.

"This is a practical age, and it demands practical books. Of this cla.s.s is the manual before us, addressing itself to a rapidly growing interest among us, and one, upon the prosperity of which depends, in a great measure, the destiny of the South. We have too long committed the fatal error of allowing Northern manufactories to convert our staple into the fabrics we require for use, losing by the process all the expenses of a double transportation, the profits of manufacturing, and sundry incidental costs of interest and exchange. With the increasing attention to manufactures in the South, arises the need of information upon all their appliances and workings, and much that is valuable of this nature is found in the book before us. Mr. Baird was an expert and successful cotton-spinner. His experience and observations are here afforded to his fellow-operatives, combined with the modern improvements in mechanics and methods. No intelligent man at the present day builds without 'counting the cost,' or enters upon a field of labour without a comprehensive knowledge of its capabilities and requirements. To those proposing to erect small factories, or now conducting them, the treatise before us could not fail to be of service, if well studied, and to such we commend it."--_Southern Literary Gazette._

"Had we s.p.a.ce we might go on to state a number of other equally interesting and important facts. The work from which much of the foregoing is taken, is published by Mr. A. Hart, and was compiled chiefly from the papers of the late Robert H. Baird, well known as an expert cotton-spinner. It is gratifying to see that so respectable a house as that of Mr. Hart has undertaken the publication of books of this kind, for we believe that our operatives should possess a theoretical as well as practical knowledge of their several trades. This work gives the dimensions and speed of machinery, draught and twist calculations, with notices of the most recent improvements. It must prove an invaluable hand-book to the manufacturer."--_Germantown Telegraph._

"As the treatise now stands, it is a most complete and practical guide in the spinning of cotton. It gives the dimensions and speed of machinery, draught and twist calculations; together with rules and examples for making changes in the size and number of roving yarn. The work will be found of value, equally by operatives and mill-owners. It is issued in a very neat style."--_Arthur's Home Gazette._

"'The American Cotton Spinner and Managers' and Carders' Guide,' a practical treatise on cotton-spinning, giving the dimensions and speed of machinery, draught and twist calculations, &c., with notices of recent improvements, together with rules and examples for making changes in the size of roving and yarn. This work is compiled from papers of the late Robert H. Baird, well known as an expert cotton-spinner, and will prove of great service to cotton-growers, mill-owners, and cotton-spinners. This book will undoubtedly meet with an extensive sale in the South, where attention is beginning to be turned in earnest to manufacturing as well as growing cotton."--_Drawing-room Journal._

"This is one of the most interesting and valuable of the many excellent little treatises on mechanical and manufacturing pursuits which have been published by Mr. Hart. The construction and working of a cotton-factory are thoroughly explained. Buildings, main gearing, water-wheels, picking and spreading machines, cards and carding, drawing-frames, speeders, throstles and mule spinning, are elaborately discussed, and to those engaged in the production of cotton goods, the volume must be exceedingly useful. To political economists and others, who feel an interest in the great progress of our country, the historical and statistical portions of the book will also be of value.

"'In 1770, there were exported to Liverpool from New York three bags of cotton wool; from Virginia and Maryland, four bags; and from North Carolina, three barrels. Last year England paid $71,984,616 to the United States for raw cotton, which sum is exclusive of that paid to other cotton-growing nations. In 1790 the first cotton-mill was erected in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. In 1850 the number of spindles in operation was computed at 2,500,000.' These facts are among the most signal evidences of the unexampled progress and prosperity of the country, and cannot be considered without emotions of pride and gratification."--_N.

Y. Commercial Advertiser._

"It is compiled from the papers of the late Robert H. Baird, well known as an expert cotton-spinner, and forms a practical treatise relative to spinning in all its departments and relations, the dimensions and speed of machinery, draught and twist calculations, &c. &c., which cannot but commend itself to the favourable attention of all connected with this important manufacturing interest."--_North American._

MANUFACTURE OF STEEL, _Containing the Practice and Principles of Working and Making Steel_.


Author of "Manufacture of Iron," &c.


_With Engravings, cloth gilt. Price 75 cents._

"The author of this book is a practical mining engineer, and what he has to say on the subject of which he treats, is therefore ent.i.tled to consideration."--_Com. Advertiser._

"A valuable and almost indispensable hand-book for all workers in steel and iron, such as blacksmiths, cutlers, die sinkers, and manufacturers of various kinds of hardware. The man of science, as well as the artisan, will find much valuable information in Mr. Overman's Book."--_Arthur's Home Gazette._

"Carefully prepared, and therefore well adapted for the purpose. It is ill.u.s.trated by figures explanatory of apparatus and machinery."--_North American._

"A. Hart, Philadelphia, has published 'The Manufacture of Steel,' by Frederick Overman. This work is not only of interest to blacksmiths and workers in steel and iron, but to men of science and art. It is a most thorough book, commencing with forging, and treating the subject throughout in an able manner."--_Boston Evening Gazette._


By Frederick Overman, MINING ENGINEER.


_12mo, 252 pages, cloth gilt. Price 88 cents._

"The moulding of iron for useful purposes is one of the most extensive pursuits of society. Nevertheless, there are comparatively few works which present a clear, intelligible, and simple statement of the branches of this art, so as to be readily understood by all. The present work seems to supply this deficiency."--_Scientific American._

"This volume is prepared on the same plan as that on Cotton Spinning, and has a number of wood-engravings. It must prove invaluable to the iron master. It is certainly a book that has long been needed, and we know that it will be extensively circulated."--_Germantown Telegraph._

"The 'Moulders and Founder's Pocket Guide,' published by A. Hart, is a treatise on moulding and founding in green sand, dry sand, loam, and cement, the moulding of machine-frames, mill-gear, hollow-ware, ornaments, trinkets, bells, and statues, with receipts for alloys, varnishes, colours, &c., by Frederick Overman, mining engineer. The work is ill.u.s.trated with forty-two wood-cuts, and it gives plain and practical descriptions of these most useful arts."--_Public Ledger._



_Complete in one volume, 326 pages, cloth gilt._ PRICE $1.

The Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art, exhibiting the most important discoveries and improvements of the past year, in mechanics and the useful arts, natural philosophy, electricity, chemistry, zoology, and botany, geology and geography, meteorology and astronomy. By John Timbs, editor of the 'Arcana of Science and Art,' in one neat volume; price $1.

"It contains a mine of information in matters of Science and Art." Gazette._

"There is a great deal of well-digested information in this volume, exhibiting the most important discoveries in the Sciences and Arts, during the past year. In looking over it, one is surprised at the progress making in these branches, and in order to keep up with the age, such a book as this is absolutely necessary."--_Evening Bulletin._

"Such a volume commends itself sufficiently to public favour by its t.i.tle. The importance of possessing it is apparent at a glance, since the knowledge of a single one of these facts, or new discoveries in science and the useful arts, may very possibly be worth in cash to the buyer ten times the price of the book."--_Scott's Weekly._

"The 'Year-Book of Facts' is another of Mr. Hart's excellent publications. It is a reprint from the London edition, and exhibits the most important discoveries and improvements of the year 1851, in arts, sciences, and mechanics. It is just the volume to have handy to take up when a few spare moments present themselves, which might otherwise be unimproved."--_Boston Evening Gazette._

"The 'Year-Book of Facts' is a work of established character, and American readers will feel indebted to Mr. Hart for reproducing it in a convenient and handsome form, rendering it accessible to all purchasers on this side of the water."--_N. American._

STUART'S Dictionary of Architecture.

_A Directory of Architecture, Historical, Descriptive, Topographical, Decorative, Theoretical, and Mechanical, alphabetically arranged, familiarly explained, and adapted to the comprehension of workmen_,

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