Hypolympia Part 2

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[_He into the house, followed by all the others._]


[_The terrace as before. Early morning, with warm suns.h.i.+ne. Enter_ CIRCE, _very carefully helping_ KRONOS _down the steps of the house_. RHEA _follows, leaning on a staff_. CIRCE _places_ KRONOS _in one throne, and sees_ RHEA _comfortably settled in another.

Then she sits on the ground between them, at_ RHEA'S _knees_.]


There! We are all comfortable now. How did Kronos sleep, Rhea?


He has not complained this morning. [_Raising her voice._] Did you sleep, Kronos?

KRONOS [_vaguely_].

Yes, oh yes! I always sleep. Why should I not sleep?


These new arrangements--I was afraid they might disturb you.

RHEA [_to_ CIRCE].

He notices very little. I do not think he recollects that there has been any change. Already he forgets Olympus. [_After a pause._] It is very thoughtful of you, Circe, to take so much trouble about us.


I have been anxious about you both. All the rest of us ought to be able to console ourselves, but I am afraid that you will find it very difficult to live in the new way.


Kronos will soon have forgotten that there was an old way; and as for me, Circe, I have seen so much and wandered in so many places, that one is as another to me.


Is it Zeus who has driven us forth?


Oh no! Zeus has led us. .h.i.ther. It was he who was attacked, it was against him that the rage of the enemy was directed.

KRONOS [_to himself_].

He let me stay where I was. We were not driven forth before, Rhea, were we? When I saw that it was hopeless, I did not struggle; I rose and took you by the hand....


Yes; and we went half-way down the steps of the throne together....

KRONOS [_very excitedly_].

And we bowed to Zeus....


And he walked forward as if he did not see us....


And then we came down, and I [_all his excitement falls from him_]

I cannot quite remember. Did he strike us, Rhea?


Oh! no, no! He swept straight on, and did not so much as seem to see us, and in a moment he was up in the throne, and all the G.o.ds, the new and the old, were bowing to him with acclamation.

CIRCE [_looking up at_ RHEA, _with eager sympathy_].

What did _you_ do, you poor dears?

RHEA [_after a pause_].

We did nothing.


Zeus let us stay then. Why has he driven us out now?

RHEA [_aside_].

He does not understand, Circe. It is very sweet of you to be so kind to us, but you must go back now to your young companions.

Who is here?


I think we are all here, or nearly all. I have not seen Iris, but surely all the rest are here.


Is Zeus very much disturbed? On the s.h.i.+p I heard aeolus say that it was impossible to go near him, he was so unreasonably angry.


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