In the Forbidden Land Part 46

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On small finger, a wound one-fourth of an inch long.

On third " " " "

On first " " half an inch long.

The four fingers are still very swollen.

On the right hand there are only _two_ wounds.

The first, one half-inch long, on the upper side of the hand.

The second, a quarter of an inch long on the second finger.

Both hands are aching and much swollen, and the wounds upon them were evidently produced by the heavy iron chain of the handcuffs.

On arrival at Taklakot (nineteen days after having been tortured) Mr. Landor is still suffering from strong fever caused by his wounds, and no doubt when they were fresh these must have given Mr. Landor intense pain. His health and strong const.i.tution seem altogether shattered by the sufferings he has undergone.

His face, hands and feet are very swollen, and he appears extremely weak; he himself attributed his great exhaustion to having been unable to sleep for nineteen consecutive nights on account of the bad sores on the spine and legs and because of the heavy iron chains with which he was laden.

H. WILSON, _Hospital a.s.sistant, Methodist Episcopal Mission._ GUNGI BYAS BHOT, DARMA.

N.B.--The numerous smaller wounds, burns, &c., on the face and body are not taken into account.

A copy of this report was despatched from Dr. Wilson direct to the Deputy Commissioner, and was forwarded to the Government of India.

DR. H. WILSON'S _Certificate of_ CHANDEN SING'S _injuries_.

TAKLAKOT, _Sept._ 8, 1897.

I herewith certify that I have examined Chanden Sing, Mr. A.

Henry Savage Landor's servant who accompanied him to Tibet, where they were arrested and tortured. Chanden Sing has visible to this day on both his legs, and twenty-one days after they were inflicted, innumerable black marks produced by flogging. So severely appears the punishment to have been administered, that large patches of skin and flesh have been torn off by the las.h.i.+ng. Chanden Sing is now in very poor health, and it is evident by his appearance that he suffers greatly from the tortures and ill-treatment received at the hands of the Tibetans.

H. WILSON, _Hospital a.s.sistant, Methodist Episcopal Mission._ GUNGI BYAS BHOT, DARMA.

A copy of this was sent by Dr. Wilson to the Deputy Commissioner at Almora, and was forwarded to the Government of India.

_Certificate by_ MISS M. A. SHELDON, M.D., _of the Methodist Episcopal Mission._



"All at it and always at it."--WESLEY.

_Sept._ 28, 1897.

This is to certify that I have seen the wounds inflicted upon Mr.

Landor by the Tibetans. It is now about forty days since he was bound and tortured. The wounds are healing well. The scars upon his hands caused by being bound with chains behind his back are plainly visible.

The feet show even more clearly the results of inhuman binding and torture. The wounds have not yet entirely healed, and there is much discoloration. One foot is still swollen.

I have not seen the wounds upon his spine inflicted by a torturing saddle, but he complains of much pain and soreness in that region.


_Certificate from_ DOCTOR TURCHINI, _a Director of the Royal Hospital of S.M. Nuova, Florence, Italy._


[Ill.u.s.tration: STAMP]


FIRENZE, 12 _Febbraio_, 1898.

Il sottoscritto Medico Primario Direttore del Turno e Gabinetto elettro-terapico del R Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova dichiara quanto appresso: nel mese di Dicembre appena giunto in questa Citta visit il Sig^re Henry Savage Landor e lo trovo affetto=

Da _retinite_ all' occhio sinistro con suffusione dei mezzi trasparenti, e _da grave iperemia retinica_ all' occhio destro.

La vista era _abolita_ a sinistra, _diminuita_ a destra=

La _colonna vertebrale_ era dolente, se leggermente compressa con un dito, o se appena percossa col martello da percussione il dolore si faceva intenso, acuto specialmente nelle regioni lombare e dorsale. La deambulazione non era libera ma incerta, la funzionalita degli sfinteri molto difettosa per cui difficolta della mizione e delle evacuazioni.

Presentava poi delle chiazze ecchimobili sopra-malleolari e sopra-carpiche. L'aspetto suo generale era di persona sofferente e molto anemica. Fatte le cure che il caso del Sig^re Landor reclamava, oggi 12 Febbraio notiamo; all' occhio destro risoluta la iperemia retinica, aumentato il campo visivo, occhio che serve discretamente alla sua funzione; all' occhio sinistro e molto turbata la circolazione endoculare e quivi la funzione visiva non e ristabilita; non vede gli oggetti e tutto gli fa confusione. La colonna vertebrale presenta sempre dei punti dolenti in specie al rigonfiamento sacro lombare. La deambulazione e piu corretta, ma gli sarebbe impossibile fare una pa.s.seggiata lunga. La mizione e megliorata, non cosi la defacazione che e sempre difettosa per impotenza dello sfintere.

Le condizioni generali sono megliorate, ma occorre pero al Sig^re Landor seguire la cura intrapresa, e specialmente la cura elettrica ed idroterapica.




_Visto per la legalizzazione della firma del Sig. Dott. Turchini.

Dal Municipio Firenze Lira Stamp. Li 12 Febbraio 1898.

Il Sindaco.


A. Artimini._



GARBYANG, BHOT, _November_ 13, 1897.


I hope that you have received my letter of some time ago and that you may be quite well now. Are you still at Almora? I have not yet got back your things from the Jong Pen, but I hear it is quite true that all your property reached Tokchim a long time ago. I have sent another letter to the Jong Pen, but cannot get an answer as the Lippu Pa.s.s is now closed owing to a heavy fall of snow yesterday. It is rumoured that a Tibetan officer is coming from to Taklakot to inquire after your case, and probably he may have reached Taklakot yesterday, and after examining your things he will send them down to me. Now I have nearly finished my work at this place. I have collected the dues and paid them to the agents of the Jong Pen. I will go back to Chaudas the day after to-morrow--_i.e._, on the 15th of this month.

With kind regards and hoping to hear from you soon.

I remain, Yours sincerely, KHARAK SING PAL.


HALDWANI, _January_ 11, 1898.

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