A Beautiful Mind Part 35

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41. Memorandum from J. Douglas Brown to Robert F. Goheen, 4.6.64.

42. Letter from Ernest J. Johnson to John Nash, 5.1.64.

43. Letter from J. Nash to V. Nash, 2.18.64.

44. Ibid., 3.14.64.

45. Ibid., 3.64.

46. During the spring, Nash wrote to a colleague in Europe saying that he hoped to accept a visiting position at the Inst.i.tut des Hautes etudes near Paris, arranged by Alexandre Grothendieck.

47. M. Legg, interview, 3.29.96.

48. Ibid.

49. Letter from John Nash to Martha Nash Legg, 4.64.

50. Karl Uitti, interview, 8.22.97.

51. Letter from J. Nash to V. Nash, 2.18.64.

52. Letter from John Nash to a colleague, 5.64 or 6.64.

53. Letter from John Nash to Robert Oppenheimer, 5.24.64.

54. The 1964 Summer Research Inst.i.tute on Algebraic Geometry, American Mathematical Society, Notices, October 1963; also John Tate, professor of mathematics, University of Texas, interview, 6.20.97.

55. Letter from J. Nash to V. Nash, 8.31.64.

56. Ibid.

57. John Nash, plenary lecture, op. cit.

58. Ibid.

59. Ibid.

60. Letter from John Nash to Arthur Mattuck, 11.13.71.

61. Harold Kuhn, e-mail, 5.96.

62. Letter from J. Nash to V. Nash, 8.3 1.64.

63. Postcard from John Nash to Virginia Nash, 9.2.64.

64. Jean Pierre Serre, e-mail, 2.15.96.

65. Postcard from J. Nash to V. Nash, 9.7.64.

66. Memorandum from A. W. Tucker to J. D. Brown, 9.18.64.

67. Postcard from J. Nash to V. Nash, 9.64.

68. Atle Selberg, interview, 1.23.96.

69. Letter from John Nash to John Milnor, 12.27.64.

70. Interviews with John Danskin, 10.9.96; also with William Lucas, professor of mathematics, Glaremont Graduate School, 6.27.95, and Herbert Scarf, professor of mathematics, Yale University, 8.97.

71. Danskin, interview.

72. Kuhn, interview.

73. Richard C. Palais, professor of mathematics, Brandeis University, interview, 11.6.95.

74. A. Borel, interview.

75. Palais, interview.

76. Letter from J. Nash to V. Nash, 7.29.65.

43: Solitude

1. Letter from John Nash to Martha Nash Legg, 1.16.66.

2. Martha Nash Legg, interview, 3.29.96.

3. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 7.27.65.

4. Ibid., 8.2.65.

5. John David Stier, interviews, 6.29.96 and 9.20.97.

6. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 10.31.65.

7. Ibid., 5.1.66.

8. Ibid.

9. J. D. Stier, interviews, 6.29.96 and 9.20.97. Except where noted, the facts of John David Stier's childhood are drawn from these interviews.

10. Eleanor Stier, interview, 3.25.96.

11. J. D. Stier, interview, 9.20.97.

12. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 1.16.66.

13. Ibid., 2.22.66.

14. Ibid., 2.27.66.

15. Ibid., 4.24.66.

16. Ibid., 5.8.66.

17. Letter from John Nash to Virginia Nash, 10.31.65.

18. Ibid.

19. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 11.14.65.

20. Letters from J. Nash to V. Nash, 10.31.65 and 1.16.65.

21. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 11.28.65.

22. Ibid.

23. Ibid., 1.9.66.

24. Letters from J. Nash to V. Nash, 1.16.65, and to M. Legg, 2.22.66; also Joan Berkowitz, interview, 8.28.97.

25. Palais, interview.

26. Al Vasquez, interview, 6.17.97.

27. "a.n.a.lyticity of Solutions of Implicit Function Problems with a.n.a.lytic Data," Annals of Mathematics, Annals of Mathematics, vol. 84 (1966), pp. 34555. vol. 84 (1966), pp. 34555.

28. Harold Kuhn, interview, 7.17.97.

29. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 9.19.66.

30. Egbert Brieskorn, professor of mathematics, University of Bonn, interview, 1.27.98.

31. Letters from J. Nash to M. Legg, 12.5.65 and 5.1.66.

32. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 2.27.66.

33. Letter from J. Nash to V. Nash, 1.9.66.

34. Kuhn, interview, 5.96. The paper was not rejected, according to Nash, but the editors asked for revisions that he never made.

35. Mikhail Gromov, interview, 12.15.97.

36. This point was raised by Francine M. Benes, psychiatrist, McLean Hospital, interview, 2.13.96.

37. John Nash visited Gian-Carlo Rota in New York City sometime during his first year in Boston. Rota recalled that at lunch Nash traced patterns on his plate and complained that shock treatments had caused him "to forget all my mathematics," interview, 10.29.94.

38. Richard Wyatt, personal communication, 6.97.

39. This was Max s.h.i.+ffman at Stanford University. Donald Spencer, interview, 11.29.95.

40. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 6.26.96.

41. Zipporah Levinson, interview, 11.15.96.

42. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 5.22.66.

43. Letter from John Nash to Harold Kuhn, 5.17.66.

44. Palais, interview.

45. Vasquez, interview.

46. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 9.1.66.

47. Martha Legg quoting her letter of 9.28.66 to Pattison Esmiol.

48. M. Legg, interview.

49. Letter from Pattison Esmiol to Martha Nash Legg, 10.7.66.

50. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 10.8.66.

51. M. Legg, interview.

52. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 11.66.

53. Ibid., 11.28.66.

54. Vasquez, interview.

55. Joseph Kohn, interview, 1.16.96.

56. Z. Levinson, interview, 11.15.96.

57. Richard Nash, interview, San Francisco, 1.6.96.

58. Letter from J. Nash to M. Legg, 2.67, saying that he had been in Seattle since February.

59. Postcard from John Nash to Martha Nash Legg, 3.11.67, saying that he had been in Santa Monica for about ten days and would be returning to Roanoke by March 22.

60. Jacob Bricker, interview, 5.22.97.

61. Letter from P. Esmiol to M. Legg, 4.19.67.

62. Gilbert Strand, professor of mathematics, MIT, e-mail, 6.5.97.

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