Military Instructors Manual Part 5

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BY PLATOON (2 PLATOONS, SQUADS, 4 MEN, ETC.), FROM THE RIGHT, RUSH.--Leader of rush usually platoon leader.

(1) Selects new line.

(2) Cease firing.

(3) Prepare to rush.

(4) Follow me.

(5) Commence firing.

When whole company rushes, it is led by Captain. Platoon leader lead their platoons.


Commands should be so given as to be distinctly heard by all the men who have to execute them. It is unfair to expect good execution of a slovenly command or one that cannot be heard. A sufficient interval should be allowed between the preparatory command and the command of execution, proportioned to the size of the command, so that each man has time to grasp the movement before execution is required.

School of the Battalion.

BASIS.--4 companies to a battalion.

ARRANGEMENT.--Right to left by rank of Captains. After formation order is not kept with reference to rank of Captains.

NUMBER.--From right to left in whatever direction.

CENTER.--Actual center or right center company.

BAND.--Places itself as if it were an adjoining battalion on right.

DRESSING.--Each company is dressed by its Captain who places himself on the flank toward which the dress is to be made.

In battalion line beside the guide (or beside flank file of the front rank if guide is not in line) facing front.

In column of companies--2 paces from the guide and facing down the line.

To Form the Battalion.

OTHER THAN CEREMONIES.--Column of squads. Adjutant does not take his post until companies are formed. Each Captain halts company and salutes Adjutant. Adjutant returns salutes and when last Captain has saluted, faces Major and reports "Sir, the Battalion is formed." He joins Major without command.

FOR CEREMONIES.--Or when directed, Battalion is formed in line.

Adjutant places himself 6 paces to right of right company and facing in direction line is to extend. Guides precede companies on line by 20 paces. Adjutant causes guides to cover. Companies are halted one pace in rear of line and dressed to right against arm of guide. When guides of left company have been posted, Adjutant by shortest route moves to post facing Battalion midway between post of Major and center of Battalion. Adjutant commands: 1. Guides, 2. Posts, 3. Present, 4.

Arms. He then faces about and reports, "Sir, the Battalion is formed."

Major commands, "Take your post, sir."

TO DISMISS THE BATTALION.--Dismiss your companies.

TO RECTIFY THE ALIGNMENT.--See Infantry Drill Regulations, paragraphs 273-274.

TO RECTIFY THE COLUMN.--See Infantry Drill Regulations, paragraph 275.

HELPFUL HINTS TO BEGINNERS.--These hold good with few exceptions.

When in column of squads; first command of Captain begins with word "Column."

When in column of companies; first command of Captain begins with word "Squads."


Major: _On right (left) into line._

First Captain: Squads right. (Captain marches beside right guide.)

Rear Captains: Continue to march (If halted, forward).

Major: _March_.

Rear Captains: (Upon uncovering preceding company) Squads right.

Major: _Battalion_.

First Captain: Company.

Major: _Halt_.

First Captain: Right Dress, Front.

Rear Captains: (Coming on line). Company Halt, Right Dress, Front.

Major: _Right (left) front into line._

First Captain: Column right.

Rear Captains: Column half right.

Major: _March_.

First Captain: (Halts and allows company to pa.s.s him and form column of squads to right.) Squads left, Company Halt, Left Dress, Front.

Rear Captains: When company in column of squads arrives one pace in rear of the right flank of the company that has formed in line. Column half right, March. The Captain then takes 5 paces beyond the flank of the last company in line, allows company to pa.s.s him, and as rear guide reaches him, commands: Squads left, March, Company Halt, Left Dress, Front.

Major: _Line of companies at_ (seven) paces, guide left (right).

(Close on first company from column of squads is no longer used in Battalion drill.)

First Captain: Continue to march (if halted, forward).

Rear Captains: Column half right.

Major: _March_.

Rear Captains: (When company reaches a position 7 paces to the flank of the leading company.) Column half right.

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