Military Instructors Manual Part 35

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3. Define reconnaisance.

_Ans_.--Reconnaisance is used to designate the work of troops or individuals when gathering information in the field.

It is necessary during combat for the tactical use of troops.

It is carried on by: (a) aero squadron; (b) independent cavalry; (c) divisional cavalry; (d) by infantry as reconnoitering patrols.

4. What are some indications of the presence of the enemy?

_Ans_.--Clothing or material on roads or in abandoned camps.

A thick, low cloud of dust indicates infantry.

A high, thin cloud cavalry.

A broken cloud artillery or wagon trains.

How would you determine from these indications what the number and organization of the enemy might be?

_Ans_.--Estimate strength by length of time it takes to pa.s.s a given point. a.s.suming that infantry in column of squads occupies half a yard per man, cavalry in column of fours 1 yard per trooper, and artillery in single column 20 yards per gun or caisson, a given point would be pa.s.sed in one minute by about: 175 infantry, 110 cavalry at walk, 200 cavalry at trot, 5 guns or caissons.

5. Suppose on patrol and safely concealed for sighting the enemy at no great distance, by what rough method would you ascertain the approximate strength of the force a.s.suming it to be composed of infantry, cavalry and artillery?

See answer No. 4.

6. What is the composition and arrangement of the advance guard?

_Ans_.--All arms of the service. In open country much cavalry and field artillery, the latter seldom a.s.signed to command smaller than a brigade. Also machine guns, ambulance company if the force is large and engineers for purpose of removing obstacles to the march.

Large command; advance cavalry, support, reserve.

Small command; point, advance party, support, reserve.

Strength should be 1/20 to 1/3, depending on size of command and character of terrain.

Advance guard increases in size proportionately with size of command.


7. Define: (a) Outguard; they const.i.tute small detachments farthest to the front and nearest to the enemy.

(b) Cossack post; observation group at indicated point consisting of four men, post single sentinel.

(c) Picket; small command up to platoon placed in line of outguards at more important points such as road forks.

8. What is an order?

_Ans_.--Orders are used by commanders of divisions and separate brigades for regulating the movement and supply of field trains, fixing position of distributing points for rations and forage, in short, have to do with supplies of all kinds, especially food.

Form: The heading.

The distribution of troops (in certain orders).

The body.

The ending.

The Body contains: 1. Information about the enemy and our supporting troops.

2. General plan of the commander.

3. Disposition of the troops.

4. Instructions for the trains.

5. Where the commander may be found or messages are to be sent.

9. During an advance what is the general order of advance of a column?

_Ans_.--Cavalry and horse artillery.

Infantry and light artillery.

Engineering and signal troops.


10. What is the average march per day of various arms?

_Ans_.--Infantry, 15 miles per day.

Infantry in large bodies, 12 miles per day.

Cavalry, 25 miles per day.

Field artillery, 15 to 20 miles per day.

Horse artillery, same as cavalry, to which it may be attached.

Forced marches are from 28 to 30 miles for infantry.

11. How is the escort distributed in guarded convoys?

_Ans._--Advance guard, with advance cavalry 3 to 5 miles ahead.

Main body may be opposite most important point of the train, usually opposite its center.

Section of infantry at head and tail of train.

Flank guard--if necessary.

Rear guard--1/6 of escort.

What places are most favorable for attacking convoy?

When pa.s.sing through woods, defile, or over bridge, when going around sharp bends in the road; when convoy is forming corral.

12. Discuss uses of the various arms in combat.

_Ans._--Infantry: The most important arm, charged with the main work of the battle.

Artillery: Supporting arm of infantry. Its target is the opposing arm most dangerous to the infantry.

Cavalry: Reconnaisance before combat, support of other arms during combat.

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