The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 114

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Arabic character.




Aram (Haram), Place of the.

Ararat, Mount, ascents of.

Arblasts, crossbows.

Arbre Sol, or Arbre Sec, Region of the (Khorasan), tree described--_Chinar_ or Oriental plane; various readings; _Arbre seul_, a wrong reading; Tree of the Sun legend; Christian legend of the Dry Tree; engrafted on legends of Alexander; Trees of Grace in Persia; Dry Trees in Mahomedan legend; in Rabbinical and Buddhist stories, and legends of the Wood of the Cross; Polo's _Arbre Sec_ to be sought near Damghan; Sabaean apologue; clue to the term _Arbre Sec_.

Arcali, Arculin, _see_ Erculin.

Architectural remains in Indo-China.

Ardes.h.i.+r Babekan, first Sa.s.sanian king.

Ardes.h.i.+r, last sovereign of Shabankara.


_Areng Saccharifera_.


Argaeus, Mount.


Arghun, Khan of Persia (Polo's Argon, Lord of the Levant), sends an to Kublai for a wife; is dead when she arrives; his unhappy use of the elixir vitae; advances against his uncle Ahmad; harangues his chiefs; sends Ahmad a remonstrance; is taken prisoner; released by certain chiefs; obtains sovereignty; his death; his beauty.

Argons (Arghun), half-breeds.

Arii, Ariana.

Arikbuga, Kublai's brother.


Arimaspian gold.

Ariora-Kes.h.i.+mur, meaning of _Ariora_.




Arjish (Arzizi).

Arkasun Noian.

_Arkhaiun_, applied to Oriental Christians or their Clergy.

Armenia, Greater.

Armenia (Hermenia), Lesser or Cilician.

Armenian Christians.


Armillary Zodiacal Sphere.

Armour of boiled leather, _see_ Cuirbouly.

Arms of Kerman, of the Tartars.

Arredon River.

Arrow Divination.

Arrows, Tartar.


Arts, the Seven.

Aru, c.u.maha.



Arulun Tsaghan Balghasun (Chagan-Nor).

Arya Chakravarti.

Aryavartta, the Holy Lands of Indian Buddhism.

Arzinga (Erzingan).

Arziron (Erzrum).

Arzizi (Arjish).

Asbestos, and the Salamander.

Asceticism of the Sensin, of the Jogis.

Asedin Soldan (Ghaia.s.suddin Balban, Sultan of Delhi).

Ashar (Asciar), king of Cail.

As.h.i.+s.h.i.+n, _see_

Ashod, founder of the Bagratid dynasty.


Asikan, Mongol general.


_Asper_, or _akche_ about a groat.

a.s.sai River. (As.h.i.+s.h.i.+n, Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+n), Ismailites, how the Old Man trained them; murders by; their destruction; survival and recent circ.u.mstances of the sect., in Persia, in Mongolia; in Madagascar; in Abyssinia; in Far North.

Asterius, Bishop of Amasia in Pontus.

Astrakhan (Gittarchan).


Astrology, -ers, in Tangut, of Chinghiz; at Kublai's Court; at Cambaluc; of Tibet; at Kinsay; in Maabar; in Coilum.

Astronomical instruments, ancient Chinese.

Atabegs, of Mosul, of Lur; of Fars; of Yezd; of Kerman.

Atjeh, _see_ Achin.

Atkinson's Narratives, and their credibility.

Atlas, Chinese, in Magliabecchian Library.

[Greek: Attagas] (Black Partridge).

Attalus, King.

At-Thaibi family.

Auberoche, Siege of.

Audh (Oudh).

Aufat, Ifat.

Augury, _see_ Omens.

Aung Khan (Unc Can), _see_ Prester John.


Aurora, Ibn Fozlan's account of.


'Avah, Abah, Ava, one of the cities of the Magi.

Avarian, epithet of S. Thomas.

Avebury, Lord, on _couvade_.

Avicenna's cla.s.sification of Iron.

_Avigi, 'afci (falco monta.n.u.s)_.

Axum, Inscription, Church of; Court of.

Ayas (Layas, Aiazzo, etc.), port of Cilician Armenia, Sea fight at.



Azure, Ultramarine (_lapis armenus_) Mines in Badakhshan, in Tenduc; ore.

Baba Buzurg, wors.h.i.+pped by the Lurs.

Baber, E. C, on Ch'eng-tu, on wild oxen of Tibet; Lolos; Gold River (Brius); the word Caindu; Talifu; Mekong River; Zardandan; site of battle between Kublai and king of Mien; descent of Mien.

Baboons, etymology Bab-ul-abwah, "The Gate of Gates," Pa.s.s of Derbend.

Babylon, Babylonia (Cairo or Egypt), Sultan of.

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