The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 113

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Akhaltzike (Western Georgia).

Akhtuba River.


Aksarai, or Ghori River.

Aksu River.


Aktash Valley.


Alacou, _see_ Hulaku.

_Aladja_, striped cotton cloth.

Alamut, Castle of the Ismailites.

Alan country, Alania.

Alans, or Aas, ma.s.sacre at Chang-chau of, employed under Mongols.

Alaone, the name.

Alarm Tower, at Cambaluc, at Kinsay.

_Alatcha_, cotton stuff with blue and red stripes.

Alau, _see_ Hulaku.

Ala'uddin (Alaodin), _see_ Old Man of the Mountain.

---- (Alawating of Mufali), an engineer in Kublai's service.

---- Khilji, Sultan of Delhi.

Albenigaras, Mt.

Al Biruni.

Alboquerque, _see_ D'Alboquerque.

Alchemy, Kublai's.


Alexander the Great, allusions to legends and romances about, his rampart (Iron Gate); the curtains at a banquet given by; and the _ferrum candidum_; site of his battle with Darius; his wife Roxana; kills a lion; Princes claiming descent from (Zulcarniain); his horse Bucephalus; fixes chains on Adam's Peak; said to have colonised Socotra; his tower on the border of Darkness.

Alexander III., Pope.

Alexander IV., Pope.

Alexandria, trade from India to.

_Alhinde, Alfinde, Alinde, Al-hint_.

'Ali and Aliites.


Alihaiya, Kublai's general.


Alligator, in Carajan, mode of killing; eaten; prophecy of Bhartpur about.


Almanacs, Chinese (Tacuin).


Aloes, Socotrine.

---- wood, _see_ Lign-aloes.

_Alor_, war cry.

Al-Ramni, Al-Ramin, _see_ Sumatra.

Altai (Altay) Mountains, the Khan's burial-place; used for the Khingan range.

Altun-Khan, Mountain.

---- sovereign.

Amazons, fable of.

Ambergris, how got.


Amda Zion, king of Abyssinia, his wars _v._ Mahomedans; not the king mentioned by Polo.

Ament, Rev. W.S.

_Ameri_, a kind of Brazil wood.


Amien, Mien (Burma).

Amita Buddha.

Ammia.n.u.s Marcellinus.

Amoy, harbour; languages.

_Amphora_, _Anfora_.

Amu, Aniu, _see_ Anin.

_Amuki_, devoted comrades of the king.

_Anamis_ (Minao) River.

Ananda, Kublai's grandson.


Anaurahta, king of Burma.

Ancestor Wors.h.i.+p.

Anchors, Wooden.

_Andaine_, _andena_, _andanic.u.m_, _see_ Ondanique.

Andaman (Angamanain) island, described; people; form of the word.

_Andan_, _andun_, Wotiak for steel.


Andreas, king of Abyssinia.

Andrew, Bishop of Zayton.

---- Grand Duke of Rostof and Susdal.

_Andromeda ovalifolia_, poisonous.

Angamanain, _see_ Andaman.

Angan, or Hamjam.

_'Angka_, gryphon, _see_ Ruc.

Angkor, ruins of.

Ani in Armenia.

Animal Patterns, _see_ Patterns.

Anin, province.

Annals of the Indo-Chinese States.

'An-nam, or Tong-king.

Anselmo, Friar.

_Anthropoides Virgo_, the demoiselle.


Antongil Bay, Madagascar.

Aotonomoff,, his ascent of Ararat.

_Apostoille_, word used for Pope.

Apples of Paradise (Konars).


_'Apuhota_ (Kapukada?).

Apushka (Apusca), Tartar envoy from Persia.


Arab geography.

---- colonies in Madagascar.

---- horses, early literary recognition of.

trade in, _see_ Horses.

---- merchants, in Southern India.

---- Seamen's Traditions about Java.

Arabi (Arabs).

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