Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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=Draught, Black.= See MIXTURE.
=Draught, Cam'phor.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS CAMPHORae, L. _Prep._ (Guy's Hosp.) Camphor, 6 gr.; rectified spirit, q. s. to powder; white sugar, 1 dr.; mucilage, 3 dr.; water, 1-1/2 fl. oz. Anodyne and diaph.o.r.etic, &c.
=Draught, Cas'tor Oil.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS OLEI RICINI, L. _Prep._ (Guy's Hosp.) Castor oil, 4 dr.; yelk of egg, q. s. (2 in no.); simple syrup, 1 fl. dr.; ca.s.sia or cinnamon water, 1 fl. oz. Aperient.
=Draught, Cathar'tic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS CATHARTICUS, L. The following are given as additions to those under APERIENT D., and other heads:--_Prep._ 1. (Dr Thomson.) Tartrate of, 5 dr.; tincture of senna, 1 fl. dr.; infusion of senna, 14-1/2 fl. dr.; syrup of saffron, 1/2 fl. dr.; mix. In acute diseases, taken early in the morning.
2. (Thomson.) Epsom salts and manna, of each 2 dr.; infusion of roses, 14 fl. dr.; dilute sulphuric acid, 10 drops. In inflammatory affections, and to check vomiting in low fevers.
3. (Thomson.) Carbonate of magnesia, 1 dr.; powdered rhubarb, 20 gr.; peppermint water, 12 fl. dr. In dyspepsia, attended with costiveness and acidity, taken an hour before dinner.
4. (Thomson.) Castor oil, 5 fl. dr.; powdered gum, 20 gr.; rose water, 1 fl. oz.; compound tincture of lavender, 8 drops; syrup of poppies, 1 fl.
dr. In colic and calculus. The above differ from aperient draughts simply in their greater strength.
=Draught, Chalk.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS CRETae, L. _Prep._ 1. Powdered gum, chalk, and simple syrup, of each 1 dr.; aromatic water (as that of caraway, cinnamon, nutmeg, pimento, or peppermint), 1-1/2 fl. oz.
2. CHALYBEATED C. D.; HAUSTUS CRETae ET FERRI, L.--Paris.) Chalk mixture, 7 fl. dr.; compound mixture of iron, 3 fl. dr.; sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 5 or 6 gr. In diarrha, particularly in that arising from debility and anaemia.
3. (C. D. WITH RHUBARB; HAUSTUS CRETae c.u.m RHEO, L.)--_a._ Chalk mixture (see _above_), 1-1/2 fl. oz.; powdered rhubarb, 12 gr.
_b._ (Lond. Hosp.) Powder of chalk with opium, 12 gr.; rhubarb, 15 gr.; syrup of saffron and compound tincture of cardamoms, of each 1 fl. dr.; caraway water, 10 fl. dr. In heartburn, dyspepsia, and certain forms of diarrha.
=Draught, Chlo"rine.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS CHLORINII, L. _Prep._ (Copland.) Chlorine water, 1/2 fl. dr.; water, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; mix, and add of syrup of poppies, 1/2 fl. dr. One every 6 hours; in the worst form of typhus fever, and other putrid diseases, &c.
=Draught, Cit'rate of Ammo"nia.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS AMMONIae CITRATIS, H. A.
SESQUICARBONATIS EFFERVESCENS, L. _Prep._ (Guy's Hosp.) Sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 20 gr.; water, 1 fl. oz.; dissolve, and add of lemon juice, 1/2 fl. oz. An agreeable, cooling, saline draught in febrile cases.
=Draught, Cit'rate of Potas'sa.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS POTa.s.sae CITRATIS, L.
_Prep._ From carbonate of, 24 gr. (or bicarbonate, 29 gr.); water, 1 fl. oz.; dissolve, and add of lemon juice, 5 fl. dr. As the last. 20 gr.
of citric acid may be used instead of the lemon juice.
=Draught, Col'chic.u.m.= See DRAUGHT ANTI-ARTHRITIC.
=Draught, Copai'ba.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS COPAIBae, L. _Prep._ (St. B. Hosp.) Balsam of copaiba, 1/2 fl. dr.; mucilage (thick), 4 fl. dr.; pimento water, 3 fl. dr.; water, 5 fl. dr. In gonorrha, &c.
=Draught, Cough.= See MIXTURE.
=Draught,'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS DIAPh.o.r.eTICUS, L. _Prep._ 1.
(Collier.) Infusion of serpentary, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; tincture of serpentary, 1 fl. dr. Tonic and diaph.o.r.etic.
2. (Thomson.) Sesquicarbonate of, 20 gr.; fresh lemon juice, 4 fl.
dr.; tartrate of antimony, 1/6 gr.; water, 11 fl. dr.; syrup of poppies, 1 fl. dr. Antifebrile and diaph.o.r.etic.
3. (Thomson.) Liquor of acetate of ammonia, 6 fl. dr.; camphor mixture, 10 fl. dr.; nitrate of, 10 gr.; syrup of tolu, 1/2 fl. oz. Anodyne and diaph.o.r.etic. All the above are used in inflammatory affections.
=Draught, Din'ner.= _Syn._ APPEt.i.tE DRAUGHT; HAUSTUS DICTUS ANTE CIb.u.m.
_Prep._ 1. Tinctures of cascarilla, hops, and rhubarb, of each 1 fl. dr.; spirit of sal-volatile, 1/2 fl. dr.; tincture of capsic.u.m, 20 drops; syrup of orange peel, 2 dr.; water, 1-1/2 fl. oz.
2. Compound tincture of gentian, 1/2 fl. oz.; sal-volatile, 1/2 a teaspoonful; cinnamon water, 1 fl. oz.; compound tincture of cardamoms, 1 teaspoonful. Either of the above to be taken an hour before a meal.
=Draught, Diuret'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS DIURETICUS, L. _Prep._ 1. (Collier.) Tincture of jalap, 2 fl. dr.; vinegar of squills, 1 fl. dr.; peppermint water, 10 fl. dr.; mix.
2. (Copland.) Acetate of, 1/2 dr.; infusion of qua.s.sia and cinnamon water, of each 6 fl. dr.; vinegar of squills and sweet spirits of nitre, of each 1/2 fl. dr.
3. (Thomson.) Nitre, 8 gr.; tincture of digitalis, 16 drops; infusion of roses, 13 fl. dr.; syrup of roses, 1 fl. dr.
4. (Turner.) Nitre and powdered gum, of each 15 gr.; almond mixture, 1-1/2 fl. oz. The above are used as diuretics in dropsy; the last, also in scurvy, and in the incontinence of urine of children.
=Draught, Donovan's.= _Syn._ DRAUGHT OF HYDRIODATE OF a.r.s.eNIC AND MERCURY; HAUSTUS HYDRIODATIS a.r.s.eNICI ET HYDRARGYRI, L. _Prep._ (Donovan.) Liquor of hydriodate of a.r.s.enic and mercury (Donovan's), 2 fl. dr.; distilled water, 3-1/2 fl. oz.; syrup of ginger, 1/2 fl. oz.; mix for 4 draughts.
One, night and morning; in lepra, lupus, psoriasis, and some other obstinate cutaneous affections. It must not be allowed to touch anything metallic.
=Draught, Efferves'cing.= _Prep._ (Lond. Hosp.) Sesquicarbonate of soda, 30 gr.; water, or peppermint water, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; syrup of orange peel, 2 fl. dr.; tincture of calumba, 1/2 fl. dr.; tartaric or citric acid, 25 gr.; add the acid last, and drink whilst effervescing. Stomachic, tonic, and anti-emetic; in acidity, dyspepsia, &c. (See _ante_.)
=Draught, Emet'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS EMETICUS, L. _Prep._ 1. Sulphate of zinc, 15 gr. to 30 gr.; water, 9 fl. dr.; dissolve. In cases of poisoning, and at the commencement of an attack of ague.
2. (Copland.) Ipecacuanha, 30 gr.; sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 20 gr.; tincture of capsic.u.m, 30 drops; oil of chamomile, 10 drops; mint water, 2 fl. oz. As a stimulant emetic in cases of poisoning by laudanum or other narcotics.
3. (Guy's Hosp.) Antimonial wine, 2 fl. dr.; ipecacuanha wine, 6 fl. dr.; water, 4 fl. dr. For unloading the stomach in ordinary cases.
4. (Mid. Hosp.) Tartar emetic, 1 gr.; ipecacuanha, 20 gr.; syrup, 2 fl.
dr.; water, 10 fl. dr. As the last.
5. (Dr Pickford.) Sulphate of zinc, 20 gr.; sulphate of magnesia, 4 dr.; water, 1-3/4 oz. When it is also desired to act rapidly on the bowels.
6. (Rodier.) Sulphate of copper, 10 gr.; water, 2 fl. oz. In poisoning by laudanum.
7. (Sprague.) Ipecacuanha, 30 gr.; sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 20 gr.; tincture of capsic.u.m, 1 fl. dr.; peppermint water, 3 fl. oz. In poisoning by narcotics.
8. (A. T. Thomson.) Ipecacuanha, 20 gr,; ipecacuanha wine, 2 fl. dr.; water, 10 fl. dr. For unloading the stomach, in ordinary cases.
9. (Trousseau.) Ipecacuanha, 8 gr.; syrup of ipecacuanha, 1 fl. oz.; water, q. s. for 4 draughts. One every 10 minutes, until vomiting occurs.
=Draught, E'ther.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS aeTHEREUS, L. _Prep._ (Neligan.) Sulphuric ether, 1 fl. dr.; spermaceti, 3 gr.; rub together (expertly), and add of peppermint water, 10 fl. dr. An excellent stimulant and antispasmodic, febrile symptoms being absent.
=Draught, Expec'torant.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS EXPECTORANS, L. _Prep._ 1.
(Collier.) Mixtures of ammoniac.u.m and almonds, of each 6 fl. dr.; tincture of squills, 12 drops. In hoa.r.s.eness, chronic coughs, &c.
=Draught, Hen'bane.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS HYOSCYAMI, L. _Prep._ 1. Tincture of henbane, 30 to 60 drops; syrup of saffron, 1 fl. dr.; water, 10 fl. dr.
Anodyne and soporific. Used to allay nervous excitement, and induce sleep, when laudanum is inadmissible.
2. (HENBANE AND SQUILLS D.; HAUSTUS HYOSCYAMI c.u.m SCILLa, L.--Dr Bree.) Extract of henbane, 3 gr.; tincture of squills, 10 drops; dilute nitric acid, 6 drops; water, 1-1/2 fl. oz. Anodyne and expectorant; in asthmas, chronic coughs, &c.
=Draught, Hydrocyan'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS HYDROCYANICUS, L. _Prep._ 1.
(Donovan.) Cyanide of pota.s.sium, 1 gr.; syrup of lemons, 1/2 fl. oz.; distilled water, 7-1/2 fl. oz. For 8 draughts. One for a dose.
2. (Dr S. d.i.c.kson.) Medicinal Hydrocyanic acid (L.), 15 drops; liquor of ammonia, 20 drops; syrup of orange flowers (or simple syrup), 3 fl. dr.; water, 8-1/2 fl. oz.; mix, and divide into 6 draughts. One--2 or 3 times a day; in gastrodynia, and all those nameless nervous and hysterical affections arising from excessive irritability, mental anxiety, &c. In a case that came under our notice, in which life was an absolute burden to the patient, relief was afforded by the first draught, and 4 or 5 effected a comparative cure, although almost every other remedy had been tried in vain.
=Draught, Laennec's.= _Syn._ LAENNEC'S CONTRA-STIMULANT DRAUGHT; HAUSTUS CONTRASTIMULANS, L. _Prep._ From tartar emetic, 2 grs.; syrup of poppies, 2 fl. drs.; orange-flower water, 1-1/2 fl. oz. Every two hours in pneumonia, &c.