Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 186

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=Draught, Abernethy's.= See ABERNETHY MEDICINES and MIXTURE.

=Draught, Ace'tate of Ammo"nia.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS AMMONIae ACETATIS, L.

_Prep._ 1. (St. B. Hosp.) Solution of acetate of ammonia, 4 fl. dr.; water to make 1-1/2 fl. oz.

2. (Dr Paris.) Camphor mixture, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; liquor of acetate of ammonia, 4 fl. dr.; antimonial wine, 20 drops; mix. As a refrigerant and diaph.o.r.etic in febrile affections; taken late in the evening.

=Draught, Ac'etate of Potas'sa.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS POTa.s.sae ACETATIS, L.

_Prep._ (Mid. Hosp.) Acetate of, 30 gr.; bicarbonate of, 20 gr.; peppermint water, 1 fl. oz. Diuretic, antacid, and laxative.

=Draught, Ammoni'acal.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS AMMONIACALIS, H. AMMONIae, L.

_Prep._ (Brande.) Liquor of ammonia, 20 to 30 drops; compound tincture of cardamoms and tincture of gentian, of each 1/2 fl. dr.; campho-mixture, 1-1/2 fl. oz. An aromatic absorbent and stomachic; in heartburn, acidity, low spirits, &c.

=Draught, An'odyne.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANODYNUS, L. _Prep._ 1. Tincture of opium, 15 drops; pimento water and syrup of poppies, of each 2 dr.; water, 1 fl. oz.

2. (Copland.) Nitre, 6 gr.; laudanum, 12 drops; compound spirit of ether, 1 fl. dr.; syrup of poppies, 2 fl. dr.; camphor mixture, 9 fl. dr.

3. (Ellis.) Tincture of opium, 15 to 25 drops; syrup of poppies, 2 fl.

dr.; spirit of cinnamon, 1 fl. dr.; distilled water, 1-1/2 fl. oz.

4. As the above, but subst.i.tuting a like quant.i.ty of solution of either acetate or hydrochlorate of morphia in lieu of the laudanum. All the above are given as soothing draughts to allay pain and produce sleep, especially the last thing at night. No. 4 is to be preferred if there are febrile symptoms present.

=Draught, Antac'id.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTACIDUS, L. _Prep._ 1. Bicarbonate of soda, 20 gr.; tincture of calumba, 3 fl. dr.; tincture of hops, 1 fl.

dr.; syrup of orange peel, 2 fl. dr.; water, 6 fl. dr. To improve the appet.i.te in heartburn and dyspepsia; taken 1 hour before a meal.

2. Liquor of ammonia, 16 drops; syrup of saffron, 2 fl. dr.; infusion of gentian, 3 fl. dr.; water, 7 fl. dr. As the last, taken occasionally, especially in debility, low spirits, &c.

3. (Collier.) Compound tincture of cardamoms, 1 fl. dr.; solution of bicarbonate of magnesia (fluid magnesia), 9 fl. dr.; simple syrup, 2 fl.

dr. Twice a day; in dyspepsia, heartburn, &c., especially in gouty patients.

4. (A. T. Thomson.) Magnesia, 1 dr.; peppermint water, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; tincture of orange peel, 1 fl. dr. In dyspepsia, &c., with acidity or diarrha.

5. As No. 1, but using bicarbonate of for bicarbonate of soda. In acidity, diarrha, &c., accompanied by great irritability of the coats of the stomach.

6. Prepared chalk, 30 gr.; spirit of nutmeg and tincture of opium, of each 12 to 20 drops; syrup of saffron, 3 dr.; cinnamon water, 1 fl. oz. In acidity, with extreme looseness of the bowels.

=Draught, Anti-arthrit'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTI-ARTHRITICUS, L. _Prep._ 1.

Tincture of colchic.u.m seeds (L.), 1/2 fl. dr.; syrup of orange peel, 2-1/2 fl. dr.; water, 1 fl. oz. In gout; taken over-night, followed by another in the morning.

2. (Brande.) Wine of colchic.u.m, 1/2 fl. dr.; carbonate of magnesia, 15 gr.; cinnamon water, 1/2 fl. oz.; water, 1 fl. oz. As the last.

3. (Sir C. Scudamore.) Magnesia, 18 gr.; Epsom salts, 1-1/2 dr.; vinegar of colchic.u.m, 1 fl. dr.; simple syrup, 1 fl. dr.; cinnamon water, 9 fl.

dr. As the last.

4. (Sir H. Halford's GOUT PREVENTIVE.) Compound infusion of gentian, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; tincture of rhubarb, 1 fl. dr.; bicarbonate of, 15 gr.

=Draught, Anti-asthmat'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTI-ASTHMATICUS, L. _Prep._ Vinegar of squills, 1/2 fl. dr.; ipecacuanha wine, 15 drops; cinnamon water, 1-1/2 fl. oz. Expectorant. One to be taken three times daily during the attack.

=Draught, Anti-emet'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTI-EMETICUS, L. _Prep._ 1. Juice of 1 lemon; liquor opii sedativus, 10 drops (or laudanum, 15 drops); ether, 20 drops; simple syrup, 2 dr.; water, q. s.

2. (HAUSTUS ANTI-EMETICUS RIVERII,--P. C.) Bicarbonate of, 30 gr.; lemon juice, 4 dr.; syrup of lemon, 1 oz.; water, 3 oz.; mix quickly, and tie down the cork. To check nausea and vomiting. This is best given effervescing.

=Draught, Anti-hyster'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTI-HYSTERICUS, L. _Prep._ Cyanide of pota.s.sium, 1 gr.; lettuce water (distilled), 2 fl. oz.; syrup of orange flowers, 1-1/2 oz.; water, 5-1/2 fl. oz.; for 6 draughts. One to be taken when the fit is expected, and a second in half an hour. Should the fit come on, the dose may be repeated at intervals of about 15 minutes until 3 or 4 have been altogether administered. The symptoms, however intense, are generally either at once arrested, or greatly alleviated by this treatment.

=Draught, Antilith'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTI-LITHICUS, L. _Prep._ 1.

(Venables.) Borax, 8 gr.; bicarbonate of soda, 10 gr.; aerated water, 8 fl. oz. For a draught; in red gravel.

2. (Dr Paris.) Carbonate of soda, 12 gr.; tincture of calumba, 1 fl. dr.; infusion of qua.s.sia, 1 fl. oz.; water, 3 fl. dr. In dyspepsia and gravel, attended with the lithic-acid diathesis.

=Draught, Anti-neural'gic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTI-NEURALGICUS, H. NARCOTINae, L. _Prep._ (Jeston.) Narcotine, 2 gr.; diluted sulphuric acid, 20 drops; infusion of roses, 1-1/2 fl. oz. One every 2 hours in the intermissions of neuralgia.

=Draught, Antisep'tic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTISEPTICUS, L. _Prep._ (Dr Collier.) Decoction of yellow bark, 1 fl. oz.; tincture of opium, 5 drops; spirit of pimento and water, of each 2 fl. dr. In putrid fevers, gangrene, &c.

=Draught, Antispasmod'ic.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ANTISPASMODICUS, L. _Prep._ 1.

(Dr Collier.) Tincture of castor, 1 fl. dr.; sulphuric ether, 10 drops; peppermint water, 11 fl. dr.; mix. In hysteria, and that species of irregular muscular action dependent on debility.

2. (Dr Gregory.) Fetid spirit of ammonia, 1/2 to 1 fl. dr.; camphor mixture, 10 fl. dr.; syrup of saffron, 1 fl. dr. In cases complicated with low spirits, debility, &c.

3. (A. T. Thomson.) Musk mixture, 14 fl. dr.; liquor of ammonia, 16 drops; tincture of castor, 1 fl. dr.; syrup of poppies, 1/2 fl. dr.; mix. Three or four times daily, in hysteria and convulsive affections, after the bowels have been well cleared by some aperient.

4. (A. T. Thomson.) Oil of aniseed, 10 drops; magnesia, 20 gr.; tincture of senna, 2 fl. dr.; peppermint water, 10 fl. dr.; mix. In flatulence and spasms of the stomach.

=Draught, Ape"rient.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS APERIENS, L. _Prep._ 1. (Paris.) Infusion of senna, 1 fl. oz.; tincture of senna, tincture of jalap, and syrup of senna, of each 1 fl. dr.; tartrate of, 1 dr.; mix.

2. (Ryan.) Epsom salts, 4 dr.; tincture of senna, 1-1/2 fl. dr.; syrup of ginger, 1 fl. dr.; spirit of sal-volatile, 20 drops; infusion of senna, 1-1/2 fl. oz.

3. (Thomson.) Tartrate of, 3 dr.; tincture of senna and syrup of saffron, of each 1 dr.; infusion of senna, 1-1/2 oz. The above are good aperients, and in their composition and action resemble the ordinary "black draught."

4. (EFFERVESCING A. D.)--_a._ (Dr Barker.) Bisulphate of, 73 grs.; carbonate of soda, 72 gr.; water, q. s.; dissolve the two in separate, mix the solutions, and drink whilst effervescing, in the same way as soda water.

_b._ (W. Cooley.) Bicarbonate of soda, 1 dr.; pota.s.sio-tartrate of soda, 2 drs.; dissolve in about 1-3rd of a gla.s.sful of cold water; and pour it on another like quant.i.ty of water, holding in solution tartaric acid, 40 grs., and syrup of orange peel, 1-1/2 fl. dr.; and drink it instantly.

_c._ (Paris.) Pota.s.sio-tartrate of soda, 2 dr.; bicarbonate of soda, 40 grs.; dissolve, and add lemon juice, 1 or 2 tablespoonfuls.

_d._ (Young.) Cream of tartar, 3 dr.; carbonate of soda, 2-1/2 dr.; throw them into a soda-water bottle three parts filled with cold water, cork immediately, and wire down the cork. The last three are examples of FACt.i.tIOUS EFFERVESCING SEIDLITZ WATER, and are good saline aperients. The method of taking them may be varied by mixing the dry ingredients (in fine powder) on a piece of paper, and throwing the mixture suddenly into a tumbler 2-3rds filled with water, and drinking the liquid whilst effervescing. See CATHARTIC D. (_below._)

=Draught, Ap'pet.i.te.= See DRAUGHT, DINNER.

=Draught, Aromat'ic.= _Syn._ AROMATIC ANTACID, DRAUGHT; HAUSTUS AROMATICUS, L. _Prep._ 1. Aromatic confection, 1 dr.; spirit of sal-volatile, 1/2 dr.; syrup of saffron, 2 drs.; pimento water, 9 fl. dr.

Excellent in dyspepsia, with acidity, and in diarrha, preceded by an aperient.

2. (H. AROM. c.u.m RHEO.--St. B. Hosp.) Aromatic confection, 1 dr.; infusion of rhubarb and cinnamon water, of each, 6 fl. dr. In diarrha and dyspepsia, especially when there is acidity and deficiency of bile.

=Draught, Astrin"gent.= _Syn._ HAUSTUS ASTRINGENS, L. _Prep._ 1. Tannin, 3 gr.; rectified spirit, 1 fl. dr.; simple syrup, 2 fl. dr.; water, 6 fl.


2. (Dr Paris.) Chalk mixture, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; tincture of catechu, 1 fl.

dr.; laudanum, 15 drops.

3. (Thomson.) Extract of logwood, 12 gr.; tincture of catechu, 1 fl. dr.; cinnamon water, 15 fl. dr. The above are excellent remedies in diarrha (preceded by a purgative), and in dysentery, &c. One may be taken after each motion.

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