The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 174

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OZaeNA. Described on page 474.


PALLIATIVE. A remedy or treatment which relieves, but does not cure.

PAPILLA, PAPILLAE. Small, nipple-shaped prominences found on the tongue, the skin, etc.

PARAPLEGIA. Paralysis affecting the upper or lower extremities of the body

PARASITES. Animals which live in the bodies of other animals; as the tape-worm itch insect, etc.

PARENCHYMA. The texture of an organ; as the liver, kidneys, etc.

PAROTID GLANDS. These are situated under the ear, just at the angle of the lower jaw, and secrete saliva.

PAROXYSMS. The periodical attack, fit or aggravation in the course of a disease.

PARTURIENT. Bringing forth or having recently brought forth.

PARTURITION. Labor; the delivery of the foetus.

PASTILES. Small medicated lozenges.

PATHOGNOMONIC. A _characteristic_ symptom of a disease.

PATHOLOGY. That part of the Science of Medicine the object of which is the knowledge of disease.

PEDICLE. The stalk or narrow part of a tumor by which it is attached and supported.

PELVIC. Belonging to and relating to the pelvis.

PELVIS. The lower part of the abdomen or trunk, composed of bone, containing the genital and urinary organs; supports the backbone and is supported by the legs.

p.e.n.i.s. The male organ of generation. Illus. page 207.

PEPSIN. The digestive solvent secreted by the stomach.

PEPTIC. Pertaining to the stomach.

PERCUSSION. Striking the surface and by the sound produced judging of the condition of the internal organs.

PERICARDITIS. Described on page 548.

PERICARDIUM. The membranous sac enclosing the heart.

PERINEAL SECTION. An operation by division of the perineum.

PERINEUM. The s.p.a.ce bounded by the end of the spine, s.e.xual organs and the bony prominences on which one sits.

PERIOSTIUM. The membranous covering to all bones.

PERISTALTIC MOTION. A worm-like movement of the bowels by which the food is moved forward.

PERITONEUM. The membrane (serous) which lines the abdominal cavities and surrounds the intestines.

PERITONITIS. Inflammation of serous membrane lining abdominal and pelvic cavities.

PESSARIES, PESSARY. An instrument for holding the womb in its place.

PESTILENCE. A malignant, spreading disease. A plague.

PHAGADENIC. That which corrodes or eats away rapidly.

PHARMACEUTICAL. Anything belonging to pharmacy.

PHARYNX. The cavity back of the mouth and palate through which the air when breathing and the food when swallowing.

PHIMOSIS. Elongated prepuce

PHLEGMONOUS. Affecting the cellular membrane. The common boil is an example.

PHOSPHATE. A substance containing phosphorus.

PHOSPHATES, EARTHY. The white deposit in urine composed of phosphoric acid and a base.

PHTHISIC. Consumption. By some the word is used for Asthma, or difficulty in breathing.

PHTHISIS. Consumption. See p. 497.

PHYSIOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The branch of medicine that defines the organs of the body and their particular actions.

PHYSIOLOGY. The science which treats of the phenomena and functions of animal life.

PIA MATER. The internal vascular membrane covering the brain.

PIMPLES ON THE FACE. Defined on page 443.

PLACENTA. Afterbirth.

PLAGUE. A malignant epidemic; begins in Asia Minor.

PLETHORA, PLETHORIC. Full of blood; maybe general or confined to a part.

PLEURA. Defined on page 64.

PLEURODYNIA. Spasmodic or rheumatic pain in the chest muscles.

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