The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 133

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_Gentlemen_--I am a carpenter and some years ago, I fell from a scaffold which in time almost killed me. I wasn't hurt very much at the time, but a dull aching pain seemed to take me in the left side of the s.c.r.o.t.u.m, and after I could stand it no longer, I went to my doctor. He said that I had a rupture of the blood veins of the left t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e, and it was incurable. I gave up in despair; but at last, a friend handed me some of your advertising papers, and I saw the Common Sense Medical Adviser advertised and sent for the book and studied its contents carefully, and came to the conclusion that I was suffering from varicocele. I found on consulting you that my suspicions were right. I at once wrote you for particulars, and in less than a week I was at the Invalids' Hotel for treatment. At that time no one knows how I suffered; but I hadn't long to suffer. In ten days after _an entirely painless operation_ I was a well man and returned home.

I cannot say too much in regard to the treatment and care from both Surgeons and Nurses. Nothing was left undone to promote comfort and good care. It is the only place on earth that I would feel safe to trust my life for a severe operation. There were, I think, over 100 patients at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, at the time I was there, and as I had a good chance to be with them, I found that they were all doing remarkably well.

At the date of my operation which was the 7th of March, 1893, I weighed just 165 pounds; to-day I weigh 189. I have gained in health, strength and vigor every day, I believe.

I would just say, in conclusion, that I can give my word as an honest man to any sufferer that I believe he can be cured of almost any chronic malady at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute.

Respectfully yours, F.H. JENKINS, (Box 13), Ascot Corner, Sherbrooke Co., P.Q., Canada.



[Ill.u.s.tration: R.C. Martin, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--Having been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute. Buffalo, N.Y., for the radical cure of a varicocele of the left side from which I had suffered for four years, I take pleasure in certifying to the speedy and certain relief afforded me, and the painless nature of the operation, as performed by the surgeons of the World's Dispensary Medical a.s.sociation. Fourteen days from the time of the operation I returned home cured, and went to work. I desire to express my thanks to the Medical Staff for their skill and attention. I met several patients while at the Sanitarium, and they all reported as getting along favorably and well. Respectfully,

R.C. MARTIN, Gambril, Scott Co., Iowa.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Chas. Dove, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I can heartily say that the operation was a great success.

I had rupture of the veins, or Varicocele, ten years. I never thought that I could be cured so easily. The operation was entirely painless, and I was only nine days away from home. I am now as well as ever and I recommend the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute to any one who is suffering from any chronic disease. Yours,

CHARLES DOVE, 33 John St., Wilkes Barre, Pa.



[Ill.u.s.tration: J.F. Singrey, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I was successfully treated for varicocele at the Invalids'

Hotel. The operation was made painless by local application, previously applied, which made the parts insensible, and I returned home the ninth day. While there I met with patients from all parts of the country, and all spoke in the highest terms of the treatment received from the surgeons and nurses and all connected with the Inst.i.tution.

Yours respectfully, J.F. SINGREY, Maryville, Nodaway Co., Mo.



[Ill.u.s.tration: H.P. SMITH, ESQ.]

_Gentlemen_--I feel very thankful to the a.s.sociation for the benefit received--due to an operation performed for the cure of a varicocele of many years' standing. All traces of the disease have disappeared. I was surprised to know that so little pain was connected with the operation.

Will say to those who think of visiting the Invalids' Hotel, that they will be treated well, and their visit will be made as pleasant as possible during their stay.

Yours respectfully, HENRY P. SMITH, Warren, Huntington Co., Ind.



[Ill.u.s.tration: G.R. Southern, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--Having been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, Buffalo, N.Y., for varicocele of ten years'

standing, I take pleasure in certifying to a speedy and perfect cure.

The operation was made painless by local applications previously applied, which made the parts insensible to such a degree that the operation was performed without any suffering on my part. Time of stay, after operation, was ten days. I cannot speak too highly of the care and attention I received from the surgeons and nurses while there; everything that was provided was of the best--the best of food, clean apartments and pleasant rooms.

I would recommend your Inst.i.tution to any one suffering from any kind of chronic or surgical disease; and if they will only go to your Inst.i.tution, they will meet with patients cured and others on the way to recovery from the same difficulty they have themselves--no matter what it is, if curable at all. I wish you success,

Yours truly, GEORGE R. SOUTHERN, Morris, Otsego Co., N.Y.



[Ill.u.s.tration: B.T. Stone, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--It is with pleasure that I certify to the success of the operation performed upon me for varicocele at your Inst.i.tution some months ago. This operation was performed by one of your specialists in a skillful and painless manner.

I found the Invalids' Hotel just what it is represented to be, and all patients who were there were well satisfied with the treatment.

I was not confined to bed at all after the operation, and was able to leave at the end of ten days in an excellent condition.

I am unable to express the great relief which your treatment has given me and I cannot say too much in praise of your Inst.i.tution.

I take great pleasure in recommending you whenever I get a chance, and cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. With kindest regards,

I am sincerely yours, B.T. STONE, Fellowsville, Preston Co., W. Va.



[Ill.u.s.tration: C.W. Kelly, Esq.]

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