The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 132

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By the injection of a few drops of a medicated solution under the skin, at the point where the incision is to be made, we are now able to produce such complete local anaesthesia as to render the operation _entirely painless_ without the administration of either chloroform or ether. This is an important consideration, as many are averse to taking chloroform or ether, and now that we are possessed of an agent that produces, locally, _complete insensibility to pain_, we are very glad to be able to dispense with their use in all such minor operations. Many examinations heretofore very painful, as of the bladder for stone, and of the deep urethra for strictures, are now rendered _entirely painless_ by the use of this wonderful agent.

A great variety of surgical operations are now performed by our surgeon specialists, without any suffering on the part of our patients, by the local use of an anaesthetic solution injected into the parts to be operated upon. Formerly we were obliged either to administer chloroform or ether, or subject our patients to a great deal of suffering. Our specialists were among the first surgeons in this country to employ local anaesthesia successfully. We regard it as a great boon to our patients, and never withhold it in any case where it can be employed to prevent suffering, its use being attended with no danger and followed by no bad or disagreeable results.


Having operated with unvarying success, during the past twenty-five years, upon several thousand cases of varicocele, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, we now invite special attention to the results of our peculiar operation, which is neither severe nor dangerous, and from which the patient makes a much more rapid, and in every respect more satisfactory, recovery than from other operations in use by surgeons generally. In our practice we have never failed to secure the happiest results from our operation. The saving of time is also of importance to the laboring man as well as to the millionaire. Instead of being confined to his bed for ten to twenty days, and to his room for a month or more, as is the case following other operations, the patient is not confined to bed at all, and can generally return home in a week or ten days at the longest. The only precaution necessary is that he should, for a reasonable time after the operation, wear a well-fitting suspensory bandage. This can, in a little time, be entirely dispensed with. When we contrast these results with those obtained from ligation, graduated pressure by "clamps," suture pins, or the slicing off of a part of the s.c.r.o.t.u.m, and suturing, or st.i.tching, the wide gaping wound so caused, as is practiced to-day by other surgeons, the marked superiority of the results obtained, through our superior method of operating on this affection, must be apparent.

A very large part of those cured by our treatment have previously spent far more money for worthless "electric suspensories," "equable scrotal compressors," "scrotal clamps," various "rings," and other "jim cracks,"

than was paid us _for a radical and permanent cure_. Some of these instruments are so formidable as to suggest the racks and thumbscrews of the middle ages. Such useless appliances often weaken the scrotal muscles by the unnatural compression which they produce and make the discomfort far worse when they are discontinued than before their use.

For such cases as cannot come to us at once for an immediate and _perfect cure_, we have a common sense method of treatment, comparatively inexpensive, that gives relief and comfort in all cases, and in mild cases often effects a complete cure. This treatment leaves the s.c.r.o.t.u.m and its contents in an improved, strengthened and more healthful state.


If the following letters had been written by your nearest, most respected and trustworthy neighbors, they could not be ent.i.tled to more confidence than they now are, coming, as they do, from intelligent citizens, each one of whom, in his own neighborhood, enjoys the full confidence of all his acquaintances. These letters are taken at random from among hundreds of similar ones, received from former patients of ours, residing in all parts of the United States and Canada, and if it would add anything to the endors.e.m.e.nt in the way of giving greater confidence in our ability to treat successfully the malady under consideration, we could multiply the letters which we here introduce many times over. To publish more, however, would seem to be tedious repet.i.tion, for there necessarily must be a sameness in all such letters testifying to our skill, and we must, therefore, be content to rest our case with the limited number of endors.e.m.e.nts which we have room for only in this volume.




[Ill.u.s.tration: A.J. Seth, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I suffered with varicocele at the age of nine years, caused by a fall, and doctored for same about fifteen years, and obtained no relief. Renowned surgeons of Pittsburgh, New York, and other cities p.r.o.nounced my case incurable.

I heard of the Invalids' Hotel, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y., and entered it as a last resource. On the third day after entering the Inst.i.tution I was treated, and during the operation (which was a painless one), I smoked a cigar and talked with the operating surgeons, feeling _no pain whatever_. I remained in the Hotel one week, and during that time I never once was unable to walk to the elevator and have my meals in the dining room. The tables were laden with the best the country can produce. It is truly "The Invalids' Hotel" (or rather _home_), as the clerks and nurses are very kind, attentive and social.

Will add, that I am permanently cured, and advise any person thus afflicted not to hesitate entering the Invalids' Hotel for treatment.

Respectfully, A.J. SETH, Lucinda, Clarion Co., Penna.


Fair View, Sanpete Co., Utah.


[Ill.u.s.tration: W.F. Petts, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I feel it my duty to thank you for the benefit I received at your Inst.i.tution during the month of December, 1892.

I was afflicted with varicocele on the left side, which caused me a great deal of trouble and almost made me feel at times that I did not want to live any longer if I could not be restored to soundness again.

Hearing of your skill in the treatment of varicocele I determined to give you a trial, which I accordingly did, and with gratifying results for now I am as sound and well as a gold dollar.

The operation which was performed on me at your Inst.i.tution for the permanent cure of varicocele was, to my great surprise, entirely painless and performed in a much briefer time than I expected. I only remained at your n.o.ble Inst.i.tution ten days after the operation, at the end of which time I returned to my home at Chatham Hill, Smyth Co., Va.

When I got home I experienced very little soreness from the operation and I felt that I could enjoy life fully. About six months after, I got married and came to Utah where I now reside, and I am very much pleased to say that I am now as sound and well as ever, and very happy in my married state.

When I went to your Inst.i.tution I was surprised to see such a great number of young men from almost every State in the Union, who had come there to be operated upon for varicocele; and they all told me that the operation was painless to them, as it also was to me, and they said they were fast improving and were glad they had come there for treatment. I never experienced such great and unprecedented kindness as I did during the ten days I was at the "Invalids' Hotel." I had an excellent room--well furnished, plenty to eat, and was treated with the kindness of a mother by the nurses and attending physician.

I advise all who are afflicted with varicocele to go to your Inst.i.tution at once for an operation, which I a.s.sure them they will never regret.

Trusting that those who require an operation of any kind, or who are afflicted in any way, may go to your Inst.i.tution and be restored to health, and again thanking you for my restoration to health and YOUR great kindness and good treatment of me while I was with you, I remain,

Yours very truly, William F. Petts

P.S.--My sister's life was saved by your "Favorite Prescription," W.F.P.



[Ill.u.s.tration: A. Ebsary, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--It is with great pleasure I recommend those suffering from varicocele to your skillful hands. I suffered with varicocele for seven years, caused by standing behind the counter at business from seven in the morning until ten and twelve o'clock at night.

In 1888 a friend gave me a copy of your Common Sense Medical Adviser.

After perusing its pages I was convinced of the genuineness of its doctrine. I immediately started for Buffalo--a distance of 1,900 miles.

During my stay of ten days at your Inst.i.tution I was treated with the utmost kindness by the nurses and surgeons, all of whom are expert specialists.

The equipment of the Inst.i.tution is something immense. I often think of the appet.i.te those healthy exercises in the treatment room gave me when dinner time came.

After being in the Inst.i.tution three days I underwent an operation for varicocele--an injection of medicine locally making the operation _absolutely free from pain_. The operation was performed in about thirty minutes, immediately after which I could walk to my room, and, after resting an hour, descended to the dining room and took my dinner as usual.

While at the Inst.i.tution I met numerous persons suffering from varicocele, and it was quite pleasing to contrast their happy looks as they wished you "goodbye" with the haggard appearance they had upon entering.

After leaving the Inst.i.tution I traveled about 1,400 miles by rail and 500 miles by water without the least inconvenience, which I consider a fair test of the operation.

Five years have pa.s.sed since that time, and I now feel as sound as it is possible to feel.

In conclusion, let me say to those suffering from varicocele that it is impossible for them to do better than follow my example.

Respectfully yours, ARTHUR EBSARY, (Care of Hon. Jas. Baird.) Water Street, St. John's, Newfoundland.



[Ill.u.s.tration: F.H. Jenkins, Esq.]

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