The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 112

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. M.E.E. Prichard.]

_Gentlemen_--It was four years ago that I applied to you for treatment.

My family physician did me no good. When I began your treatment I was nearly bed-fast; my life was a misery to me. I have taken eight bottles of your medicine and it has cured me. If I could tell the whole world of your medicine I would do it. If any woman undergoing the "change of life" will take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and his "Favorite Prescription," according to directions, they will cure her. When I began taking them I could scarcely do anything and now I can do all my housework and pick two hundred pounds of cotton a day.

Yours truly, MRS. M.E.E. PRICHARD, Thornton, Limestone Co., Texas.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Robertson.]

_Gentlemen_--For twenty years, I suffered with womb disease and most of the time I was in constant pain which rendered life a great burden. I cannot express what I suffered. I had eight doctors and all the medicine I had from them failed--the one after the other.

I was nervous, cold hands, feet, palpitation, headache, backache, constipation, leucorrhoea and no appet.i.te, with bearing down pains. I got so weak I could not walk around. I had to keep my bed, thinking I would never get any better.

One day my husband got one of your little books and read it to me. He said there was nothing doing me any good. I said I would try Dr.

Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I did try it. After the first few weeks my appet.i.te was better; I was able to sit up in bed. I wrote to the World's Dispensary Medical a.s.sociation, at Buffalo, N.Y., and described my case; they sent me a book on woman's diseases. I read carefully and followed the directions as near as I could, and took the medicine for two years, With the blessing of G.o.d and your medicines I am entirely cured. That was three years ago:

Yours most respectfully, MRS. ALEX. ROBERTSON, Half Rock, Mercer Co., Mo.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Parker.]

_Gentlemen_--I was married in April, 1893. Soon after I discovered that I was a sufferer from a very painful condition of the v.a.g.i.n.a and from irregular menstruation. In fact the latter was true from its first appearance. I consulted our family physician but he gave me no relief.

At last I applied to Dr. Pierce for aid: he advised me to take his "Favorite Prescription," which I did faithfully. I bought seven bottles of it and one of the "Golden Medical Discovery." After I had taken two bottles of the "Favorite Prescription," my menses began to be more regular and I was also relieved of the other diseases. Before I began taking the medicine, I felt great la.s.situde and weakness at times, but I now feel quite strong.

I can confidently recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to any one suffering as I did.

Yours truly, MRS. MARIA L. PARKER, Aten, Cedar Co., Neb.


DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.: New London, Union Co., Ark.

_Dear Sir_--Some five or six years ago I had a bad cough and got so low with it that I could not sit up long at a time. We called our family physician, and he said I had consumption. All our neighbors thought so too. I had pains through my chest and spit up blood. I commenced with your "Golden Medical Discovery" and had only taken it two or three days when I felt like a different person. I took four bottles of the medicine and it cured my cough. Have not been bothered since, until a short time ago I took cold and commenced to cough again; I got a bottle of the "Discovery" and it relieved me at once. I think it is the best medicine in the world. It saved my life. I don't think any one would die of consumption if they would take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I recommend it to all my friends, and tell them what it did for me. Yours respectfully,

Mittie Gray



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Jones.]

_Gentlemen_--I have used your "Favorite Prescription" and must acknowledge to you and the public also, the benefits I received from the use of a half dozen bottles of it. My condition was pitiful before I was persuaded to use it. I had leucorrhea, no appet.i.te, cold feet, weakness, fainting spells, melancholy. I felt that I would soon leave my children motherless. I fell off in flesh to a pitiful looking object. My friends around said I must be consumptive. My family doctor gave me nearly all kinds of blood medicine for over a year--all kinds of tonics to build up flesh, but nothing seemed to benefit me.

Last September--one year ago, I began using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, being convinced that my disease was female weakness. I had only used it three days when I began to feel better and, after using three bottles accompanied by the "Discovery," I felt as though I was well, and continued its use until I had used half a dozen bottles for fear of a relapse.

Was a living picture of surprise to my friends. They had all expected my death. I have given birth two months ago to a baby and no return of my old disease. I hope that all females, dragging about with pain and weakness, dyspepsia, melancholy feelings, restlessness at night, and not feeling like getting up in the morning, may commence the use of Dr.

Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and be well again. Yours respectfully,

MRS. ANNIE H. JONES, No. 316 Effingham Street, Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Vt.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Monroe.]

_Gentlemen_--I had been ailing for a year or more, being troubled with "Female Weakness" and leucorrhoea, when I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs, and I had a very severe attack of asthma, which was so bad that for three weeks I could not lie down in bed at all. I had a terrible cough, in fact, every one thought I had consumption and nothing gave me relief until I took your medicines, using two bottles of "Favorite Prescription" and two of "Golden Medical Discovery." They cured me and I have had no return of the dreadful cough since, and that has been two years now and I have had good health ever since.

I am in possession of a copy of the Common Sense Medical Adviser, which I would not part with for anything.

Respectfully yours, MRS. S.A. MONROE, 315 S. Regester Street, Baltimore, Md.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Chapel.]

_Gentlemen_--I have been troubled with falling of the womb for years, and was hardly able to drag around. The doctors said I had ovarian tumors and leucorrhea; the treatment they gave me only produced temporary relief. I grew worse with leucorrhea all the time until I chanced to see your remedies.

I consulted you; you p.r.o.nounced my trouble leucorrhea, and advised Dr.

Pierce's Favorite Prescription. You sent me some prescriptions to have filled here, which I used with great success. I am entirely free from my old trouble--leucorrhea. I only used three bottles of "Favorite Prescription."

I could not thank you enough for the cure. When I commenced with your remedies I weighed one hundred and nine pounds; I now weigh one hundred and forty-six.

Respectfully, MRS. MATTIE L. CHAPEL, Dawson, Hopkins County, Ky.



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