The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 111

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I got one of your Memorandum Books; I read it carefully, and I was hoping all this time for some relief--I hoped all the time for relief.

My husband decided to write to you--ask your advice, believing you could give me relief; though I felt ashamed to tell a gentleman, a doctor I never saw, those things concerning my afflictions; but I was suffering terribly. I hoped for relief and I found it. I am happy to tell you I am well. I was spared to be cured by your good advice and good medicine and to spread your fame.

When I received the book you sent me and a letter telling me what to take, and what it would do for me, I was very feeble; I had just got up from one of those bad spells--so weak that I could not sit up for more than an hour at a time. My husband went and got the medicine and a syringe. I began its use, as you advised, and took the medicine as you directed; I have taken your medicine seven months; the first month my improvement was slow; I began to have strength; my pain began to banish; my appet.i.te began to come; I commenced to sleep sound and the bloating began to go down; the pain in my head was gone; palpitation of the heart, also the misery in my back disappeared; the pain in my womb began to banish; the first time the monthly flow appeared, it was controlled--it was regulated--it went so light with me that I could go all the time without a cane. I have not had one spell to confine me to bed in seven months; I have done all the cooking for my family all the year; the pain in my stomach disappeared; the yellow discharge also--the bearing down banished. I have no pain, no aches, no bad feelings. I feel better to day, than I have in ten years. I now enjoy life, enjoy my family, enjoy my friends. I enjoy the pleasure of telling my friends who cured me, and what medicine it was that cured me; he should have the honor. It is Dr. Pierce!

I was at death's door when I began to take his medicine, and followed his advice. It was his "Favorite Prescription," "Golden Medical Discovery" and the "Pleasant Pellets" that cured me. I also used the lotion, or wash advised, with a syringe.

Now, I wish you to accept my best wishes, and hearty thanks for what you have done for me.

Last winter I gave my sick friends the pamphlets which were around the bottles of medicine; some of them are going to take it; it gives great satisfaction here; I will take no other myself; it will come the nearest to raising the dead of any medicine I ever saw in my life; it saved my life, when four doctors gave me up to die. My G.o.d bless you in your work, as He has done in my case.

Yours truly, MRS. MARY SMITH, Oakfuskee, Cleburne Co., Ala.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs Clark.]

_Gentlemen_--I suffered terribly with leucorrhea, my monthlies would nearly always send me to bed; I would lose from two to four quarts of blood. I had womb trouble pretty bad and my bladder would trouble me nearly all the time, by continually wanting to urinate, with smarting, burning pains. My husband got me a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took nineteen bottles and now feel very well indeed.

Your friend, MRS. LULU CLARK, No. 208 West 3d Street, Sioux City, Ia.

Mr. Homer Clark, the husband, writes: "My wife was troubled with leucorrhea and female weakness, and ulcers of the womb. She has been doctoring with every doctor of any good reputation, and has spent lots of money in hospitals, but to no purpose. She continued to get worse.

She was greatly prejudiced against patent medicines, but as a last resort we tried a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. We had seen some of your advertis.e.m.e.nts, and Mr. c.u.mmings, a west-side druggist, advised us to try a bottle. We tried it with the following results: The first bottle did her so much good that we bought another, and have continued until she has been cured."



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Camfield.]

_Gentlemen_--I deem it my duty to express my deep, heart-felt grat.i.tude to you for having been the means, under Providence, of restoring me to health, for I have been by spells unable to walk. My troubles were of the womb--inflammatory and bearing down sensations and the doctors all said they could not cure me.

Twelve bottles of Dr. Pierce's wonderful Favorite Prescription has cured me.

Yours, MRS. FRANK CAMFIELD, East d.i.c.kinson, Franklin Co., N.Y.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Duncan.]

_Gentlemen_--I believe I owe my life to Doctor Pierce's remedies. Six or seven years ago, my health began to gradually fail; some of my friends as well as myself thought I was going into consumption. I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, "Golden Medical Discovery" and his "Pellets," and was greatly benefited; took half a dozen bottles at that time, did not take any more for several years, when I began to go down again. I was married November, 1889. The next September had a miscarriage. The summer following my health was very bad; I then got one dozen bottles and took as directed. My health was much improved and am now the proud mother of a healthy boy 22 months old. My health is now much better than I thought it ever would be.

Yours truly, MRS. ALICE V. DUNCAN, Rees Tannery, Mineral Co., W. Va.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. White.]

_Gentlemen_ I am forty-eight years old, and have had four children.

Three years ago the doctor said I had womb trouble, which was accompanied with backache and a tired and miserable feeling all over; left side hurt me very much, and could not lie on that side, and the doctor said it came from affection of the spleen; had a great deal of headache; was costive, and suffered terribly from erysipelas; it nearly set me crazy, so great was the burning and itching; sometimes experienced severe burning in the stomach. I took twelve bottles of your medicines, six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and the same amount of his "Favorite Prescription." was using them for about six months, and can say that they did their work well. I have ever since felt like another person, and do not think I can say enough in their praise. I have no more weakness, and all evidence or erysipelas has disappeared.

Respectfully yours, MRS. SARAH E. WHITE, Kennon, Belmont Co., O.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Givens.]

_Gentlemen_--Having suffered for years with what my doctor called "Falling of the Womb" I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The effect has been simply marvelous; a single bottle relieved me of all pain and enabled me to sleep at night, which I had not been able to do for a long time. For three months I have not had any return of the complaint above named. I feel as well as I ever did. I shall heartily recommend "Favorite Prescription" to all afflicted as I was. Yours truly,


Leesburg, Harrison Co., Ky.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Martin.]

MRS. J.A.MARTIN, of _Cleburne, Texas_, had not had good health since the birth of her child, eight years before; had a headache with burning and throbbing sensations; and a hurting in her stomach; there was a dead aching and gnawing or drawing of the stomach as she described it; sharp pain in the stomach extending to her right breast and shoulder. Weighed in health 135 pounds, but was reduced to 95 pounds; was weak; could scarcely walk at all, was sick at stomach a great deal; when her monthly sickness came on had much pain and the sickness of the stomach remained until menstruation stopped. She writes:


_Gentlemen_--"I have taken about six bottles of your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Favorite Prescription,' and am glad to say that I feel better and stouter than I have felt in a long time. I can work all day now and not be tired at night. My head don't trouble me now. When I commenced the use of the medicine I weighed 89 pounds, and to-day I weigh 98 pounds. I feel better than I have for months."



[Ill.u.s.tration: H.M. Detels and Wife. ]

_Gentlemen_--In regard to your medicines I will say that they are always in the house. I shall never forget those nights when I was down with pneumonia. Had it not been for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I would not be a well man to-day. One bottle stopped the cough and night sweats.

My wife was troubled with leucorrhea so bad that we did not know what to do until Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was brought into the house and gave her rest.

Yours truly, H.M. DETELS, Travor, Tulare Co., Cal.

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