The New-York Weekly Magazine, or Miscellaneous Repository Part 201

The New-York Weekly Magazine, or Miscellaneous Repository -

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expired three days after presenting her spouse [after,]

The young farmer, now duke of Medina Celi [Medina,]

patterns of every virtue than can do honour [error for that can]

the inhabitants of the castle could be no other beings [text has "could me"]

that taketh at pleasure the soul of man [taketh,]

using the ma.n.u.scripts to line the covers of his books. [missing .]

No. 58

(Continued from page 36.) [close parenthesis missing]

equal in value to 27,364,368,033,632 [text has final , after number]

[Meteorological Observations]

8. 1. 6. 8. 1. 6.

[from this issue through no. 66, text has "1. 8. 6." for the second set of numbers]

To fate the vengeance of offended heaven? [error for face?]

Are these fell bees to you?" and smil'd; [missing close quote after "you"]

[printer's notice missing from this issue]

No. 59

so basely abusing that through confidence of ours?

[error for thorough?] [text has "cofindence"]

in my next letter, &c. &c. &c." [missing close quote]

[Victim of Magical Delusion]

[cypher shown as printed; text in this area uses round "s"]

Cinan Cuffutus [error for Ceffutus]

Menas and Menacrates, [error for Menecrates]

ELIPHALET BARNUM, to Miss PBE c.o.c.k, [error for Phbe?]

To fate the vengeance of offended heaven? [error for face?]

No. 60

may I not now know what has occasioned this grief?"

[missing close quote]

scarce a berry or mushroom can escape him. [, for .]

[Meteorological Observations]

[Aug. 16] clear, lt. wind, do. do. [text has "wiud"]

To-morrow of dismay. [. missing]

No. 61

which the wonders he has done evinces. [evinces..]

from the first time she saw him. [text has "the the"]

without the apprehension of being interrupted."

[missing close quote]


the merits whereof, consist in beautiful descriptions [error for consisting?]

THE COURT OF LOVE. [, for .]

a magic charm by which he rules with secret power every heart?"

[close quote conjectural]

before my enraptured eyes.

[text has "en-/enraptured" at column break]

How ever, there was one idea [printed in two words as shown]

I shall see Amelia, and be happy!' [double for single quote]

After many courtisies and circ.u.mlocutions [text has "courisies"]

the aperture of the vessel [text has "vesel"]

And blest to know, that high enroll'd in fame, [. for ,]

No. 62

the sun has withdrawn his radiance, yet the gloom [error for gleam]

but invites him to view and to admire. [. invisible]

a term of which he could not know the meaning. [, for .]


[missing t.i.tle supplied from Index]

"Your _tutor_ I mean. Come, make haste!" [haste?"]

neither too fond of prosperity, nor too much afraid of adversity [text has "to much"]

[Meteorological Observations]

[the figure 71 in the 100 column for Sept. 1 is probably an error]

Greatest monthly range between the 12th and 29th and 31 [text has "rage"; this error is repeated in three consecutive months]

between the 12th and 29th and 31 [apparent error for "... the 29th and 31"]

30 and 30 [apparent error for "30 and 31"]

26 Do. the wind was light at 8 1 and 6 o'clock.

[text has "26 Do. to the wind was light at at 8 1 and 6 o'clock."]

The 29th at 1 P.M. the mercury was one degree higher [mercury,]

No. 63

with my then sensations [error for With?]

Ho ammazanta solamente una donna [non-standard Italian, but correct for this dialect]

_The Academicians are to think much, write little, and, if possible, speak less._ [second s in "less" invisible]

endeavoured to make them comprehend that a supernumerary [text has "supernumary"]

ON IMAGINATION. [item repeated on page 164, no. 73]

A preconceived contempt of all occult sciences [text has "pre conceived"]

No. 64

"It is a gloomy night," said Amelia, going to the window, [last , missing]

The Baroness, seemed delighted with my astonishment [error for seeming?]

No. 65

absorbs and concentres all our faculties upon one sole object!

[error for concentrates?]

What voice is that I hear calling on Juliet's name?" [. for ?]

uneasiness and curiosity did not suffer her to close her eyes.

[text has "curi-/sity" at line break]

she confessed at last that I was not mistaken."

[single for double quote]

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