The Century Vocabulary Builder Part 37

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Recover, regain, retrieve, recoup, rally, recuperate.

Reflect, deliberate, ponder, muse, meditate, ruminate.

Relate, recount, recite, narrate, tell.

Replace, supersede, supplant, succeed.

Repulsive, unsightly, loathsome, hideous, grewsome.

Requital, retaliation, reprisal, revenge, vengeance, retribution.

Responsible, answerable, accountable, amenable, liable.

Reveal, disclose, divulge, manifest, show, betray.

Reverence, veneration, awe, adoration, wors.h.i.+p.

Ridicule, deride, mock, taunt, flout, twit, tease.

Ripe, mature, mellow.

Rise, arise, mount, ascend.

Rogue, knave, rascal, miscreant, scamp, sharper, villain.

Round, circular, rotund, spherical, globular, orbicular.

Rub, polish, burnish, furbish, scour.

Sad, grave, sober, moody, doleful, downcast, dreary, woeful, somber, unhappy, woebegone, mournful, depressed, despondent, gloomy, melancholy, heavy-spirited, sorrowful, dismal, dejected, disconsolate, miserable, lugubrious.

Satiate, sate, surfeit, cloy, glut, gorge.

Scoff, jeer, gibe, fleer, sneer, mock, taunt.

Secret, covert, surrept.i.tious, furtive, clandestine, underhand, stealthy.

Seep, ooze, infiltrate, percolate, transude, exude.

Sell, barter, vend, trade.

Shape, form, figure, outline, conformation, configuration, contour, profile.

Share, partake, partic.i.p.ate, divide.

Sharp, keen, acute, cutting, trenchant, incisive.

Sh.o.r.e, coast, littoral, beach, strand, bank.

Shorten, abridge, abbreviate, curtail, truncate, syncopate.

Show (noun), display, ostentation, parade, pomp, splurge.

Show, exhibit, display, expose, manifest, evince.

Shrink, flinch, wince, blench, quail.

Shun, avoid, eschew.

Shy, bashful, diffident, modest, coy, timid, shrinking.

Sign, omen, auspice, portent, prognostic, augury, foretoken, adumbration, presage, indication.

Simple, innocent, artless, unsophisticated, naive.

Skilful, skilled, expert, adept, apt, proficient, adroit, dexterous, deft, clever, ingenious.

Skin, hide, pelt, fell.

Sleepy, drowsy, slumberous, somnolent, sluggish, torpid, dull, lethargic.

Slovenly, slatternly, dowdy, frowsy, blowzy.

Sly, crafty, cunning, subtle, wily, artful, politic, designing.

Smile, smirk, grin.

Solitary, lonely, lone, lonesome, desolate, deserted, uninhabited.

Sour, acid, tart, acrid, acidulous, acetose, acerbitous, astringent.

Speech, discourse, oration, address, sermon, declamation, dissertation, exhortation, disquisition, harangue, diatribe, tirade, screed, philippic, invective, rhapsody, plea.

Spruce, natty, dapper, smart, chic.

Stale, musty, frowzy, mildewed, fetid, rancid, rank.

Steep, precipitous, abrupt.

Stingy, close, miserly, n.i.g.g.ardly, parsimonious, penurious, sordid, Storm, tempest, whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, cyclone, typhoon Straight, perpendicular, vertical, plumb, erect, upright.

Strange, singular, peculiar, odd, queer, quaint, outlandish.

Strong, stout, robust, st.u.r.dy, stalwart, powerful.

Stupid, dull, obtuse, stolid, doltish, sluggish, brainless, bovine.

Succeed, prosper, thrive, flourish, triumph.

Succession, sequence, series.

Supernatural, preternatural, superhuman, miraculous.

Suppose, surmise, conjecture, presume, imagine, fancy, guess, think, believe.

Surprise, astonish, amaze, astound.

Swearing, cursing, profanity, blasphemy, execration, imprecation.

Teach, instruct, educate, train, discipline, drill, inculcate, instil, indoctrinate.

Thoughtful, contemplative, meditative, reflective, pensive, wistful.

Tire, weary, fatigue, exhaust, jade, f.a.g.

Tool, implement, instrument, utensil.

Trifle, dally, dawdle, potter.

Try, endeavor, essay, attempt.

Trust, confidence, reliance, a.s.surance, faith.

Turn, revolve, rotate, spin, whirl, gyrate.

Ugly, homely, uncomely, hideous.

Unwilling, reluctant, disinclined, loath, averse.

Watchful, vigilant, alert.

Wave (noun), billow, breaker, swell, ripple, undulation.

Wave (verb), brandish, flourish, flaunt, wigwag.

Weariness, languor, la.s.situde, enervation, exhaustion.

Wearisome, tiresome, irksome, tedious, humdrum.

Wet (adjective), humid, moist, damp, dank, sodden, soggy.

Wet (verb), moisten, dampen, soak, imbrue, saturate, drench Whim, caprice, vagary, fancy, freak, whimsey, crotchet.

Wind, breeze, gust, blast, flaw, gale, squall, flurry.

Wind, coil, twist, twine, wreathe.

Winding, tortuous, serpentine, sinuous, meandering.

Wonderful, marvelous, phenomenal, miraculous.

Workman, laborer, artisan, artificer, mechanic, craftsman.

Write, inscribe, scribble, scrawl, scratch.

Yearn, long, hanker, pine, crave.


Write three synonyms for each of the following words. Discriminate the three, and embody each of them in a sentence.

Accomplish Conduct (noun) Humble Scream Agree Conspicuous Indifferent Shrewd Anger Cringe Misfortune Shudder Attempt Difficult Obey Skill Big Disconnect Object (noun) Soft Brute Erratic Object (verb) Splash Business Flash Obligation Success Careless Fragrant Occupied Sweet Climb Gain Oppose Trick Collect Generous Persist Wash Commanding Grim Revise Wors.h.i.+p Compel Groan Room


Supply eight or ten intervening words between each of the following pairs.

Arrange the intervening words in an ascending scale.

Dark, bright Wet, dry Savage, civilized Beautiful, ugly Friend, enemy Hope, despair Wise, foolish Love, hate Enormous, minute Admirable, abominable Curse, bless Pride, humility

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About The Century Vocabulary Builder Part 37 novel

You're reading The Century Vocabulary Builder by Author(s): Joseph M. Bachelor and Garland Greever. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 641 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.