The Brain in Love Part 14

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I am grateful to many people who have been instrumental in this book, especially all of the patients and professionals who have taught me so much about how the brain relates to our s.e.xuality. The staff at Amen Clinics, Inc. has been of help and tremendous support during this process, especially Krystle Johnson and Niccole Miller. Catherine Miller provided inspiration and helpful critiques for the book and served as an amazing muse during some challenging times in this process; I am deeply grateful for her love and support. Nancy Benzel, PA-C, also provided love and support in the process and gave input on the hormonal issues discussed in the book. And I have deep grat.i.tude to Drs. Douglas Kahn and Curtis Rouanzoin for their technical advice, especially on the "Use Your Brain Before You Give Away Your Heart" chapter, and for their care and concern for my own heart. Earl Henslin, Sheri Gantman, Leonti Thompson, Emily McGrath, Mark Laaser, Larry Momaya, Aisa Greene, Chris Hanks, Mary Knight, Jeff Smith, Mark Kosins, Barbara Wilson, Nancy Erickson, Dennis Alters, Steven Rudolph, CarolAnne Stockton, Cynthia Graff, David Bennett, Rosemary Jackson, and Tana Gebelin were instrumental in discussing the concepts in the book and reviewing the ma.n.u.script, as were my friends Chris Amen and Lucinda Tilley.

I also wish to thank my wonderful, fun, and loving literary team at Harmony Books, especially Shaye Areheart and Julia Pastore. I am ever grateful to my literary agent, Faith Hamlin, who is a constant source of strength, support, love, honesty, and encouragement.


DANIEL G. AMEN, MD, is a clinical neuroscientist, a psychiatrist, an author, and the CEO and medical director of Amen Clinics, Inc., in Newport Beach and Fairfield, California; Tacoma, Was.h.i.+ngton; and Reston, Virginia. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric a.s.sociation and a.s.sistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine. Dr. Amen lectures to thousands of mental health professionals, judges, and lay audiences each year. His clinics have the world's largest database of brain images related to behavior.

Dr. Amen did his psychiatric training at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. He has won writing and research awards from the American Psychiatric a.s.sociation, the United States Army, and the Baltimore-DC Inst.i.tute for Psychoa.n.a.lysis. Dr. Amen has been published around the world. He is the author of numerous professional and popular articles, twenty-two books, and a number of audio and video programs. His books have been translated into fourteen languages and include Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, a New York Times best seller; Healing ADD, Healing the Hardware of the Soul, Healing Anxiety and Depression (with Dr. Lisa Routh), Preventing Alzheimer's (with Dr. William R. Shankle), Making a Good Brain Great, which was chosen as one of the best books in 2005 by and which also won the prestigious Earphones Award for the audiobook, and Magnificant Mind at Any Age, a New York Times bestseller. Dr. Amen, together with the United Paramount Network and Leeza Gibbons, helped produce "The Truth About Drinking," a show on alcohol education for teenagers that won an Emmy Award for the Best Educational Television Show.

In addition, Dr. Amen has appeared on the Today show, The View, The Early Show, 48 Hours, CNN, HBO, and many other television and radio programs. Dr. Amen writes a monthly column for Men's Health Magazine t.i.tled "Head Check."


Amen Clinics, Inc. were established in 1989 by Daniel G. Amen, MD. They specialize in innovative diagnosis and treatment planning for a wide variety of behavioral, learning, and emotional problems for children, teenagers, and adults. The Clinics have an international reputation for evaluating brain-behavior problems, such as of attention deficit disorder (ADD), depression, anxiety, school failure, brain trauma, obsessive-compulsive disorders, aggressiveness, cognitive decline, and brain toxicity due to drugs or alcohol. Brain-SPECT imaging is performed in the Clinics. Amen Clinics, Inc. have the world's largest database of brain scans for behavioral problems in the world. The Clinics welcome referrals from physicians, psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, drug and alcohol counselors, and individual clients.

Amen Clinics, Inc., Newport Beach

4019 Westerly Place, Suite 100

Newport Beach, CA 92660

(949) 266-3700.

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