Encyclopaedia Britannica Volume 2, Slice 2 Part 21

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The name was subsequently borne by the kings of Commagene (69 B.C.-A.D.

72), whose house was affiliated to the Seleucid.

ANTIOCHUS I. of Commagene, who without sufficient reason has been identified with the Seleucid Antiochus XIII. Asiaticus, made peace on advantageous terms with Pompey in 64 B.C. Subsequently he fought on Pompey's side in the Civil War, and later still repelled an attack on Samosata by Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony.) He died before 31 B.C. and was succeeded by one Mithradates I. This Mithradates was succeeded by an

ANTIOCHUS II., who was executed by Augustus in 29 B.C. After another Mithradates we know of an ANTIOCHUS III., on whose death in A.D. 17 Commagene became a Roman province. In 38 his son ANTIOCHUS IV. EPIPHANES was made king by Caligula, who deposed him almost immediately. Restored by Claudius in 41, he reigned until 72 as an ally of Rome against Parthia. In that year he was deposed on suspicion of treason and retired to Rome. Several of his coins are extant.

On all the above see "Antiochos" in Pauly-Wissowa's _Realencyclopadie der cla.s.sischen Altertumswissenschaft_, i. part ii. (1894).

ANTIOCHUS OF ASCALON (1st century B.C.), Greek philosopher. His philosophy consisted in an attempt to reconcile the doctrines of his teachers Philo of Larissa and Mnesarchus the Stoic. Against the scepticism of the former, he held that the intellect has in itself a sufficient test of truth; against Mnesarchus, that happiness, though its main factor is virtue, depends also on outward circ.u.mstances. This electicism is known as the Fifth Academy (see ACADEMY, GREEK). His writings are lost, and we are indebted for information to Cicero (_Acad.

Pr._ ii. 43), who studied under him at Athens, and s.e.xtus Empiricus (_Pyrrh. hyp._ i. 235). Antiochus lectured also in Rome and Alexandria.

See R. Hoyer, _De Antiocho Ascalonita_ (Bonn, 1883).

ANTIOCHUS OF SYRACUSE, Greek historian, flourished about 420 B.C.

Nothing is known of his life, but his works, of which only fragments remain, enjoyed a high reputation. He wrote a _History of Sicily_ from the earliest times to 424, which was used by Thucydides, and the _Colonizing of Italy_, frequently referred to by Strabo and Dionysius of Halicarna.s.sus.

Muller, _Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum_, i.; Wolfflin, _Antiochos von Syrakus_, 1872.

ANTIOPE. (1) In Greek legend, the mother of Amphion and Zethus, and, according to Homer (_Od_. xi. 260), a daughter of the Boeotian river-G.o.d Asopus. In later poems she is called the daughter of Nycteus or Lycurgus. Her beauty attracted Zeus, who, a.s.suming the form of a satyr, took her by force (Apollodorus iii. 5). After this she was carried off by Epopeus, king of Sicyon, who would not give her up till compelled by her uncle Lycus. On the way home she gave birth, in the neighbourhood of Eleutherae on Mount Cithaeron, to the twins Amphion and Zethus, of whom Amphion was the son of the G.o.d, and Zethus the son of Epopeus. Both were left to be brought up by herdsmen. At Thebes Antiope now suffered from the persecution of Dirce, the wife of Lycus, but at last escaped towards Eleutherae, and there found shelter, unknowingly, in the house where her two sons were living as herdsmen. Here she was discovered by Dirce, who ordered the two young men to tie her to the horns of a wild bull. They were about to obey, when the old herdsman, who had brought them up, revealed his secret, and they carried out the punishment on Dirce instead (Hyginus, _Fab._ 8). For this, it is said, Dionysus, to whose wors.h.i.+p Dirce had been devoted, visited Antiope with madness, which caused her to wander restlessly all over Greece till she was cured, and married by Phocus of t.i.thorca, on Mount Parna.s.sus, where both were buried in one grave (Pausanias ix. 17, x. 32).

(2) A second Antiope, daughter of Ares, and sister of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons, was the wife of Theseus. There are various accounts of the manner in which Theseus became possessed of her, and of her subsequent fortunes. Either she gave herself up to him out of love, when with Heracles he captured Themiscyra, the seat of the Amazons, or she fell to his lot as a captive (Diodorus iv. 16). Or again, Theseus himself invaded the dominion of the Amazons and carried her off, the consequence of which was a counter-invasion of Attica by the Amazons.

After four months of war peace was made, and Antiope left with Theseus as a peace-offering. According to another account, she had joined the Amazons against him because he had been untrue to her in desiring to marry Phaedra. She is said to have been killed by another Amazon, Molpadia, a rival in her affection for Theseus. Elsewhere it was believed that he had himself killed her, and fulfilled an oracle to that effect (Hyginus, _Fab_. 241). By Theseus she had a son, the well-known Hippolytus (Plutarch, _Theseus_).

ANTIOQUIA, an interior department of the republic of Colombia, lying S.

of Bolivar, W. of the Magdalena river, and E. of Cauca. Area, 22,870 sq.

m.; pop. (est. 1899) 464,887. The greater part of its territory lies between the Magdalena and Cauca rivers and includes the northern end of the Central Cordillera. The country is covered with valuable forests, and its mineral wealth renders it one of the most important mining regions of the republic. The capital, Medellin (est. pop. 53,000 in 1902), is a thriving mining centre, 4822 ft. above sea-level, and 125 m.

from Puerto Berrio on the Magdalena. Other important towns are Manizales (18,000) in the extreme south, the commercial centre of a rich gold and grazing region; Antioquia, the old capital, on the Cauca; and Puerto Berrio on the Magdalena, from which a railway has been started to the capital.

ANTIPAROS (anc. _Oliaros_), an island of the kingdom of Greece, in the modern eparchy of Naxos, separated by a strait (about 1 m. wide at the narrowest point) from the west coast of Pares. It is 7 m. long by 3 broad, and contains about 700 inhabitants, most of whom live in Kastro, a village on the north coast, and are employed in agriculture and fis.h.i.+ng. Formerly piracy was common. The only remarkable feature in the island is a stalact.i.te cavern on the south coast, which is reached by a narrow pa.s.sage broken by two steep and dangerous descents which are accomplished by the aid of rope-ladders. The grotto itself, which is about 150 ft. by 100, and 50 ft. high (not all can be seen from any part, and probably some portions are still unexplored), shows many remarkable examples of stalact.i.te formations and incrustations of dazzling brilliance. It is not mentioned by ancient writers; the first western traveller to visit it was the marquis de Nointel (amba.s.sador of Louis XIV. to the Porte) who descended it with a numerous suite and held high ma.s.s there on Christmas day 1673. There is, however, in the entrance of the cavern an inscription recording the names of visitors in ancient times.

See J.P. de Tournefort, _Relation d'un voyage au Levant_ (1717); English edition, 1718, vol. i. p. 146, and guide-books to Greece.

ANTIPATER (398?-319 B.C.), Macedonian general, and regent of Macedonia during Alexander's Eastern expedition (334-323). He had previously (346) been sent as amba.s.sador by Philip to Athens and negotiated peace after the battle of Chaeroneia (338). About 332 he set out against the rebellious tribes of Thrace; but before this insurrection was quelled, the Spartan king Agis had risen against Macedonia. Having settled affairs in Thrace as well as he could, Antipater hastened to the south, and in a battle near Megalopolis (331) gained a complete victory over the insurgents (Diodorus xvii. 62). His regency was greatly troubled by the ambition of Olympias, mother of Alexander, and he was nominally superseded by Craterus. But, on the death of Alexander in 323, he was, by the first part.i.tion of the empire, left in command of Macedonia, and in the Lamian War, at the battle of Crannon (322), crushed the Greeks who had attempted to re-a.s.sert their independence. Later in the same year he and Craterus were engaged in a war against the Aetolians, when the news arrived from Asia which induced Antipater to conclude peace with them; for Antigonus reported that Perdiccas contemplated making himself sole master of the empire. Antipater and Craterus accordingly prepared for war against Perdiccas, and allied themselves with Ptolemy, the governor of Egypt. Antipater crossed over into Asia in 321; and while still in Syria, he received information that Perdiccas had been murdered by his own soldiers. Craterus fell in battle against Eumenes (Diodorus xviii. 25-39). Antipater, now sole regent, made several new regulations, and having quelled a mutiny of his troops and commissioned Antigonus to continue the war against Eumenes and the other partisans of Perdiccas, returned to Macedonia, where he arrived in 320 (Justin xiii.

6). Soon after he was seized by an illness which terminated his active career, 319. Pa.s.sing over his son Ca.s.sander, he appointed the aged Polyperchon regent, a measure which gave rise to much confusion and ill-feeling (Diodorus xvii., xviii).

ANTIPHANES, the most important writer of the Middle Attic comedy with the exception of Alexis, lived from about 408 to 334 B.C. He was apparently a foreigner who settled in Athens, where he began to write about 387. He was extremely prolific: more than 200 of the 365 (or 260) comedies attributed to him are known to us from the t.i.tles and considerable fragments preserved in Athenaeus. They chiefly deal with matters connected with the table, but contain many striking sentiments.

Fragments in Koch, _Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta_, ii. (1884); see also Clinton, _Philological Museum_, i. (1832); Meineke, _Historia Critica Comicorum Graecorum_ (1839).

ANTIPHILUS, a Greek painter, of the age of Alexander. He worked for Philip of Macedon and Ptolemy I. of Egypt. Thus he was a contemporary of Apelles, whose rival he is said to have been, but he seems to have worked in quite another style. Quintilian speaks of his facility: the descriptions of his works which have come down to us show that he excelled in light and shade, in genre representations, and in caricature.

See Brunn, _Geschichte der griechischen Kunstler_, ii. p. 249.

ANTIPHON, of Rhamnus in Attica, the earliest of the "ten" Attic orators, was born in 480 B.C. He took an active part in political affairs at Athens, and, as a zealous supporter of the oligarchical party, was largely responsible for the establishment of the Four Hundred in 411 (see THERAMENES); on the restoration of the democracy he was accused of treason and condemned to death. Thucydides (viii. 68) expresses a very high opinion of him. Antiphon may be regarded as the founder of political oratory, but he never addressed the people himself except on the occasion of his trial. Fragments of his speech then delivered in defence of his policy (called [Greek: Peri metastaseos]) have been edited by J. Nicole (1907) from an Egyptian papyrus. His chief business was that of a professional speech-writer ([Greek: logographos]), for those who felt incompetent to conduct their own cases--as all disputants were obliged to do--without expert a.s.sistance. Fifteen of Antiphon's speeches are extant: twelve are mere school exercises on fict.i.tious cases, divided into tetralogies, each consisting of two speeches for prosecution and defence--accusation, defence, reply, counter-reply; three refer to actual legal processes. All deal with cases of homicide ([Greek: phonikai dikai]). Antiphon is also said to have composed a [Greek: Techne] or art of Rhetoric.

Edition, with commentary, by Maetzner (1838); text by Bla.s.s (1881); Jebb, _Attic Orators_; Plutarch, _Vitae X. Oratorum_; Philostratus, _Vit. Sophistarum_, i. 15; van Cleef, _Index Antiphonteus_, Ithaca, N.Y. (1895); see also RHETORIC.

ANTIPHONY (Gr. [Greek: anti], and [Greek: phone], a voice), a species of psalmody in which the choir or congregation, being divided into two parts, sing alternately. The peculiar structure of the Hebrew psalms renders it probable that the antiphonal method originated in the service of the ancient Jewish Church. According to the historian Socrates, its introduction into Christian wors.h.i.+p was due to Ignatius (died 115 A.D.), who in a vision had seen the angels singing in alternate choirs. In the Latin Church it was not practised until more than two centuries later, when it was introduced by Ambrose, bishop of Milan, who compiled an antiphonary, or collection of words suitable for antiphonal singing. The antiphonary still in use in the Roman Catholic Church was compiled by Gregory the Great (590 A.D.).

ANTIPODES (Gr. [Greek: anti], opposed to, and [Greek: podes], feet), a term applied strictly to any two peoples or places on opposite sides of the earth, so situated that a line drawn from the one to the other through the centre of the globe and forms a true diameter. Any two places having this relation--as London and, approximately, Antipodes Island, near New Zealand--must be distant from each other by 180 of longitude, and the one must be as many degrees to the north of the equator as the other is to the south, in other words, the lat.i.tudes are numerically equal, but one is _north_ and the other _south_. Noon at the one place is midnight at the other, the longest day corresponds to the shortest, and mid-winter is contemporaneous with midsummer. In the calculation of days and nights, midnight on the one side may be regarded as corresponding to the noon either of the _previous_ or of the _following_ day. If a voyager sail eastward, and thus antic.i.p.ate the sun, his dating will be twelve hours in advance, while the reckoning of another who has been sailing westward will be as much in arrear. There will thus be a difference of twenty-four hours between the two when they meet. To avoid the confusion of dates which would thus arise, it is necessary to determine a meridian at which dates should be brought into agreement, i.e. a line the crossing of which would involve the changing of the name of the day either forwards, when proceeding westwards, or backwards, when proceeding eastwards. Mariners have generally adopted the meridian 180 from Greenwich, situated in the Pacific Ocean, as a convenient line for co-ordinating dates. The so-called "International Date Line," which is, however, practically only due to American initiative, is designed to remove certain objections to the meridian of 180 W., the most important of which is that groups of islands lying about this meridian differ in date by a day although only a few miles apart. Several forms have been suggested; these generally agree in retaining the meridian of 180 in the mid Pacific, with a bend in the north in order to make the Aleutian Islands and Alaska of the same time as America, and also in the south so as to bring certain of the South Sea islands into line with Australia and New Zealand.

ANTIPYRINE (phenyldimethyl pyrazolone) (C11H12N2O), is prepared by the condensation of phenylhydrazine with aceto-acetic ester, the resulting phenyl methyl pyrazolone being heated with methyl iodide and methyl alcohol to 100-110 C.:

CH3C=N CH3C-NCH3 >NC6H5 -> >NC6H5 CH2-CO / HC-CO Phenyl methyl pyrazolone Antipyrine

On the large scale phenylhydrazine is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, the solution warmed to about 40 C. and the aceto-acetic ester added. When the reaction is complete the acid is neutralized with soda, and the phenyl methyl pyrazolone extracted with ether and distilled _in vacuo_. The portion distilling at about 200 C. is then methylated by means of methyl alcohol and methyl iodide at 100-110 C., the excess of methyl alcohol removed and the product obtained decolorized by sulphuric acid. The residue is treated with a warm concentrated solution of soda, and the oil which separates is removed by shaking with benzene. The benzene layer on evaporation deposits the anti-pyrine as a colourless crystalline solid which melts at 113 C. and is soluble in water. It is basic in character, and gives a red coloration on the addition of ferric chloride. In medicine anti-pyrine ("phenazonum") has been used as an a.n.a.lgesic and antipyretic. The dose is 5-20 grs., but on account of its depressant action on the heart, and the toxic effects to which it occasionally gives rise, it is now but little used. It is more safely replaced by phenacetine.

ANTIQUARY, a person who devotes himself to the study of ancient learning and "antiques," i.e. ancient objects of art or science. The London Society of Antiquaries was formed in the 18th century to promote the study of antiquities. As early as 1572 a society had been founded by Bishop Matthew Parker, Sir Robert Cotton, William Camden and others for the preservation of national antiquities. This body existed till 1604, when it fell under suspicion of being political in its aims, and was abolished by James I. Papers read at their meetings are preserved in the Cottonian library and were printed by Thomas Hearne in 1720 under the t.i.tle _A Collection of Curious Discourses_, a second edition appearing in 1771. In 1707 a number of English antiquaries began to hold regular meetings for the discussion of their hobby and in 1717 the Society of Antiquaries was formally reconst.i.tuted, finally receiving a charter from George II. in 1751. In 1780 George III. granted the society apartments in Somerset House, Strand. The society is governed by a council of twenty and a president who is _ex officio_ a trustee of the British Museum. The present headquarters of the society are at Burlington House, Piccadilly.

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