A Guide for the Study of Animals Part 14

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|Compton's | 2 |Feb,Oct |Willow |Near water | tortoise | | | | |Looks much like the angle wings, but has no silver spots

|Milberts's | 1 |May,June, |Nettle |Roadsides | tortoise | | Aug,Sep | | |Broad, reddish yellow band across both wings

|Mourning cloak | 3 |Apr,Jul,Sep|Willow, poplar |Everywhere |Black with yellow or cream-bordered wings

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Beauties

|Red admiral | 2 |May,Jul,Sep|Nettle, elm |Waste land |Bright red band circling across both wings

|Painted beauty | 2 |May,Jul,Sep|Everlasting, |Thistles | | | | thistle, burdock | |Mottled with pink, black and white, under surface mottled, two large spots | on under surface of hind wing

|Thistle b.u.t.terfly| 2-2 |May,Jul,Sep|Thistles |Pastures |Like the painted beauty, but has several small eye spots

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The White Admirals

|Red-spotted | 3 |July |Wild cherry, apple, |Near trees | purple | | | etc. | |Purple and blue above, six red spots on under surface of wings

|Banded purple | 2 |July |Hawthorn |Open woods |A broad white band across both wings

|Viceroy | 2 |June,Aug |Poplar, willow |Roadsides |Imitates the monarch, but is smaller and has a black line across the hind | wings

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Satyrs

|Gra.s.s nymph | 1 |July |Gra.s.s |Meadows |Dull brown, twenty spots in two rows across the wings

|Little wood satyr| 1 |July |Gra.s.s |Hillsides |Dull brown, six spots

|Wood nymph | 2 |July |Gra.s.s |Hillsides |Dull brown, two eye spots on each fore wing in a larger yellow spot

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hairstreaks

|Hop hairstreak | 1? |May,July |Hop |About shrubbery |Dark color, hind wings have slender tail-like projection and black spots | crowned with crimson

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Coppers

|American copper | 1 |May,Jun,Sep|Sorrel |Everywhere |Orange-red fore wings spotted with black, hind wing with orange border

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Blues

|Common blue | 1 |May,July |Pea |Roadsides |Male light violet, female lighter with reddish bordered wings

|Tailed blue | 1 |May,Aug,Sep|Clover, etc. |Roadsides, | | | | | fields |Purplish violet color, has small tail-like projection on hind wings

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Whites

|Common white | 2 |May,Jul,Sep|Mustard family |Gardens |White checkered with black on fore wings, female brownish

|Cabbage b.u.t.terfly| 2 |May,Jul,Sep|Cabbage, etc. |Gardens |White, black tip on fore wing, one or two spots on hind wing

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sulphurs

|Common sulphur | m. 1, |May,Jun,Sep|Clover |Meadows | | f. 2 | | | |Yellow, bordered with black

|Cloudless sulphur| 2 |July |Ca.s.sia and legumes |Fields |Canary-yellow color

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Swallowtails

|Tiger swallowtail| 3-5 |June,Aug |Cherry, tulip tree |Open woods |Yellow with black lines across wings

|Black swallowtail| 3-4 |June,Aug |Parsley |Gardens, | | | | | roadsides |Black with two bands of yellow spots and one band of blue spots

|Green-clouded | 3-4 |June,Sep |Spice bush, |Open woods | swallowtail | | | sa.s.safras | |Black, one row yellow spots, hind wing clouded with green

|Blue swallowtail | 3-4 |July,Sep |Dutchman's pipe vine|Near houses |Black shaded with blue green, one row whitish spots




_To show what Single Cells can Do_


Some single cells of plant or animal tissue, stained to show structure. Slides of a one-celled animal, stained. Living one-celled animals.


_Cell_, the smallest living unit.

_Protoplasm_, the living material composing the cell.

_Nucleus_, a dense bit of protoplasm, usually near the center of the cell, often staining dark.

_Cytoplasm_, the less dense protoplasm outside of the nucleus, usually taking a lighter stain.

_Nucleolus_, _paranucleus_ or _micronucleus_, a very small, dense, dark-staining body, either within the nucleus (nucleolus) or near it (paranucleus or micronucleus)

_Cell wall_, the lifeless membrane surrounding many cells, secreted by the protoplasm.

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