A Guide for the Study of Animals Part 13

A Guide for the Study of Animals -

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19. The investigations in Cuba of the cause of yellow fever.

20. The fight against yellow fever in New Orleans.

21. Methods of preventing plagues of mosquitoes.

22. How flies are carriers of disease. Methods of preventing plagues of flies.

23. The tsetse fly.

24. Sleeping sickness.

25. The house fly and typhoid.

26. Parasitic larvae of flies.


27. The silkworm and the silk industry.

28. Story of the gypsy moth.

29. Life history of the clothes moth.

30. Harmful b.u.t.terflies.

31. The tussock moth and its history.

32. Blastophaga and fig culture.

33. The codling moth and its work.

34. Cutworms.

35. The brown-tail moth.


36. The honeybee and honey making.

37. Gall and gall insects.

38. The habits of the digger wasp.

39. The homes of ants. Habits of ants.

40. Slavery among ants.

41. Agricultural ants.

42. Homes of bees.

43. Ichneumon flies and their beneficial habit.

44. Evidences of intelligence among ants.

SOME COMMON b.u.t.tERFLIES--A Reference Table and Key

=============================================================================== GROUP


------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milkweed b.u.t.terflies

|Monarch | 4-4 |May and Oct|Milkweed and dogbane|Open fields | | | | | everywhere |Brick-red color, veins black, borders of wings black

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fritillaries or Silver Spots

|Variegated | 1-2 |August |Pa.s.sion flower |Low fields | fritillary | | | | |Orange-brown color, checkered with black, no silver spots. A southern | species

|Regal fritillary | 3-4 |July,Aug |Violets, pansies |Low fields |Upper side of wings reddish with wavy black lines, hind wing dark

|Great spangled | 3-4 |July,Aug |Violets, pansies |Meadows | fritillary | | | | |Similar to _idalia_, but hind wings lighter. Silver spots on under | surface of wings

|Silver-bordered | 1 |Jul,Aug,Sep|Violets, pansies |Meadows, | fritillary | | | | hillsides |Edge of wings tipped with silver, silver spots below

|Meadow fritillary| 1 |Jul,Aug,Sep|Violets, pansies |Meadows |No silver border, silver below

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checker Spots

|Baltimore | 1-2 |June,July |Turtlehead and aster|Swamps |Groundwork of black with many red and white spots. Conspicuous border of | red spots

|Harris checker | 1 |June |Aster and daisy |Clover meadows | spot | | | | |Wings dark bordered, lighter band across middle of wings

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crescent Spots

|Silver crescent | 1-2 |July |Asters |Roadsides |Groundwork of orange-red mottled with black, silver crescents on under | margin of hind wings

|Pearl crescent | 1-1? |July,Sep |Asters, daisy |Roadsides |Similar to silver crescent but colors are paler

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angle wings

|Comma | 2 |May,Jun,Aug|Elm, nettle, hop |Along woods and | | | | | waste places |Pale red, angled wings, under surface light gray marked with silver commas

|Interrogation | 2 |May,Jul,Aug|Elm, nettle, hop |Near trees |Similar to comma, but marked with silver semi-colons

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tortoise

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