Journal and Letters of Philip Vickers Fithian Part 23

Journal and Letters of Philip Vickers Fithian -

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_Fryday 20._

Before noon I waited on the agreeable Miss Debby Pratt. I spoke with Miss Sally Boyd. Afternoon I took my Leave at Mr McCalla's, & Mrs Cheesemans where I lodge--At six with Miss _Ruth Webster_, her Sister _Alhe_ [Althea], & Betsy, & Polly Armitage I walked to a lovely Garden near the Hospital call'd Lebanon, drank some Mead, & had a most agreeable Ramble--At ten the same Evening I entered on Board the _Swallow_ Captain Balinger for Cohansie-- 21._

I waked & found myself only a little below the Fort--The morning pleasant--the Wind a head--I wrote a Letter on Board to Johnny Peck to acquaint him with Dr Withespoons Opinion--I wrote also to Miss _Webster_. About five in the evening we anch.o.r.ed off _Marcus Hook_, we went on Sh.o.r.e; Drank a bowl of punch with Mr Andrew Ferguson who has lately moved here--He informed me that two young Gentlemen of Fas.h.i.+on & Substance in Town are making their addresses to _Laura_--She is worthy the Regard of the most worthy on Earth.

_Sunday 22._

I found myself this morning a few miles above Port Penn. Perfectly calm--I wrote a Letter this morning to Miss Beatty--The _Sea Nymph_ Captain Blewer came in Sight, Mr Cook & Mr Howel are pa.s.sengers--About twelve a Breese sprung up at South--& with the Tide we entered our Creek by four, & I was at Home by five--Spent the evening in writing--

_Monday 23._

Busy in getting ready to set away. Wrote a Letter to Dr _Beatty_--& one to Miss _Pratt_. The morning warm. I took my leave of the People in town of my acquaintance & set out for Virginia a little after noon--Mr Donaldson is very ill--There are strange & rediculous reports concerning him--That he has sent since his illness to Mr Ewing to be married to Tempy Fithian--Left Home about two o Clock--at the Ferry by five. The Boat is on the other side--Half after five she set off, the wind fair over by half after six--We left the sh.o.r.e at Seven. The wind light at West North West before we were over the wind fell--I was obliged to take to the Oar--& pull like a Turk--The flood strong against us--I rowed thus a full hour--My poor hands, when I got ash.o.r.e were sore enough--I was set ash.o.r.e more than a mile above _Port Penn_--Had to ride down on high rotten Bank through the dark--Once I got mired--On the whole it has been the worst adventure I have had in my travels.--I reached the Tavern in Port Penn by half after Nine.

Call'd for half a Gill of bitters to qualify my humours; & a dish of Tea to cheer me, & soon to Bed. Ferriage 5/.

_Teusday 24._

The morning pleasant & cool. Expence at _Port Penn_, 3/--Rode thence by the Trap five miles thence to middleton[174] five miles. Thence to Warwick four miles. Here I breakfasted. Expence for myself & Horse 1/7.--Thence I rode to George Town. Expence for oats 6d--Thence I rode to _New-Town_[175] fifteen Miles expence for--2/--For having my Coat altered in the Sleeves and Shoulders 2/. Expence for a pair of black worsted Stockings 6/.--Mr _Stephen Reeve_[176] is in George Town Working for Money Money to Gamble--This evening I feel more fatigued & dispirited than since I first went to Virginia--

[174] Middleton, Delaware.

[175] New Town, Maryland.

[176] Stephen Reeve was a Philadelphia silversmith.

_Wednesday 25._

Expence at Newtown 4/9. Rode befor Breakfast to Rock-Hall the morning rainy--The Day calm & (hard Disappointment) I must stay til to-morrow!--My Land-Lord invited me to a race about four miles off, & as the day grew better I went; the Purse was fifty Dollars. I was surprised to see that almost, I think quite one third of the of the People were in mourning--A discouraging aspect for one who has any intention to settle in this part of Maryland, but none to leave the World--Many who wore black & Scarfs I took notice swore most desperately!--Not Death the formidable King of terrors can frighten men from provoking G.o.d by Sin!--Afternoon I was troubled with a Tooth Ach--I returned about two--Laid down til six--Slept but little--A thousand things perplex me. I am unwilling to leave Home.--I have already overstaid my Time--I am vexed at having to continue here--I have left the Girl I love--I am keeping myself out of publick business--O ten thousand difficulties embarra.s.s me!--Heavenly Father, to thee in trouble I fly, comfort, sustain, guide & uphold me--Evening Seven Gentlemen came in--They went to Cards--I to Bed--Troubled much with a Tooth Ach--

_Thursday 26._

Slept but little--Breakfasted--Set off at seven--four in company expence 26s/6. Arrived at Annopolis--Bought at Annopolis a pair of buckles 2/9. Expence ... 10d--Left Annapolis at five for Marlborough--Ferriage 6d--Rode to a point of Patuxen 22 Miles--Tooth-Ach still troubles me--In Bed by eleven, tired & discouraged!

_Fryday 27._

Expence at this little Town 2/9--Ferriage a full mile up the River Patuxen 1/. Rode from the River to upper Marlborough three miles thence without stoping to Piscataway 15 miles--Here I dined--My pain has wholly left me--Two young Ladies Daughters of the Landlady, rather gay & noisy than discreet, very forward in discourse, both in Love with Scotch Merchants & both willing to be talked to, gave me much Diversion--Expence here 3/4--Rode thence in the Evening to Port Tobacco 15 miles. staid here the night--For company all the night in my Room I had Bugs in every part of my Bed--& in the next Room several noisy Fellows playing at Billiards.

[Ill.u.s.tration: leaving on horseback] 28._

Left Port Tobacco by six, rode to Mrs Laidlers Ferry. At Port Tobacco expence 3/10. 12 Miles Breakfasted with Mrs. Laidler Breakfast & Oats 1/7 Ferriage 6/. The broad beautiful Potowmack looks smooth & unbroken as tho' it was fettered in Ice: it is to where we land on the other Side eight miles a little down the River the pa.s.sage over, in the best time of this loveliest month was vastly agreeable--From Tylers[177]

in Virginia where I landed about twelve o-Clock I rode to Mattox Bridge eight miles; thence to Mattox Church six miles--Here I bought some Ears of corn for my Horse--Thence to Westmorland Court House 16 miles--Here is a Tavern I got a Bowl of Punch & fed 2/6--Thence I rode to Nomini Hall about Eeight in the Evening 10 miles--I found Mr & Mrs Carter at home sitting together--They received me with great welcome--_Ben_, _Bob_, Miss _f.a.n.n.y_ & _Betsy_ came in to see me--The others in bed--sup'd on _Crabs_ & an elegant dish of Strawberries & cream--How natural, how agreeable, how majestic this place seems!

[177] Tyler's Ferry.

_Sunday 29._

I rose by half after six--Ben informed me that Bob has behaved vastly ill since I left him--He has reported several mischievous & false stories of his brother; That has been intimate in some bad families--That he has injured his own fathers Servants &c--The morning pleasant--I did not attend Church, Ben out of kindness kept me company at Home--I had however chosen to stay alone--The family is invited to dine with Mr Turburville--Mr & Mrs _Carter_, Miss Priscilla & Nancy with three Servants went from Church--_Ben_, _Bob_, Miss _f.a.n.n.y_, _Betsy_ & _Harriot_ with two Servants cross'd the River--Miss _Sally_ with _Tasker_ & one Servant rode in a Chair--Dined with us Captain Dennis, of the s.h.i.+p Peggy; Dr _Steptoe_; & Mr _Cunningham_. Politicks were the topic--and indeed the Gentlemen seemed warm--The Governor of this province dissolved the a.s.sembly last week after they had made a resolve that a general & solemn fast be observed thro' this whole Colony, on Account of the melancholy aspect of American Affairs at present, to be kept the first day of June, which is next Wednesday, when the alarming Act of Parliament which has lately come over is to take place at Boston--Parson Smith accordingly gave it out at the Church to Day & it is to be observed--I only saw Miss Sally Panton, she did not dine with us--I am told She has an Estate in England of 50 Sterling pr Annum, but for some unknown cause came over, probably the same as drew me from home--After dinner we had a Grand & agreeable Walk in & through the Gardens--There is great plenty of Strawberries, some Cherries, Goose berries &c--Drank Coffee at four, they are now too patriotic to use tea--Soon after we set out for Home--The young Ladies chose to walk and Cross the water with us--I am much more pleas'd with the Face of the Country since my return than I have ever been before--It is indeed delightsome!--

_Monday 30._

Our little beautiful Seminary collected They seem all glad to see me, & willing to enter on business--I am truely fond of the young growing beauties--Soon they will be the admiration of the world, & ornaments in their family--This morning I asked & received four Guineas of Mr Carter to satisfy Mr Taylor of whom I had a small Sum. Mr Randolph is yet here, & is recovered of the hurt I formerly mentioned--After Dinner my Toast was the amiable _Laura_--Evening called in & staid only a few minutes Captain Dennis, & Parson Gibbern--At Supper I had an agreeable conversation with Mr & Mrs Carter on the _Times manners_, &c.

_Teusday 31._

Very warm--I feel well reliev'd of the Fatigues of my ride--The lower Cla.s.s of People here are in a tumult on the account of Reports from Boston, many of them expect to be press'd & compell'd to go and fight the Britains!--Evening I asked the Colonel if he proposes to observe the fast, & attend Sermon tomorrow; he answered that "No one must go from hence to Church, or observe the Fast at all"--By this, (for it is hard to know his opinion from any thing he declares) I conclude he is a courtier.--Last Night, & this evening the Colonel sup'd with us, which is more than he has done before since I have been in the Family--

_Wednesday June 1st 1774._

Cool & pleasant--I began my English Exegesis--or Thesis.

_Thursday 2._

I took out of the Colonels Library for a.s.sistance in making my pieces Biblia-Sacra, & Mr Hammonds Exposition of the New Testament. I toasted Miss _Beatty_ to day in a b.u.mpper of old Medaira--Evening Mr Carter at the Harpsichord.

_Fryday 3._

The dancing School happens in course to day at Mr Was.h.i.+ngtons--Mrs _Carter_ takes _Bob_ & _Nancy_ with her--Our School seems silent--Writing at my English Thesis--I put _Harry_ & _Bob_ this week to read Popes Homer but Homers inimitable fire cannot charm or move them!--Evening _Ben_ rode to the Dance--We were informed that in Queen-Anns in Maryland many die at present, of a Fever that follows a slight Ague!--I took a Ramble, in the evening, as usual, through the Garden.


Nomini Hall June 3d. 1774.



I have the pleasure to inform you I arriv'd safe and had a pleasant ride; I expect to hear from you by every post but have received no letter yet--If you did not receive my letter dated "Delaware-River, on board the Swallow," this is to request you to apply immediately to Dr Witherspoon who promised me in Philadelphia that he would recommend you here; the reason of my demanding dispatch is, that Mr Carter proposes to write to England for a Tutor if he cannot be speedily satisfied of having one from the Northward--If I attempt to write news I must inform you that the a.s.sembly of this province is dissolved on pa.s.sing a resolve to keep the first day of June through the whole province a solemn fast, the resolve past however, and the day was kept--The frost of the 4th. of May was much more fatal here than to the Northward, for not only Garden produce, but Wheat and Rye in the upper parts of the province are blasted and the owners mow them down for fodder; and here the Woods look like winter!--I expect to hear from you several times this summer, I beg you will not disappoint me.

My compliments to acquaintances--

From, Sir, yours PHILIP V. FITHIAN

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