The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication Volume II Part 6

The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication -

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The half-wild cattle, which have been kept in British parks probably for 400 or 500 years, or even for a longer period, have been advanced by Culley and others as a case of long-continued interbreeding within the limits of the same herd without any consequent injury. With respect to the cattle at Chillingham, the late Lord Tankerville owned that they were bad breeders. (17/9. 'Report British a.s.soc. Zoolog. Sect.' 1838.) The agent, Mr. Hardy, estimates (in a letter to me, dated May, 1861) that in the herd of about fifty the average number annually slaughtered, killed by fighting, and dying, is about ten, or one in five. As the herd is kept up to nearly the same average number, the annual rate of increase must be likewise about one in five. The bulls, I may add, engage in furious battles, of which battles the present Lord Tankerville has given me a graphic description, so that there will always be rigorous selection of the most vigorous males. I procured in 1855 from Mr. D. Gardner, agent to the Duke of Hamilton, the following account of the wild cattle kept in the Duke's park in Lanarks.h.i.+re, which is about 200 acres in extent. The number of cattle varies from sixty-five to eighty; and the number annually killed (I presume by all causes) is from eight to ten; so that the annual rate of increase can hardly be more than one in six. Now in South America, where the herds are half-wild, and therefore offer a nearly fair standard of comparison, according to Azara the natural increase of the cattle on an estancia is from one-third to one-fourth of the total number, or one in between three and four and this, no doubt, applies exclusively to adult animals fit for consumption. Hence the half-wild British cattle which have long interbred within the limits of the same herd are relatively far less fertile. Although in an unenclosed country like Paraguay there must be some crossing between the different herds, yet even there the inhabitants believe that the occasional introduction of animals from distant localities is necessary to prevent "degeneration in size and diminution of fertility."

(17/10. Azara 'Quadrupedes du Paraguay' tome 2 pages 354, 368.) The decrease in size from ancient times in the Chillingham and Hamilton cattle must have been prodigious, for Professor Rutimeyer has shown that they are almost certainly the descendants of the gigantic Bos primigenius. No doubt this decrease in size may be largely attributed to less favourable conditions of life; yet animals roaming over large parks, and fed during severe winters, can hardly be considered as placed under very unfavourable conditions.

With SHEEP there has often been long-continued interbreeding within the limits of the same flock; but whether the nearest relations have been matched so frequently as in the case of Shorthorn cattle, I do not know. The Messrs.

Brown during fifty years have never infused fresh blood into their excellent flock of Leicesters. Since 1810 Mr. Barford has acted on the same principle with the Foscote flock. He a.s.serts that half a century of experience has convinced him that when two nearly related animals are quite sound in const.i.tution, in-and-in breeding does not induce degeneracy; but he adds that he "does not pride himself on breeding from the nearest affinities." In France the Naz flock has been bred for sixty years without the introduction of a single strange ram. (17/11. For the case of the Messrs. Brown see 'Gardener's Chronicle' 1855 page 26. For the Foscote flock 'Gardener's Chronicle' 1860 page 416. For the Naz flock 'Bull. de la Soc. d'Acclimat.' 1860 page 477.) Nevertheless, most great breeders of sheep have protested against close interbreeding prolonged for too great a length of time. (17/12. Nathusius 'Rindvieh' s. 65; 'Youatt on Sheep' page 495.) The most celebrated of recent breeders, Jonas Webb, kept five separate families to work on, thus "retaining the requisite distance of relations.h.i.+p between the s.e.xes" (17/13. 'Gardener's Chronicle' 1861 page 631.); and what is probably of greater importance, the separate flocks will have been exposed to somewhat different conditions.

Although by the aid of careful selection the near interbreeding of sheep may be long continued without any manifest evil, yet it has often been the practice with farmers to cross distinct breeds to obtain animals for the butcher, which plainly shows that good of some kind is derived from this practice. We have excellent evidence on this head from Mr. S. Druce (17/14.

'Journal R. Agricult. Soc.' volume 14 1853 page 212.), who gives in detail the comparative numbers of four pure breeds and of a cross-breed which can be supported on the same ground, and he gives their produce in fleece and carcase. A high authority, Mr. Pusey, sums up the result in money value during an equal length of time, namely (neglecting s.h.i.+llings), for Cotswolds 248 pounds, for Leicesters 223 pounds, for Southdowns 204 pounds, for Hamps.h.i.+re Downs 264 pounds, and for the crossbred 293 pounds. A former celebrated breeder, Lord Somerville, states that his half-breeds from Ryelands and Spanish sheep were larger animals than either the pure Ryelands or pure Spanish sheep. Mr. Spooner concludes his excellent Essay on Crossing by a.s.serting that there is a pecuniary advantage in judicious cross-breeding, especially when the male is larger than the female. (17/15. Lord Somerville 'Facts on Sheep and Husbandry' page 6. Mr. Spooner in 'Journal of Royal Agricult. Soc. of England' volume 20 part 2. See also an excellent paper on the same subject in 'Gardener's Chronicle' 1860 page 321 by Mr. Charles Howard.)

As some of our British parks are ancient, it occurred to me that there must have been long-continued close interbreeding with the fallow-deer (Cervus dama) kept in them; but on inquiry I find that it is a common practice to infuse new blood by procuring bucks from other parks. Mr. s.h.i.+rley (17/16.

'Some Account of English Deer Parks' by Evelyn P. s.h.i.+rley 1867.), who has carefully studied the management of deer, admits that in some parks there has been no admixture of foreign blood from a time beyond the memory of man. But he concludes "that in the end the constant breeding in-and-in is sure to tell to the disadvantage of the whole herd, though it may take a very long time to prove it; moreover, when we find, as is very constantly the case, that the introduction of fresh blood has been of the very greatest use to deer, both by improving their size and appearance, and particularly by being of service in removing the taint of 'rickback,' if not of other diseases, to which deer are sometimes subject when the blood has not been changed, there can, I think, be no doubt but that a judicious cross with a good stock is of the greatest consequence, and is indeed essential, sooner or later, to the prosperity of every well-ordered park."

Mr. Meynell's famous foxhounds have been adduced, as showing that no ill effects follow from close interbreeding; and Sir J. Sebright ascertained from him that he frequently bred from father and daughter, mother and son, and sometimes even from brothers and sisters. With greyhounds also there has been much close interbreeding, but the best breeders agree that it may be carried too far. (17/17. Stonehenge 'The Dog' 1867 pages 175-188.) But Sir J. Sebright declares (17/18. 'The Art of Improving the Breed' etc. page 13. With respect to Scotch deerhounds see Scrope 'Art of Deer Stalking' pages 350-353.), that by breeding in-and-in, by which he means matching brothers and sisters, he has actually seen the offspring of strong spaniels degenerate into weak and diminutive lapdogs. The Rev. W.D. Fox has communicated to me the case of a small lot of bloodhounds, long kept in the same family, which had become very bad breeders, and nearly all had a bony enlargement in the tail. A single cross with a distinct strain of bloodhounds restored their fertility, and drove away the tendency to malformation in the tail. I have heard the particulars of another case with bloodhounds, in which the female had to be held to the male. Considering how rapid is the natural increase of the dog, it is difficult to understand the large price of all highly improved breeds, which almost implies long-continued close interbreeding, except on the belief that this process lessens fertility and increases liability to distemper and other diseases. A high authority, Mr. Scrope, attributes the rarity and deterioration in size of the Scotch deerhound (the few individuals formerly existing throughout the country being all related) in large part to close interbreeding.

With all highly-bred animals there is more or less difficulty in getting them to procreate quickly, and all suffer much from delicacy of const.i.tution. A great judge of rabbits (17/19. 'Cottage Gardener' 1861 page 327.) says, "the long-eared does are often too highly bred or forced in their youth to be of much value as breeders, often turning out barren or bad mothers." They often desert their young, so that it is necessary to have nurse-rabbits, but I do not pretend to attribute all these evil results to close interbreeding.

(17/20. Mr. Huth gives ('The Marriage of Near Kin' 1875 page 302) from the 'Bulletin de l'Acad. R. de Med. de Belgique' (volume 9 1866 pages 287, 305), several statements made by a M. Legrain with respect to crossing brother and sister rabbits for five or six successive generations with no consequent evil results. I was so much surprised at this account, and at M. Legrain's invariable success in his experiments, that I wrote to a distinguished naturalist in Belgium to inquire whether M. Legrain was a trustworthy observer. In answer, I have heard that, as doubts were expressed about the authenticity of these experiments, a commission of inquiry was appointed, and that at a succeeding meeting of the Society ('Bull. de l'Acad. R. de Med. de Belgique' 1867 3rd series tome 1 no. 1 to 5), Dr. Crocq reported "qu'il etait materiellement impossible que M. Legrain ait fait les experiences qu'il annonce." To this public accusation no satisfactory answer was made.)

With respect to PIGS there is more unanimity amongst breeders on the evil effects of close interbreeding than, perhaps, with any other large animal. Mr.

Druce, a great and successful breeder of the Improved Oxfords.h.i.+res (a crossed race), writes, "without a change of boars of a different tribe, but of the same breed, const.i.tution cannot be preserved." Mr. Fisher Hobbs, the raiser of the celebrated Improved Ess.e.x breed, divided his stock into three separate families, by which means he maintained the breed for more than twenty years, "by judicious selection from the THREE DISTINCT FAMILIES." (17/21. Sidney's edition of 'Youatt on the Pig' 1860 page 30; page 33 quotation from Mr. Druce; page 29 on Lord Western's case.) Lord Western was the first importer of a Neapolitan boar and sow. "From this pair he bred in-and-in, until the breed was in danger of becoming extinct, a sure result (as Mr. Sidney remarks) of in-and-in breeding." Lord Western then crossed his Neapolitan pigs with the old Ess.e.x, and made the first great step towards the Improved Ess.e.x breed.

Here is a more interesting case. Mr. J. Wright, well known as a breeder, crossed (17/22. 'Journal of Royal Agricult. Soc. of England' 1846 volume 7 page 205.) the same boar with the daughter, granddaughter, and great- granddaughter, and so on for seven generations. The result was, that in many instances the offspring failed to breed; in others they produced few that lived; and of the latter many were idiotic, without sense, even to suck, and when attempting to move could not walk straight. Now it deserves especial notice, that the two last sows produced by this long course of interbreeding were sent to other boars, and they bore several litters of healthy pigs. The best sow in external appearance produced during the whole seven generations was one in the last stage of descent; but the litter consisted of this one sow. She would not breed to her sire, yet bred at the first trial to a stranger in blood. So that, in Mr. Wright's case, long-continued and extremely close interbreeding did not affect the external form or merit of the young; but with many of them the general const.i.tution and mental powers, and especially the reproductive functions, were seriously affected.

Nathusius gives (17/23. 'Ueber Rindvieh' etc. s. 78. Col. Le Couteur, who has done so much for the agriculture of Jersey, writes to me that from possessing a fine breed of pigs he bred them very closely, twice pairing brothers and sisters, but nearly all the young had fits and died suddenly.) an a.n.a.logous and even more striking case: he imported from England a pregnant sow of the large Yorks.h.i.+re breed, and bred the product closely in-and-in for three generations: the result was unfavourable, as the young were weak in const.i.tution, with impaired fertility. One of the latest sows, which he esteemed a good animal, produced, when paired with her own uncle (who was known to be productive with sows of other breeds), a litter of six, and a second time a litter of only five weak young pigs. He then paired this sow with a boar of a small black breed, which he had likewise imported from England; this boar, when matched with sows of his own breed, produced from seven to nine young. Now, the sow of the large breed, which was so unproductive when paired with her own uncle, yielded to the small black boar, in the first litter twenty-one, and in the second litter eighteen young pigs; so that in one year she produced thirty-nine fine young animals!

As in the case of several other animals already mentioned, even when no injury is perceptible from moderately close interbreeding, yet, to quote the words of Mr. Coate (who five times won the annual gold medal of the Smithfield Club Show for the best pen of pigs), "Crosses answer well for profit to the farmer, as you get more const.i.tution and quicker growth; but for me, who sell a great number of pigs for breeding purposes, I find it will not do, as it requires many years to get anything like purity of blood again." (17/24. Sidney on the 'Pig' page 36. See also note page 34. Also Richardson on the 'Pig' 1847 page 26.)]

Almost all the animals as yet mentioned are gregarious, and the males must frequently pair with their own daughters, for they expel the young males as well as all intruders, until forced by old age and loss of strength to yield to some stronger male. It is therefore not improbable that gregarious animals may have been rendered less susceptible than non-social species to the evil consequences of close interbreeding, so that they may be enabled to live in herds without injury to their offspring. Unfortunately we do not know whether an animal like the cat, which is not gregarious, would suffer from close interbreeding in a greater degree than our other domesticated animals. But the pig is not, as far as I can discover, strictly gregarious, and we have seen that it appears eminently liable to the evil effects of close interbreeding.

Mr. Huth, in the case of the pig, attributes (page 285) these effects to their having been "cultivated most for their fat," or to the selected individuals having had a weak const.i.tution; but we must remember that it is great breeders who have brought forward the above cases, and who are far more familiar than ordinary men can be, with the causes which are likely to interfere with the fertility of their animals.

The effects of close interbreeding in the case of man is a difficult subject, on which I will say but little. It has been discussed by various authors under many points of view. (17/25. Dr. Dally has published an excellent article (translated in the 'Anthropolog. Review' May 1864 page 65), criticising all writers who have maintained that evil follows from consanguineous marriages.

No doubt on this side of the question many advocates have injured their cause by inaccuracies: thus it has been stated (Devay 'Du Danger des Mariages' etc.

1862 page 141) that the marriages of cousins have been prohibited by the legislature of Ohio; but I have been a.s.sured, in answer to inquiries made in the United States, that this statement is a mere fable.) Mr. Tylor (17/26. See his interesting work on the 'Early History of Man' 1865 chapter 10.) has shown that with widely different races in the most distant quarters of the world, marriages between relations--even between distant relations--have been strictly prohibited. There are, however, many exceptions to the rule, which are fully given by Mr. Huth (17/27. 'The Marriage of Near Kin' 1875. The evidence given by Mr. Huth would, I think, have been even more valuable than it is on this and some other points, if he had referred solely to the works of men who had long resided in each country referred to, and who showed that they possessed judgment and caution. See also Mr. W. Adam 'On Consanguinity in Marriage' in the 'Fortnightly Review' 1865 page 710. Also Hofacker 'Ueber die Eigenschaften' etc. 1828.) It is a curious problem how these prohibitions arose during early and barbarous times. Mr. Tylor is inclined to attribute them to the evil effects of consanguineous marriages having been observed; and he ingeniously attempts to explain some apparent anomalies in the prohibition not extending equally to the relations on the male and female side. He admits, however, that other causes, such as the extension of friendly alliances, may have come into play. Mr. W. Adam, on the other hand, concludes that related marriages are prohibited and viewed with repugnance, from the confusion which would thus arise in the descent of property, and from other still more recondite reasons. But I cannot accept these views, seeing that incest is held in abhorrence by savages such as those of Australia and South America (17/28.

Sir G. Grey 'Journal of Expeditions into Australia' volume 2 page 243; and Dobrizhoffer 'On the Abipones of South America.'), who have no property to bequeath, or fine moral feelings to confuse, and who are not likely to reflect on distant evils to their progeny. According to Mr. Huth the feeling is the indirect result of exogamy, inasmuch as when this practice ceased in any tribe and it became endogamous, so that marriages were strictly confined to the same tribe, it is not unlikely that a vestige of the former practice would still be retained, so that closely-related marriages would be prohibited. With respect to exogamy itself Mr. MacLennan believes that it arose from a scarcity of women, owing to female infanticide, aided perhaps by other causes.

It has been clearly shown by Mr. Huth that there is no instinctive feeling in man against incest any more than in gregarious animals. We know also how readily any prejudice or feeling may rise to abhorrence, as shown by Hindus in regard to objects causing defilement. Although there seems to be no strong inherited feeling in mankind against incest, it seems possible that men during primeval times may have been more excited by strange females than by those with whom they habitually lived; in the same manner as according to Mr.

Cupples (17/29. 'Descent of Man' 2nd. edit page 524.), male deerhounds are inclined towards strange females, while the females prefer dogs with whom they have a.s.sociated. If any such feeling formerly existed in man, this would have led to a preference for marriages beyond the nearest kin, and might have been strengthened by the offspring of such marriages surviving in greater numbers, as a.n.a.logy would lead us to believe would have occurred.

Whether consanguineous marriages, such as are permitted in civilised nations, and which would not be considered as close interbreeding in the case of our domesticated animals, cause any injury will never be known with certainty until a census is taken with this object in view. My son, George Darwin, has done what is possible at present by a statistical investigation (17/30.

'Journal of Statistical Soc.' June 1875 page 153; and 'Fortnightly Review'

June 1875.), and he has come to the conclusion, from his own researches and those of Dr. Mitch.e.l.l, that the evidence as to any evil thus caused is conflicting, but on the whole points to the evil being very small.


In the case of the FOWL a whole array of authorities could be given against too close interbreeding. Sir J. Sebright positively a.s.serts that he made many trials, and that his fowls, when thus treated, became long in the legs, small in the body, and bad breeders. (17/31. 'The Art of Improving the Breed' page 13.) He produced the famous Sebright Bantams by complicated crosses, and by breeding in-and-in; and since his time there has been much close interbreeding with these animals; and they are now notoriously bad breeders. I have seen Silver Bantams, directly descended from his stock, which had become almost as barren as hybrids; for not a single chicken had been that year hatched from two full nests of eggs. Mr. Hewitt says that with these Bantams the sterility of the male stands, with rare exceptions, in the closest relation with their loss of certain secondary male characters: he adds, "I have noticed, as a general rule, that even the slightest deviation from feminine character in the tail of the male Sebright--say the elongation by only half an inch of the two tail feathers--brings with it improved probability of increased fertility." (17/32. 'The Poultry Book' by W.B. Tegetmeier 1866 page 245.)

Mr. Wright states (17/33. 'Journal Royal Agricult. Soc.' 1846 volume 7 page 205; see also Ferguson on the Fowl pages 83, 317; see also 'The Poultry Book'

by Tegetmeier 1866 page 135 with respect to the extent to which c.o.c.k-fighters found that they could venture to breed in-and-in, viz., occasionally a hen with her own son; "but they were cautious not to repeat the in-and-in breeding.") that Mr. Clark, "whose fighting-c.o.c.ks were so notorious, continued to breed from his own kind till they lost their disposition to fight, but stood to be cut up without making any resistance, and were so reduced in size as to be under those weights required for the best prizes; but on obtaining a cross from Mr. Leighton, they again resumed their former courage and weight."

It should be borne in mind that game-c.o.c.ks before they fought were always weighed, so that nothing was left to the imagination about any reduction or increase of weight. Mr. Clark does not seem to have bred from brothers and sisters, which is the most injurious kind of union; and he found, after repeated trials, that there was a greater reduction in weight in the young from a father paired with his daughter, than from a mother with her son. I may add that Mr. Eyton of Eyton, the well-known ornithologist, who is a large breeder of Grey Dorkings, informs me that they certainly diminish in size, and become less prolific, unless a cross with another strain is occasionally obtained. So it is with Malays, according to Mr. Hewitt, as far as size is concerned. (17/34. 'The Poultry Book' by W.B. Tegetmeier 1866 page 79.)

An experienced writer (17/35. 'The Poultry Chronicle' 1854 volume 1 page 43.) remarks that the same amateur, as is well known, seldom long maintains the superiority of his birds; and this, he adds, undoubtedly is due to all his stock "being of the same blood;" hence it is indispensable that he should occasionally procure a bird of another strain. But this is not necessary with those who keep a stock of fowls at different stations. Thus, Mr. Ballance, who has bred Malays for thirty years, and has won more prizes with these birds than any other fancier in England, says that breeding in-and-in does not necessarily cause deterioration; "but all depends upon how this is managed. My plan has been to keep about five or six distinct runs, and to rear about two hundred or three hundred chickens each year, and select the best birds from each run for crossing. I thus secure sufficient crossing to prevent deterioration." (17/36. 'The Poultry Book' by W.B. Tegetmeier 1866 page 79.)

We thus see that there is almost complete unanimity with poultry-breeders that, when fowls are kept at the same place, evil quickly follows from interbreeding carried on to an extent which would be disregarded in the case of most quadrupeds. Moreover, it is a generally received opinion that cross- bred chickens are the hardiest and most easily reared. (17/37. 'The Poultry Chronicle' volume 1 page 89.) Mr. Tegetmeier, who has carefully attended to poultry of all breeds, says (17/38. 'The Poultry Book' 1866 page 210.) that Dorking hens, allowed to run with Houdan or Creve-coeur c.o.c.ks, "produce in the early spring chickens that for size, hardihood, early maturity, and fitness for the market, surpa.s.s those of any pure breed that we have ever raised." Mr.

Hewitt gives it as a general rule with fowls, that crossing the breed increases their size. He makes this remark after stating that hybrids from the pheasant and fowl are considerably larger than either progenitor: so again, hybrids from the male golden pheasant and female common pheasant "are of far larger size than either parent-bird." (17/39. Ibid 1866 page 167; and 'Poultry Chronicle' volume 3 1855 page 15.) To this subject of the increased size of hybrids I shall presently return.

With PIGEONS, breeders are unanimous, as previously stated, that it is absolutely indispensable, notwithstanding the trouble and expense thus caused, occasionally to cross their much-prized birds with individuals of another strain, but belonging, of course, to the same variety. It deserves notice that, when size is one of the desired characters, as with pouters (17/40. 'A Treatise on Fancy Pigeons' by J.M. Eaton page 56.) the evil effects of close interbreeding are much sooner perceived than when small birds, such as short- faced tumblers, are valued. The extreme delicacy of the high fancy breeds, such as these tumblers and improved English carriers, is remarkable; they are liable to many diseases, and often die in the egg or during the first moult; and their eggs have generally to be hatched under foster-mothers. Although these highly-prized birds have invariably been subjected to much close interbreeding, yet their extreme delicacy of const.i.tution cannot perhaps be thus fully explained. Mr. Yarrell informed me that Sir J. Sebright continued closely interbreeding some owl-pigeons, until from their extreme sterility he as nearly as possible lost the whole family. Mr. Brent (17/41. 'The Pigeon Book' page 46.) tried to raise a breed of trumpeters, by crossing a common pigeon, and recrossing the daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, and great-great-granddaughter, with the same male trumpeter, until he obtained a bird with 15/16 of trumpeter's blood; but then the experiment failed, for "breeding so close stopped reproduction." The experienced Neumeister (17/42.

'Das Ganze der Taubenzucht' 1837 s. 18.) also a.s.serts that the offspring from dovecotes and various other breeds are "generally very fertile and hardy birds:" so again MM. Boitard and Corbie (17/43. 'Les Pigeons' 1824 page 35.), after forty-five years' experience, recommend persons to cross their breeds for amus.e.m.e.nt; for, if they fail to make interesting birds, they will succeed under an economical point of view, "as it is found that mongrels are more fertile than pigeons of pure race."

I will refer only to one other animal, namely, the Hive-bee, because a distinguished entomologist has advanced this as a case of inevitable close interbreeding. As the hive is tenanted by a single female, it might have been thought that her male and female offspring would always have bred together, more especially as bees of different hives are hostile to each other; a strange worker being almost always attacked when trying to enter another hive.

But Mr. Tegetmeier has shown (17/44. 'Proc. Entomolog. Soc.' August 6, 1860 page 126.) that this instinct does not apply to drones, which are permitted to enter any hive; so that there is no a priori improbability of a queen receiving a foreign drone. The fact of the union invariably and necessarily taking place on the wing, during the queen's nuptial flight, seems to be a special provision against continued interbreeding. However this may be, experience has shown, since the introduction of the yellow-banded Ligurian race into Germany and England, that bees freely cross: Mr. Woodbury, who introduced Ligurian bees into Devons.h.i.+re, found during a single season that three stocks, at distances of from one to two miles from his hives, were crossed by his drones. In one case the Ligurian drones must have flown over the city of Exeter, and over several intermediate hives. On another occasion several common black queens were crossed by Ligurian drones at a distance of from one to three and a half miles. (17/45. 'Journal of Horticulture' 1861 pages 39, 77, 158; and 1864 page 206.)


When a single plant of a new species is introduced into any country, if propagated by seed, many individuals will soon be raised, so that if the proper insects be present there will be crossing. With newly-introduced trees or other plants not propagated by seed we are not here concerned. With old- established plants it is an almost universal practice occasionally to make exchanges of seed, by which means individuals which have been exposed to different conditions of life,--and this, as we have seen with animals, diminishes the evil from close interbreeding,--will occasionally be introduced into each district.

With respect to individuals belonging to the same sub-variety, Gartner, whose accuracy and experience exceeded that of all other observers, states (17/46.

'Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Befruchtung' 1844 s. 366.) that he has many times observed good effects from this step, especially with exotic genera, of which the fertility is somewhat impaired, such as Pa.s.siflora, Lobelia, Fuchsia.

Herbert also says (17/47. 'Amaryllidaceae' page 371.), "I am inclined to think that I have derived advantage from impregnating the flower from which I wished to obtain seed with pollen from another individual of the same variety, or at least from another flower, rather than with its own." Again, Professor Lecoq ascertained that crossed offspring are more vigorous and robust than their parents. (17/48. 'De la Fecondation' 2nd edition 1862 page 79.)

General statements of this kind, however, can seldom be fully trusted: I therefore began a long series of experiments, continued for about ten years, which will I think conclusively show the good effects of crossing two distinct plants of the same variety, and the evil effects of long-continued self- fertilisation. A clear light will thus be thrown on such questions, as why flowers are almost invariably constructed so as to permit, or favour, or necessitate the union of two individuals. We shall clearly understand why monoecious and dioecious,--why dichogamous, dimorphic and trimorphic plants exist, and many other such cases. I intend soon to publish an account of these experiments, and I can here give only a few cases in ill.u.s.tration. The plan which I followed was to grow plants in the same pot, or in pots of the same size, or close together in the open ground; carefully to exclude insects; and then to fertilise some of the flowers with pollen from the same flower, and others on the same plant with pollen from a distinct but adjoining plant. In many of these experiments, the crossed plants yielded much more seed than the self-fertilised plants; and I have never seen the reversed case. The self- fertilised and crossed seeds thus obtained were allowed to germinate in the same gla.s.s vessel on damp sand; and as the seeds germinated, they were planted in pairs on opposite sides of the same pot, with a superficial part.i.tion between them, and were placed so as to be equally exposed to the light. In other cases the self-fertilised and crossed seeds were simply sown on opposite sides of the same small pot. I have, in short, followed different plans, but in every case have taken all the precautions which I could think of, so that the two lots should be equally favoured. The growth of the plants raised from the crossed and self-fertilised seed, were carefully observed from their germination to maturity, in species belonging to fifty-two genera; and the difference in their growth, and in withstanding unfavourable conditions, was in most cases manifest and strongly marked. It is of importance that the two lots of seed should be sown or planted on opposite sides of the same pot, so that the seedlings may struggle against each other; for if sown separately in ample and good soil, there is often but little difference in their growth.

I will briefly describe two of the first cases observed by me. Six crossed and six self-fertilised seeds of Ipomoea purpurea, from plants treated in the manner above described, were planted as soon as they had germinated, in pairs on opposite sides of two pots, and rods of equal thickness were given them to twine up. Five of the crossed plants grew from the first more quickly than the opposed self-fertilised plants; the sixth, however, was weakly and was for a time beaten, but at last its sounder const.i.tution prevailed and it shot ahead of its antagonist. As soon as each crossed plant reached the top of its seven- foot rod its fellow was measured, and the result was that, when the crossed plants were seven feet high the self-fertilised had attained the average height of only five feet four and a half inches. The crossed plants flowered a little before, and more profusely than the self-fertilised plants. On opposite sides of another SMALL pot a large number of crossed and self-fertilised seeds were sown, so that they had to struggle for bare existence; a single rod was given to each lot: here again the crossed plants showed from the first their advantage; they never quite reached the summit of the seven-foot rod, but relatively to the self-fertilised plants their average height was as seven feet to five feet two inches. The experiment was repeated during several succeeding generations, treated in exactly the same manner, and with nearly the same result. In the second generation, the crossed plants, which were again crossed, produced 121 seed-capsules, whilst the self-fertilised, again self-fertilised, produced only 84 capsules.

Some flowers of the Mimulus luteus were fertilised with their own pollen, and others were crossed with pollen from distinct plants growing in the same pot.

The seeds were thickly sown on opposite sides of a pot. The seedlings were at first equal in height; but when the young crossed plants were half an inch, the self-fertilised plants were only a quarter of an inch high. But this degree of inequality did not last, for, when the crossed plants were four and a half inches high, the self-fertilised were three inches, and they retained the same relative difference till their growth was complete. The crossed plants looked far more vigorous than the uncrossed, and flowered before them; they produced also a far greater number of capsules. As in the former case, the experiment was repeated during several succeeding generations. Had I not watched these plants of Mimulus and Ipomoea during their whole growth, I could not have believed it possible, that a difference apparently so slight as that of the pollen being taken from the same flower, or from a distinct plant growing in the same pot, could have made so wonderful a difference in the growth and vigour of the plants thus produced. This, under a physiological point of view, is a most remarkable phenomenon.

With respect to the benefit derived from crossing distinct varieties, plenty of evidence has been published. Sageret (17/49. 'Memoire sur les Cucurbitacees' pages 36, 28, 30.) repeatedly speaks in strong terms of the vigour of melons raised by crossing different varieties, and adds that they are more easily fertilised than common melons, and produce numerous good seed.

Here follows the evidence of an English gardener (17/50. Loudon's 'Gardener's Mag.' volume 8 1832 page 52.): "I have this summer met with better success in my cultivation of melons, in an unprotected state, from the seeds of hybrids (i.e. mongrels) obtained by cross impregnation, than with old varieties. The offspring of three different hybridisations (one more especially, of which the parents were the two most dissimilar varieties I could select) each yielded more ample and finer produce than any one of between twenty and thirty established varieties."

Andrew Knight (17/51. 'Transact. Hort. Soc.' volume 1 page 25.) believed that his seedlings from crossed varieties of the apple exhibited increased vigour and luxuriance; and M. Chevreul (17/52. 'Annal. des Sc. Nat.' 3rd series, Bot.

tome 6 page 189.) alludes to the extreme vigour of some of the crossed fruit- trees raised by Sageret.

By crossing reciprocally the tallest and shortest peas, Knight (17/53.

'Philosophical Transactions' 1799 page 200.) says: "I had in this experiment a striking instance of the stimulative effects of crossing the breeds; for the smallest variety, whose height rarely exceeded two feet, was increased to six feet: whilst the height of the large and luxuriant kind was very little diminished." Mr. Laxton gave me seed-peas produced from crosses between four distinct kinds; and the plants thus raised were extraordinarily vigorous, being in each case from one to two or three feet taller than the parent-forms growing close alongside them.

Wiegmann (17/54. 'Ueber die b.a.s.t.a.r.derzeugung' 1828 s. 32, 33. For Mr.

Chaundy's case see Loudon's 'Gardener's Mag.' volume 7 1831 page 696.) made many crosses between several varieties of cabbage; and he speaks with astonishment of the vigour and height of the mongrels, which excited the amazement of all the gardeners who beheld them. Mr. Chaundy raised a great number of mongrels by planting together six distinct varieties of cabbage.

These mongrels displayed an infinite diversity of character; "But the most remarkable circ.u.mstance was, that, while all the other cabbages and borecoles in the nursery were destroyed by a severe winter, these hybrids were little injured, and supplied the kitchen when there was no other cabbage to be had."

Mr. Maund exhibited before the Royal Agricultural Society (17/55. 'Gardener's Chronicle' 1846 page 601.) specimens of crossed wheat, together with their parent varieties; and the editor states that they were intermediate in character, "united with that greater vigour of growth, which it appears, in the vegetable as in the animal world, is the result of a first cross." Knight also crossed several varieties of wheat (17/56. 'Philosoph. Transact.' 1799 page 201.), and he says "that in the years 1795 and 1796, when almost the whole crop of corn in the island was blighted, the varieties thus obtained, and these only, escaped in this neighbourhood, though sown in several different soils and situations."

Here is a remarkable case: M. Clotzsch (17/57. Quoted in 'Bull. Bot. Soc.

France' volume 2 1855 page 327.) crossed Pinus sylvestris and nigricans, Quercus robur and pedunculata, Alnus glutinosa and incana, Ulmus campestris and effusa; and the cross-fertilised seeds, as well as seeds of the pure parent-trees, were all sown at the same time and in the same place. The result was, that after an interval of eight years, the hybrids were one-third taller than the pure trees!

The facts above given refer to undoubted varieties, excepting the trees crossed by Clotzsch, which are ranked by various botanists as strongly-marked races, sub-species, or species. That true hybrids raised from entirely distinct species, though they lose in fertility, often gain in size and const.i.tutional vigour, is certain. It would be superfluous to quote any facts; for all experimenters, Kolreuter, Gartner, Herbert, Sageret, Lecoq, and Naudin, have been struck with the wonderful vigour, height, size, tenacity of life, precocity, and hardiness of their hybrid productions. Gartner (17/58.

Gartner 'b.a.s.t.a.r.derzeugung' s. 259, 518, 526 et seq.) sums up his conviction on this head in the strongest terms. Kolreuter (17/59. 'Fortsetzung' 1763 s. 29; 'Dritte Fortsetzung' s. 44, 96; 'Act. Acad. St. Petersburg' 1782 part 2 page 251; 'Nova Acta' 1793 pages 391, 394; 'Nova Acta' 1795 pages 316, 323.) gives numerous precise measurements of the weight and height of his hybrids in his comparison with measurements of both parent-forms; and speaks with astonishment of their "statura portentosa," their "ambitus vastissimus ac alt.i.tudo valde conspicua." Some exceptions to the rule in the case of very sterile hybrids have, however, been noticed by Gartner and Herbert; but the most striking exceptions are given by Max Wichura (17/60. 'Die b.a.s.t.a.r.dbefruchtung' etc. 1865 s. 31, 41, 42.) who found that hybrid willows were generally tender in const.i.tution, dwarf, and short-lived.

Kolreuter explains the vast increase in the size of the roots, stems, etc., of his hybrids, as the result of a sort of compensation due to their sterility, in the same way as many emasculated animals are larger than the perfect males.

This view seems at first sight extremely probable, and has been accepted by various authors (17/61. Max Wichura fully accepts this view ('b.a.s.t.a.r.dbefruchtung' s. 43), as does the Rev. M.J. Berkeley in 'Journal of Hort. Soc.' January 1866 page 70.); but Gartner (17/62. 'b.a.s.t.a.r.derzeugung' s.

394, 526, 528.) has well remarked that there is much difficulty in fully admitting it; for with many hybrids there is no parallelism between the degree of their sterility and their increased size and vigour. The most striking instances of luxuriant growth have been observed with hybrids which were not sterile in any extreme degree. In the genus Mirabilis, certain hybrids are unusually fertile, and their extraordinary luxuriance of growth, together with their enormous roots (17/63. Kolreuter 'Nova Acta' 1795 page 316.) have been transmitted to their progeny. The result in all cases is probably in part due to the saving of nutriment and vital force through the s.e.xual organs acting imperfectly or not at all, but more especially to the general law of good being derived from a cross. For it deserves especial attention that mongrel animals and plants, which are so far from being sterile that their fertility is often actually augmented, have, as previously shown, their size, hardiness, and const.i.tutional vigour generally increased. It is not a little remarkable that an accession of vigour and size should thus arise under the opposite contingencies of increased and diminished fertility.

It is a perfectly well ascertained fact (17/64. Gartner 'b.a.s.t.a.r.derzeugung' s.

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