Morning Bells Part 5

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It seems to me so very kind of the Lord Jesus to have told us this. For He knew that those who really love Him would _want_ to do something for Him, and what could we do for the King of glory in His glorious heaven? So it was wonderfully thoughtful of Him to give us His poor people to care for, and to say, if we have only been kind to a sick old woman or hungry little child, "Ye have done it unto me!"

"I love my precious Saviour Because He died for me; And if I did not serve Him, How sinful I should be!

G.o.d help me to be useful In all I do or say!

I mean to work for Jesus, The Bible says I may!"

23. Twenty-third Day.


"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear Thee."--Ps. lx. 4.

Then what is your banner, and what are you doing with it? For if you are among "them that fear" G.o.d, He has given you a banner "that it may be displayed." Is yours furled up and put away in a corner, so that n.o.body sees it or knows of it? Or are you trying to be a brave little standard-bearer of Jesus Christ, carrying His flag, so that the sweet breezes of His Spirit may lift its bright folds, and show its golden motto? That motto, I think, is "Love." For we are told that His banner over us is love. Are you displaying it, showing your love to Him by your love to others? showing the power of His love over you by your sweet, happy temper, and by trying to please Him always?

Carrying a banner means something. First, it means that you belong to or have to do with those whose banner you carry, and that you are not ashamed of them. At great Sunday-school festivals we know to which school a boy belongs by the flag that he carries. You would like to carry the flag of England or the Queen's royal flag, because you are English and loyal. So let us carry the banner of Jesus Christ because we are loyal to Him, and are not ashamed to own Him as our King. Secondly, it means that we are ready to fight, and ready to encourage others to fight under the same banner. When you are tempted to do something wrong remember whose banner you carry, and do not disgrace it. If one does right, it makes it easier for the other to do right too. Thirdly, it means rejoicing. You know how flags are hung out on grand days, and carried in triumphal processions.

The little hand that carries Christ's banner through His war, will carry it also in His triumph; the little hand that tries to unfurl it bravely now, will wave it when His glorious reign begins and His blessed kingdom is come. Then, "in the name of our G.o.d we will set up our banners" _now_!

"The Master hath called us, the children who fear Him, Who march 'neath Christ's banner, His own little band; We love Him, and seek Him; we long to be near Him, And rest in the light of His beautiful land."

24. Twenty-fourth Day.


"Chosen to be a soldier."--2 Tim. ii. 4.

Are you a soldier? You ought to be, for you have been chosen to be a soldier in the glorious army of Jesus Christ.

You ought to be, for you have been "received into the congregation of Christ's flock" at your baptism, and engaged "manfully to fight under His banner against sin, the world, and the devil, and to continue Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto your life's end." You can never undo that, even if you are a deserter, and found in the enemy's ranks. The Captain of our salvation will not undo it, for He is ready to receive you, if you will but come and enlist now. Now, this very morning, come and enlist! This very morning ask Him to receive you into His n.o.ble army, and to give you first the s.h.i.+eld of His salvation, and then the whole armor of G.o.d, and to "teach your hands to war and your fingers to fight," and to give you victories every day even now, and to let you share His grand triumphs hereafter.

Perhaps you know that you have enlisted already, you know and love your Captain, and He is enabling you, even if very feebly, yet really, to fight the good fight of faith? How came you to enlist? Was it any credit to you?

Oh no! it was all His doing. It was He who chose you to be a soldier, not you who chose Him to be a Captain. And then He sent not some dreadful cannon roar, but the sweet bugle-call of His love to win you to join His ranks. And now He fights not only with you, but for you. In His war "nothing shall by any means hurt you," for "He was wounded" for you. Your life is safe with Him, for He laid down His own for you. By His side you can never be vanquished, because He goes forth "always conquering and to conquer."

"Stand up, stand up for Jesus!

Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss.

"From victory to victory His army shall be led, Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed.

"Stand up, stand up for Jesus!

The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day!"

25. Twenty-fifth Day.

A Loyal Aim.

"That he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."--2 Tim.

ii. 4.

Here is something worth aiming at, worth trying for! The Lord Jesus, the Captain of our salvation, is He who hath chosen us to be His soldiers and now, does He only tell us that we may do our duty,--serve, obey, and fight? No; He tells us something more, gives us a hope and an aim so bright and pleasant, that it is like suns.h.i.+ne upon everything. He says, we "may _please_ Him."

Only one who knows what it is to mourn for having grieved the dear Saviour, can quite understand what a happy word this is! That we, who have been cold, and careless, and sinful, grieving His love over and over again, should be told after all that we may _please_ Him! Oh, if we love Him, our hearts will just leap at the hope of it! Perhaps we thought this could not be till we reached heaven; but you see His own word says, we "may please Him" now, while we are soldiers in the very midst of the fighting. St. Paul tells us one thing in which you may please Him: "Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord." But he prays too that the Colossians "might walk worthy of the Lord unto _all_ pleasing."

Shall this be your aim and your hope to-day? Will you look up to the Lord Jesus now, and ask Him first to give you the faith without which "it is impossible to please Him," and then to show you "how you ought to walk and to please G.o.d," and so to help you to "do those things that are pleasing in His sight;" that all your ways, even every little step of your ways, may really and truly "please the Lord" (Prov. xvi. 7).

"True-hearted, whole-hearted, faithful, and loyal, King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be; Under Thy standard, exalted and royal, Strong in Thy strength, we will battle for Thee.

"True-hearted, whole-hearted! Fullest allegiance Yielding henceforth to our glorious King, Valiant endeavor and loving obedience, Freely and joyously now we would bring."

26. Twenty-sixth Day.

Obedience to Christ.

"Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it."--John ii. 5.

How are you to know what He says to you? Ah, it is so easy to know if we are really willing to know, and willing to obey when we do know! He has spoken so plainly to us in His word! In that He tells us, tells even little children, exactly what to do. It is most wonderful how He has said everything there for us, told us everything we ought to do. When you read a chapter or hear one read, listen and watch to see what He saith unto you in it. There is another way in which He tells us what to do. Do you not hear a little voice inside that always tells you to do the right thing, and not to do the wrong thing? That is conscience and He speaks to you by it.

Another way is by those whom He has set over you. He has told you once for all to "obey your parents," and to "obey them that have the rule over you." So, when they tell you to do something, it is the Lord Jesus Himself that you have to obey in obeying them.

Now "whatsoever He saith unto you, do it!" Yes, "whatsoever," dear little one, whether easy or hard, do it because He tells you; do it for love of Him, and it will be a thousand times better and happier to obey your King than to please yourself. And He Himself will help you to do it; only look up to Him for grace to obey, and He will give it.

"Whatsoever He saith unto you, _do_ it." Do not just think about doing it, or talk about doing it, but _do_ it! "Do _it!_" Do the exact thing He would have you do, not something a little bit different, or something which you think will be very nearly the same, but do _"it."_

And "do it" at once. It is so true, that "the very first moment is the easiest for obedience." Every minute that you put off doing the right thing makes it harder. Do not let your King have to "speak twice" to you.

"Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it" cheerfully, exactly, and instantly.

"Jesus, help me, I am weak; Let me put my trust in Thee; Teach me how and what to speak; Loving Saviour, care for me.

Dear Saviour, hear me, Hear a little child to-day; Hear, oh hear me; Hear me when I pray."

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