The Beginners of a Nation Part 38

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Archer, Gabriel, wounded by the Indians, 28; hostile to Smith, 37; character of, 64, n. 3; a ringleader in disorders, 63, n. 3; a paper on Virginia by, 96, n. 7.

Archery on Sunday prohibited, 127.

Arctic continent, an, 2.

Argall, Captain, the first Englishman to see the bison, 24, n. 10, 50; sent to the Bermudas, went to the fis.h.i.+ng-banks for food, 42; to Mt. Desert for plunder, 47; bad record and government, 50; robbed Company and colonists, 50, 52; fitted out a s.h.i.+p for piracy, 51; charter procured for a new plantation to protect, 51, 68, n. 13; escaped in nick of time, 52.

Argonauts of the New World set sail, 25.

Arianism, divergencies in direction of, in Ma.s.sachusetts, 267.

Ark, The, and The Dove, efforts to prevent departure of, 241; no Protestant minister or wors.h.i.+p on board, 242.

Armada, the Spanish, patriotism aroused by the danger from, 121.

Armenian silk-raisers brought to Virginia, 78.

Arminian Nunnery, 93, m.

Arminianism spreads among the High-Church clergy, 133, 192.

Arminians and Calvinists, Laud attempts to suppress debate between, 194.

Arminians excluded from toleration in the Netherlands, 298, 312, n. 18.

Arnold's History of Rhode Island, 311, n. 17.

Articles of Union, the, provided for freedom of private belief, 312, n. 18.

Arundel, Lord, a friend of Sir George Calvert, 226; territory a.s.signed to, 259, n. 5.

Asher's History of West India Company, 177, m.

Asia, efforts to reach, 3.

Aspinwall Papers, 56, m.; 70, n. 15; 264, n. 20.

Aubrey's Survey of Wilts.h.i.+re, 136, n. 5.

Augustine on the Sunday-Sabbath, 137, n. 8; 140, n. 13.

Austerfeld, a cradle of the Pilgrims, 149; the stolid rustics of, 150; the font at which Bradford was baptized, 151; inhabitants at Bradford's birth a most ignorant people, 152.

Austerity in morals a Puritan characteristic, 119.

Auxiliary societies formed, 53.

Avalon, Calvert's province in Newfoundland called, 224, 258, n. 3; charter of, 225, 234; primary design of the colony, 225; 259, n. 5; troubles of Baltimores and Puritans in, 228; abandoned by Calvert, 230; Catholic emigrants to, 239.

Bacon, Lord, objects to heretics settling a colony, 171.

Bacon's Lord, An Advertis.e.m.e.nt touching Controversies, 117, m.; Advice to Villiers, 171, m.; Certain Considerations, 162, m.; Essay on Plantations, 27, m.; Observation on a Libel, 163, m.; Speech in reply to the Speaker, 25, m.

Bacon's Laws of Maryland, 264, n. 19; 265, n. 22.

Bacon, Nathaniel, 60, n. 1.

Bacon, Roger, on the Sunday question, 138, n. 8.

Baillie, Robert, on John Robinson, 156.

Baltimore, first Baron. See CALVERT, GEORGE.

Baltimore, Letters to Wentworth, 241, m.

Baltimore, second Baron. See CALVERT, CECILIUS.

Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London, theatrical adulation of King James, 161; as primate persecutes the Puritans, 162; stops emigration to Virginia, 168, 183, n. 2.

Baptist Church, the General, on earthly and spiritual authority, 312, n. 19.

Baptists, Williams and his followers become, 303.

Barclay's Inner Life, 146, m.; 186, n. 6; 312, n. 19; 314, n. 24.

Barlow's Svmme and Svbstance, 143, m.; 160, m.; 162, m.; 182, n. 1.

Barrow hanged at Tyburn, 148.

Barrowism a mean between Presbyterianism and Brownism, 148; the model for the church at Scrooby, 154.

Bawtry, the station near Scrooby, 149, 150, 151.

Baylie, Robert, condemns the toleration of the Dutch, 164, 311, n. 18.

Baylie's Errours and Induration, 164, m.; 311, n. 18.

Bell, ringing of only one, to call people to church, 129; of more than one a sin, 130.

Bentley's Description of Salem, 200, m.; Historical Account of Salem, 311, n. 17.

Berkeley, Sir William, persecution of Puritans in Virginia by, 252.

Bermudas, Gates and Somers s.h.i.+pwrecked on the, 40; birds and wild hogs at the, 41, 65, n. 6; marvelous escape from the, 41, 65, n. 6.

Beste, George, 2, m.; 4; on the New World, 21, n. 2.

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