Harper's Young People, June 8, 1880 Part 5

Harper's Young People, June 8, 1880 -

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Cornel, silky White, berries pale blue Wet places. Common.

Cow-lily Bright yellow Still waters. Very common.

Cranberry-tree Wh., red berries Low, damp grounds; N. J.

Crowberry White Mountains; New England.

Cuckoo-flower Rose-color, wh. Bogs, swamps; Vt., N. J.

Dahoon holly Yellow-white Swamps of Virginia.

Dwarf raspberry White Hill-sides; N. E. to Pa.


Dwarf wild rose Deep pink Dry rocky banks and fields; N. E.

Evening primrose Pale yellow Sandy fields; N. J. and South.

False indigo Violet River-banks; Pa., South, West.

Feverwort B'wnish-purple Rich woodlands. Common.

Flowering dogwood Purplish-white, Rocky woods; Conn., N. J., red berries South.

Flowering raspberry Deep red purple Copses, wooded banks; New Eng.

Fumitory, climbing Purplish-white Wet woods; West.

Great-spurred violet Pale violet Damp shady woods; Ma.s.s. Rare.

Great willow-herb Pink-purple Low grounds, burned pastures, and woods.

Green violet Greenish-white Open woods; N. Y., Pa. Rare.

Green-weed Yellow Dry hills; Ma.s.s., Middle States, W.

Hedysarum Violet-purple Mountains; New England, Me.

Herb-robert Red-purple Shady ravines, wet woods; N. E.

High blackberry White Woods, pastures, banks.


Ilex holly Greenish Moist woodlands; sea-coast, N. J.

Indian-pipe Waxy white Dark shady woods; New England.

Inkberry White flowers, berries black Sandy grounds; Cape Ann.

Labrador tea White Cold bogs and mountain woods; New England.

Leather-flower Purple Rich woods; N. J., N. Y., West.

Low blackberry White Low woods, road-sides. Common.

Magnolia, sweet-bay White Cape Ann, Gloucester and Manchester woods.

Marsh five-finger Purple Cool bogs; New England to Pa.

Marsh violet Pale lilac White Mts., high lands N. Rare.

Meadow-sweet White Damp soil, banks; N. J., West.

Mountain laurel Pink and white Rocky hills, damp soil. Common.

Mountain sandwort White Mountains; New England.

Nine-bark Wh., rose-color Rocky river-banks; West.

One-flowered pyrola White-pink Deep cold New England woods.

Pale laurel Light purple Cold peat bogs and mountains.

Partridge-berry Purple and white, red berries Dry woods, creeping. Common.

Persimmon Pale yellow Woods and old fields; R. I., N. Y.

Pimpernel Scarlet, blue, wh. Waste sandy fields; Ma.s.s., N. J.

Pitcher-plant Deep purple Peat-bogs and swamps; New Eng.

Poison-ivy, climbing Greenish Rocky thickets, low grounds.

Poison sumac Dull color, very poisonous Swamps and wet pastures.

Pond-lily White, pink Ponds, pools, and still waters.


Prince's-pine Pale pink Dry woods. Common.

Pyrola Greenish-white Rich woods; Conn., N. J., N. Y.

Queen of the prairie Peach-color Open meadows; Pa., prairies W.

Red anemone Red Rocky hills; Vt., N. Y. Rare.

Red elder Flowers white, berries red Rocky woods; New England.

Round-leaved cornus White, berries Rich soil, copses; Middle blue States.

Roxbury wax-work, climbing Red berries Thickets; N. E., Middle States.

Seneca snakeroot White Rocky soil; N. E., West, South.

Sheep-laurel Crimson Hill-sides, pastures. Common.

Shrubby cinque-foil Yellow Wet grounds; N. E. Common.

Silver-weed Yellow Brackish marshes and meadows; New England, West.

Small cranberry Rose-color Peat bogs; N. E., Middle States.

Spotted wintergreen Pink and white Open woods; Middle States.

Staghorn sumac Greenish Hill-sides, dry banks. Common.

Strawberry-bush Greenish-purple Wooded banks; N. Y., Ill., South.

Sundew White Bogs, wet pastures; New Eng.

Sundrops Yellow Open fields; N. J., N. Y., Pa.

Supple-jack, climb'g. Greenish-white Damp meadows; Va. and South.

Swamp-honeysuckle White-pink Swamps; New England sea-coast.

Swamp-rose Pink Swamps and pastures. Common.

Swamp-saxifrage Greenish Bogs, wet pastures. Common.

Sweet-brier Pale pink Rocky banks, road-sides; N. E.

Sweet-cicely White Rich moist Northern woods.

Tall bell-flower Bright blue Rich soil; N. Y., N. J., West.

Three-toothed Brunswick, Me., White Mts., cinque-foil White Cape Cod. Rare.

Twin-flower Pale pink Moist, mossy woods; Me., N. J., N. Y.

Valerian Pale pink Wooded banks; Lancaster, Pa., O.

Wild elder Greenish-white Rocky banks, thickets. Common.

Wild flax Yellow Wet, boggy grounds; New England, West. Rare.

Wild honeysuckle Light yellow Rocky banks; Catskill, Ohio, W.

Wild licorice White Sandy; Western N. Y.

Wild lupine Purple, blue, pink, white Sandy open fields; Ma.s.s., Conn.

Wild monk's-hood Bright blue Rich shady hills; N. Y., N. J., S.

Wild pea Purple, white Dry sandy soil; North and South.

Wild red raspberry White Thickets, road-sides; N. E., South, and West.

Wild sarsaparilla White Moist woods; North and West.

Wild touch-me-not Orange, brown Thickets, shades, beside streams. Common.

Wood-sorrel Violet Rocky, damp woods; Orange, N. J., South. Rare.

Wood-sorrel White, red veins Deep cold woods; Ma.s.s. to Pa.

Wood-sorrel Yellow Copses and open fields; everywhere.

Yellow-wood Showy white Rich woods and hills; flowers Middle States.

[Ill.u.s.tration: SWINGING "BRER RABBIT."-DRAWN BY PALMER c.o.x.]



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