Three Years on the Plains Part 3

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Ah-ke-che-tah, his x mark, The Soldier.

Ta-s.h.i.+-na-gi, his x mark, Yellow Robe.

Nah-pe-ton-ka, his x mark, Big Hand.

Chan-tee-we-kto, his x mark, Fool Heart.

Hog-gan-sah-pa, his x mark, Black Catfish.

Mah-to-wah-kan, his x mark, Medicine Bear.

Shun-ka-kan-sha, his x mark, Red Horse.

Wan-rode, his x mark, The Eagle.

Can-hpi-sa-pa, his x mark, Black Tomahawk.

War-he-le-re, his x mark, Yellow Eagle.

Cha-ton-che-ca, his x mark, Small Hawk, or Long Fare.

Shu-ger-mon-e-too-ha-ska, his x mark, Tall Wolf.

Ma-to-u-tah-kah, his x mark, Sitting Bear.

Hi-ha-cah-ge-na-skene, his x mark, Mad Elk.


Little Chief, his x mark.

Tall Bear, his x mark.

Top Man, his x mark.

Neva, his x mark.

The Wounded Bear, his x mark.

Whirlwind, his x mark.

The Fox, his x mark.

The Dog Big Mouth, his x mark.

Spotted Wolf, his x mark.


Heh-non-ge-chat, One Horn.

Oh-pon-ah-tah-e-manne, The Elk that bellows Walking.

Heb-ho-lah-reh-cha-skah, Young White Bull.

Wah-cha-chum-kah-coh-kee-pah, One that is afraid of s.h.i.+eld.

He-hon-ne-shakta, The Old Owl.

Moe-pe-a-toh, Blue Cloud.

Oh-pong-ge-le-skah, Spotted Elk.

Tah-tonk-ka-hon-ke-schne, Slow Bull.

Shunk-a-nee-skah-skah-a-tah-pe, The Dog Chief.

Mah-to-tab-tonk-kah, Bull Bear.

Wom-beh-le-ton-kah, The Big Eagle.

Ma-to-eh-schne-lah, his x mark, the Lone Bear.

Mah-toh-ke-su-yah, his x mark, The One who remembers the Bear.

Ma-toh-oh-he-to-keh, his x mark, the Brave Bear.

Eh-che-ma-heh, his x mark, The Runner.

Ti-ki-ya, his x mark, The Hard.

He-ma-za, his x mark, Iron Horn.

Sorrel Horse.

Black Coal.

Big Wolf.


Black Crow.

The Lone Old Man.


Black Bull.

Big Track.

Black White.

Yellow Hair.

Little s.h.i.+eld.

Black Bear.

Wolf Moccasin.

Big Robe.

Wolf Chief.


The Foot.

And lastly, "Stinking Saddle-Cloth!"

_Uncpapa Sioux._

Co-kam-i-ya-ya, his x mark, The Man that goes in the Middle.

Ma-to-ca-wa-weksa, his x mark, Bear Rib.

Ta-to-ka-in-yan-ke, his x mark, Running Antelope.

Kan-gi-wa-ki-ta, his x mark, Looking Crow.

A-ki-ci-ta-han-ska, his x mark, Long Soldier.

Wa-ku-te-ma-ni, his x mark, The One who shoots Walking.

Un-kea-ki-ka, his x mark, The Magpie.

Kan-gi-o-ta, his x mark, Plenty Crow.

He-ma-za, his x mark, Iron Horn.

Shun-ka-i-na-pin, his x mark, Wolf Necklace.

I-we-hi-yu, his x mark, The Man who Bleeds from the Mouth.

He-ha-ka-pa, his x mark, Elk Head.

I-zu-za, his x mark, Grind Stone.

Shun-ka-wi-tko, his x mark, Fool Dog.

Ma-kpi-ya-po, his x mark, Blue Cloud.

Wa-mln-pi-lu-ta, his x mark, Red Eagle.

Ma-to-can-te, his x mark, Bear's Heart.

A-ki-ci-ta-i-tau-can, his x mark, Chief Soldier.

_Blackfeet Sioux._

Can-te-pe-ta, his x mark, Fire Heart.

Wan-mdi-kte, his x mark, The One who kills Eagle.

Sho-ta, his x mark, Smoke.

Wan-mdi-ma-ni, his x mark, Walking Eagle.

Wa-s.h.i.+-cun-ya-ta-pi, his x mark, Chief White Man.

Kan-gi-i-yo-tan-ke, his x mark, Sitting Crow.

Pe-ji, his x mark, The Gra.s.s.

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