The Rockefeller File Part 9

The Rockefeller File -

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As he put it: -You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore."

Apparently, the Nixon candidacy was as much a test of obedience as it was a move to head off a potential Rockefeller opponent. In any case, having thrown himself onto a bed of nails at the behest of Rockefeller, Nixon was thrown a lifeline and brought to New York. He moved into an elegant $125,000 apartment in the same building as Nelson Rockefeller-the very one in which the infamous 11 Compact of Fifth Avenue- was signed. Nixon was made a partner in a law firm which did a lot of trust and bond business with the friendly folk at Chase Manhattan Bank.

During the next five years Nixon practiced very little law, yet his net worth jumped from practically nothing to over half-a-million dollars. Most of his time was spent touring the nation and the world rebuilding his political reputation. When the Rockefellers needed him in 1968, he had been resurrected from the political trash heap and turned into a legitimate candidate.

Meanwhile, Nelson had been giving the Presidency the old college try himself. He might have made it in 1964 had not his divorce and remarriage alienated a large segment of middle America. Rockefeller learned the hard way that a lot of women don't forgive a man who abandons a wife of long standing to marry a much younger and prettier one. When the new bride abandons her own children to marry the man in question, it compounds the outrage.

In 1968, Nelson made a half-hearted attempt to wrest the nomination from Nixon. But the handwriting was on the wailing wall. "Theold avidity is gone," groaned Nelson. Once again, he had to settle for owning the team instead of starting as quarterback.

Nixon's appointments to policy-making positions confirmed that the House of Rockefeller did indeed own the team: they went almost entirely to Rockefeller men. In his inner circle, however, Nixon tried to surround himself with men like H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, who were personally loyal to him, not to Rockefeller. The two most notable exceptions were Kissinger and General Alexander Haig.

Both men were known Rockefeller agents, and it is these two men who may have masterminded Nixon's early retirement.

If Nixon was an obedient Rockefeller man-if not necessarily a loyal one-why then did the Rockefeller controlled media orchestrate the campaign to dispose him? Several possible explanations have been advanced. One is that Nixon grew too accustomed to the prerogatives of power, and believed that he had become an equal partner in the deal. There are some hints that Nixon himself may have initiated some of the in-fighting between the two factions. The forced resignation of Spiro Agnew, brought about by a combination of pressure from the Executive Branch and prosecution by Executive departments, may have been part of this.

Another suggestion is that Rockefeller gave the nudge that toppled Agnew from the White House, counting on Nixon to appoint him to the Vice Presidency. When Nixon refused, and appointed Ford instead, the media dropped on him like a piano from the top of a ten-story building.

We may never know the full story of what started the internecine warfare. But we do know what was the decisive encounter in the battle: Watergate. And as we unravel the twisting threads of this strange saga, we find that each tug that ultimately toppled Nixon from the throne can be traced to Rockefeller.

The burglary at the Democratic Headquarters in the Watergate Hotel was not exactly carried out with the precision of a James Bond movie. It was more like the Three Stooges at their most slapstick. It was so clumsy, in fact, that the whole operation smells of a set-up. First: one of the burglars alerted a guard, by replacing the tape over the door locks after the guard had discovered and removed the first one. Even though their efforts had been discovered, the boss of the operation, Cordon Liddy, sent the burglars back to the Watergate. There they proceeded to flash lights, rip the place apart, and in general act as if they had all night to perform their mission. The man posted as lookout saw the police enter the building, but either failed to alert the men inside-or his warning was ignored.

It was as though the burglars were meant to be caught. And when they were, one of them conveniently was carrying the White House telephone number of E. Howard Hunt in his pocket.

Watergate began with the creation of the "Plumbers." The Plumbers were created by Kissinger to stop leaks on his staff. 'Both Nixon staffers John Dean and Charles Colson reported that Kissinger got Nixon so upset over leaks that the President decided, at Kissinger's suggestion to set up a Special White House Investigating Unit, which later became known as the Plumbers. According to Dean it was Rockefeller who had Kissinger sucker Nixon into forming the Plumbers. Little did Nixon know that he being mouse trapped.

Nationally syndicated columnist Paul Scott reports: Records of the Senate Watergate Committee investigation indicates that Dean's testimony concerning Rockefeller was never followed up by the committee's staff. The reason: Committee members were against calling Rockefeller. Kissinger put a member of his staff, David Young, in charge of the unit. You have never heard of David Young? join the mult.i.tudes. He was a Wall Street lawyer who had worked for Rockefeller before being promoted to Kissinger's staff.. After Watergate, Young was spirited off to a cushy a.s.signment in London as a very advanced student, and the mediacracy has dutifully ignored his key role in Watergate.

The Watergate burglary, which was bungled more badly than a Keystone Cops chase, ended with a proven link to the White House. But no one ever claimed that Nixon gave the nod for the break-in; it was his role in the coverup that led to his downfall.

Watergate did start in the White House, however. But not by Nixon or any of his men. It was launched by the premier Rockefeller man, Henry Kissinger.

It was the activities of the Plumbers which brought the downfall of Richard Nixon. And Kissinger, Rockefeller and the CIA were obviously deeply involved. Former White House aide Charles Colson has said that Nixon suspected the CIA was in the plot "upto their eyeb.a.l.l.s." Colson says Nixon wanted to fire the director of the CIA and personally investigate what was believed to be a CIA conspiracy against him. He was persuaded not to do so by General Alexander Haig, the Rockefeller man who replaced Bob Haldeman. Colson portrays Nixon as a virtual captive of Kissinger and Haig in the Oval Office during his last months in the Presidency.

But Richard Nixon would have survived the Watergate scandal had it not been for those d.a.m.ned tapes.

At the beginning of the Watergate hearings, no one even knew they existed. The fact that all Nixon conversations had been recorded was revealed almost casually by Alexander b.u.t.terfield, White House liaison with the Secret Service. It is hard to believe that this bombsh.e.l.l, which which was to remove a President, could be dropped with such an air of innocence. Could it have been planned?

We now know that b.u.t.terfield had been a CIA informant. He has been accused of working with (if not for) the CIA when he was in charge of all the tapings in the White House. Had Blabbermouth b.u.t.terfield, who was called to testify about other matters-not the tapes-- stonewall edit, Nixon would not have been forced to resign. Even if asked a direct question about any recordings, b.u.t.terfield could have maintained that such matters related to national security and must remain confidential.

Nixon has said that the taping system was installed in the Oval Room at the suggestion of LBJ to preserve his conversations for posterity. Soon the whole White House and even Camp David were bugged. The White House monitoring system kept better track of people than do most prisons. The President could not walk from one room to another without that fact being recorded and a buzzer ringing and a light flas.h.i.+ng on a console operated by b.u.t.terfield. Voices automatically started the tape recorders spinning. Keep in mind that it was not Mr. Nixon who turned the recorders off and on. It is as though the President were under constant surveillance by others, who wanted to know about his every word and movement.

Why didn't Nixon have the tape machines shut off the day after the! Watergate arrests? Or, failing that, why didn't he destroy the tapes after b.u.t.terfield revealed their existence? Several rationalizations have been put forth, none of which ring true. One is that Nixon was mesmerized by the arrogance of power and did not believe the Supreme Court could or would subpoena the tapes. Since there was no precedent, why take the risk? Nixon must have known his very survival as President of the United States was at stake.

Another explanation is that Nixon is compulsively greedy for money and wanted to keep the tapes for use in writing his memoirs, or to donate to the national archives and take a multimillion dollar tax deduction. Much as Nixon may like money, he would hardly jeopardize the Presidency -and risk a jail term- to keep the tapes.

And he is now in the process of writing his memoirs for a million dollar fee without, benefit of those tapes.

Remember, releasing the tapes would not exonerate Nixon, they would prove him guilty of every cover- up charge made against him. Why would this cunning politician, this ruthless abuser of power, this man from whom no one would buy a used car, not simply destroy the tapes himself?

Nixon could have gone on national television in the great tradition of the Checkers speech, and said something like this: My fellow Americans. As your President, it is my sacred duty to protect your rights and our national security. And, let me make this perfectly clear - I shall not shrink from that duty, no matter how unpleasant the consequences.

The tapes contained privileged and highly secret information, the publication of which would embarra.s.s many honorable public servants and jeopardize our delicate relations with foreign powers. It is therefore necessary to do what is best for the country and not what is best for myself.

Public release of the tapes would exonerate me, but jeopardize the fate of the nation. I have met this obligation, knowing full well that I shall be terribly criticized by a cynical and hostile press, by destroying the tapes. I know that you, the American people -the finest people in the world-will back me up in this crisis. Thank you and good night.

To be sure, if Nixon had - stonewalled - it this way, the screaming would have been loud and profane.

Senator Kennedy, the hero of Chappaquidd.i.c.k, would have made a speech about abusing power to cover up crimes. But, there would have been no proof. And there is no way in the world that the President of the United States could have been removed from office without such evidence. Controversy would rage and Nixon would finish his second term under a cloud of doubt. But, there is no doubt he would finish the term! Better ugly suspicions than the d.a.m.ning truth. Watergate Prosecutor Leon Jaworski has admitted that" if Mr. Nixon had destroyed the tapes at the time their existence was disclosed in July, 1973,he would still be President.- Can anybody believe, as Dr. Susan Huck has asked, that Nixon sat there like a good scout, watching the lynch mob fasten a hangman's knot out of those wretched tapes, and refuse to destroy the noose? That isn't the Nixon depicted on the tapes-much less in public life.

Why then did not Nixon, that ultimate political opportunist, burn the tapes? We believe the only logical answer is that either Nixon did not control the tapes, or he knew there was more than one set. In a word, he did not destroy them because he could not.

Have you ever wondered how everybody seemed to know what was on the tapes, and where,before they were "turned over - to committee staffs, special prosecutors, or judge Sirica? The mediacracy didn't wonder. So far as we can discover, the only person who has asked this question is Dr. Susan Huck, in the February 1975 issue of American Opinion magazine.

Consider the fantastic detail involved in the requests. On August 14th, for example, judge Sirica demanded the "entire segment of tape on the reel identified as 'White House telephone start 5/25/72 (2:00 P.M.) (skipping 8 lines) 6/23/72 (2:50 P.M.) (832) complete." I don't know what all the identifying numbers mean-but you have to agree that only somebody very familiar with the tapes would know.

These boys knew precisely what to look for! Here is another sample request: January 8, 1973 from 4:05 to 5:34 P.M. (E.O.B.) a) at approximately 10 minutes and 15 seconds into the conversation, a segment lasting 6 minutes and 31 seconds: b) at approximately 67 minutes into the conversation, a segment lasting 11 minutes; c) at approximately 82 minutes and 15 seconds into the conversation, a segment lasting 5 minutes and 31 seconds.

As Dr. Huck observed:"It does sound as though some body-obviously not the President - has been curled up with those tapes for many a long hour, doesn't it? Somebody knows exactly where the juicy parts are, down to the second.- Remember, all White House conversations-in person and on the phone-had been"bugged-for at least a year. There were literally miles of tapes in storage somewhere. But it is obvious the investigators already had the evidence they sought when the various subpoenas were issued!

Who then controlled the tapes, or had access to a duplicate set? There is (understandably) very little information available on this crucial question. It is worth noting, however, that while L13J's recording system had been installed by the Army Signal Corps, the Nixon monitors were established by the Secret Service. So it is of more than pa.s.sing significance that Newsweek on September 23, 1974, reported: While former White House chief of staff H. R. Haldeman awaits trial for his part in Watergate, the Secret Service chief he ousted from the White House last year has landed a plum job. Robert H. Taylor, 49, who tangled with Haldeman over Nixon security procedures, is now head of the private security forces for all the far-flung Rockefeller family enterprises.

Hmmm. Once Nixon is deposed, the head of the Secret Service-the man in charge of the agency which was in charge of the tapes-gets"a plum job- with the Rockefeller Empire. And what of the Rockefeller's number one man in the White House?

We know that Henry Kissinger was deeply involved in wire tapping his own staff and several journalists. But the one member of the White House staff who apparently never had his remarks taped in the Oval Office was Herr Kissinger -who also, as it happens, was chief of all US intelligence gathering operations. And who also, we now know, was responsible for establis.h.i.+ng the Plumbers in the first place!

But through all of this, Kissinger's loyalty was not with his President, it was with the Rockefellers!

Kissinger had been through three losing campaigns with Nelson Rockefeller and openly spoke of despising Nixon. Biographer David Hanna quotes Kissinger as stating, after Nixon's nomination in 1968: "That man is unfit to be President. I would never work for that man. He is a disaster."Yet Kissinger was the first appointment made by Nixon.

Nixon did not know Kissinger well; in fact, he had only met the man once before in his life-at a c.o.c.ktail party. And Kissinger was on record as standing 180 degrees to the left of Nixon's campaign utterances.

Clearly,' Kissinger was put in the Nixon Administration by Rockefeller (who sent his protege off to Was.h.i.+ngton with a tidy little gift of $50,000). In his Vice Presidential hearings, Nelson Rockefeller even acknowledged that Kissinger took the job because Rocky asked him to do so.*

While it was Henry Kissinger who set Nixon's head on the chopping block, it was another Rockefeller agent, General Alexander Haig, who applied the axe. Haig was appointed -at Kissinger's suggestion-as an interim replacement for the hastily deposed Bob Haldeman.

Like Dwight Eisenhower and George Marshall, two generals whose careers had a bad case of the blahs until anointed by the House of Rockefeller, Haig's career took off like a Saturn rocket when he joined the Rockefeller team through the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1969, he was a colonel. Four years later he had miraculously become a four star general, having skipped the three star rank entirely. What happened to trigger this remarkable rise In 1969, Haig became an a.s.sistant to Kissinger; subsequently, he was catapulted over 240 general officers when Nixon raised him to four-star rank. Such a promotion should mark Haig as one of the great military leaders in our history. But, his promotions did not come as * So critical was the Kissinger appointment that Nixon waived the customary FBI security clearance for his nominee as Secretary of State. The reasons Kissinger could never pa.s.s accurate security procedures will be discussed in our follow-up book, The Kissinger File a result of military achievements -there were none. They were political. Haig was now a general in the Rockefeller Army, an army which tells other armies when to march.

Syndicated columnist Jerald TerHorst, who did a short stint as Ford's press secretary', tells us: For most of the final Nixon year, as Haig himself would agree, he [Haig] was the acting president of the United States. With a troubled President drawing more and more within his sh.e.l.l, everyone in the government, with the possible exception of [Haig's sponsor] Kissinger, was working for Al Haig.

William Safire, a Nixon speech writer, says in the November 11, 1973 New York Times magazine:"Haig is far more powerful than Haldeman ever was; but he exercises it more gently ... Haig learned this technique from the past master, Henry Kissinger. . . .- In his new book, Before The Fall, Safire calls Haig -Kissinger's alter ego."Significantly, the Was.h.i.+ngton Post's Barry Sussman refers to Haig as " b.u.t.terfield's former colleague."

You see, it was Alexander Haig who had control of the vauIt where the Watergate tapes were kept. Two months after Haig became the keeper of the keys, his former colleague b.u.t.terfield tipped off the Watergate Committee about their existence. Since it is perfectly clear that the subpoenas for the tapes were written by persons already possessing a detailed familiarity with their contents, it is painfully obvious that Haig had already provided them with copies of the pertinent excerpts.

It was now time for the axe to fall. In the June 8, 1975 issue of Parade magazine, Lloyd Shearer tells us: "From May 1973 to August 1974, Haig was Nixon's chief of staff. It was he who adroitly engineered, orchestrated and ch.o.r.eographed Nixon's resignation from the Presidency.

According to Shearer, Nixon was determined not to resign. "Yet Haig knew that he must."The reason for Haig's insistence, according to Parade, was that if the President insisted on a trial and lost, he would lose his pension and other government benefits. You will pardon us for believing that Haig had much more compelling reasons for giving Nixon the final push.How did he do it? Haig -orchestrated the resignation march," says Shearer, by taking the evidence against Nixon to Republican Congressmen, Presidential speech writers and others close to Nixon. "Haig saw to it that Senator Barry Goldwater, the conservative bulwark of the Republican Party, was provided with the d.a.m.ning tape transcripts of June 23,- Shearer reported. Get that? The President's chief a.s.sistant finds out the boss won't budge, so he takes copies of the most d.a.m.ning tapes to the few supporters Nixon had left! Why didn't Nixon fire Haig and burn the tapes? Again, the most obvious, most logical answer is that he did not because he could not.

Shearer continues: And at the next and final Cabinet meeting, with at least half the members expecting him to resign, Nixon rambled on about inflation, declared his intention to stay on, ordered them to pa.s.s the word.

Haig and Kissinger exchanged glances. ! When the Cabinet meeting was over, Kissinger stayed behind.

Gently he suggested that the President resign.

Later that same afternoon,"Haig played his final card."Republican Senate leaders Hugh Scott and Barry Goldwater, joined by House Minority Leader John Rhodes, visited Nixon and told him his support in the Senate had evaporated. "That night," reports Shearer, "after again talking to Kissinger and Haig, Richard Nixon decided to resign."

And that is how the Three Muskateers for the House of Rockefeller engineered the coup d'etat that removed Nixon from the White House, and put Nelson in. There must have been quite a celebration that night in Pocantico Hills.

Please do not misunderstand us. We are not claiming that Richard Nixon was an innocent lamb done in by the big bad wolf. It was more like AI Capone rubbing out Bugs Moran and then sending flowers to the funeral. The point is that the entire scenerio-from the creation of the Plumbers, through the incredibly bungled Watergate break-in, to the revelation of the existence of the tapes, to the preservation of the tapes and their use to force Nixon to resign -was written and directed by Rockefeller front men.

It is not without meaning that only those connected with the Rockefeller empire survived Watergate, while nearly everybody else was in disgrace-some pounding big rocks into little rocks.

Alexander Haig, the - instant General - as Dr. Huck called him, was quick to get his reward. Haig is now Supreme Allied Commander Europe, the general in charge of the NATO military command. In order to replace Haldeman, Haig had to retire from the Army. Can you imagine chucking four stars for a ride on the t.i.tanic? Not b.l.o.o.d.y likely. There can be little doubt that Haig had been promised instant reinstatement and a very posh life jacket when the good s.h.i.+p Nixonia slipped beneath the waves. He got both.

Henry Kissinger is another big Watergate winner. Despite the fact that he not only bugged his own staff, but newspaper reporters as well, nary a word of criticism appeared in the press. Then came the disclosure that Kissinger was responsible for creating the Plumbers. Ho hum. During the Watergate scandals, Kissinger rose to the high office of Secretary of State while retaining his position as National Security Advisor. He had unprecedented power over foreign policy and intelligence. The source of his power was his sponsor, Nelson Rockefeller.

Kissinger proved, once again, that no man can serve two masters. just as Haig had said that he "was never a Nixon man," Kissinger had boasted of Nixon, "I would never work for that man." He didn't. He worked for the Rockefellers.

Another beneficiary of the Watergate fiasco was that -staunch mid-western conservative," Gerald Ford.

As usual, the image created by the media moguls and the truth are light years apart. Despite what some wags have said, Ford showed, while serving on the Warren Commission investigating the of John F. Kennedy, that he had not played football without a helmet once too often: he proved he could keep his mouth shut about a major cover-up. At the time he was made Vice President, Ford had attended Bilderberger meetings and had been appointed by Rockefeller to the National Commission on Critical Choices.*

* The Bilderbergers are sort of an international CFR. They meet once a year at some posh secluded hideaway to make a mockery of democracy. The meetings, composed of the world's elite men of politics, business, banking and labor, receive virtually no serious attention from the mediacracy. See

Chapter 5 of None Dare Call It Conspiracy.

The catalyst who arranged Ford's appointment was former Wisconsin Congressman Mel Laird. Laird had been Secretary of Defense under Nixon and later a Presidential advisor. A member of Rockefeller's CFR, Laird knows where the power lies. If you will pardon the pun, he keeps his standards well oiled.

Acting as what Paul Scott calls "Mr. Inside - for Rockefeller, Laird succeeded in talking Nixon out of nominating former Treasury Secretary John Connally to succeed Agnew. He convinced the President that Connally could never be confirmed by Congress and suggested the compromise nomination of Gerald Ford as Vice President.

But of course, the ultimate winner of the Watergate roulette was Nelson Rockefeller. He is now only the proverbial heartbeat away from his lifelong ambition - to be President of these United States. (And just recently, two women have pointed pistols at jovial Jerry and his limousine was in an automobile accident. Understandably, Jerry doesn't look quite so merry anymore.) When Bobo Sears Rockefeller was obtaining a divorce from the late Winthrop Rockefeller, s he exploded two at the trial. The first was that Winthrop had one of the largest and most valuable collections of p.o.r.nography in the world. (The punch line is that the pictures were not of girls.) Revelation number two from the bizarre divorce proceedings was the disclosure that the Brothers Rockefeller would get together from time to time - to brainstorm on ways they could make Nelson the President, without the benefit of an election. (They realized he could never get into the Oval Office via the ballot box.) So Rockefeller became an appointed Vice President. And, he was named by a man who was not elected, who was appointed by a man who resigned because he was about to be impeached. We doubt if the Brothers Rockefeller could dream up anything quite this wild even after the fifth martini. Or could they?

Ford went through the motions of asking Republican Congressional leaders for their recommendations for the Vice Presidency. The choice had all the suspense of an election in Russia. Anybody who was surprised at the selection of Rockefeller must have arrived in town on top of a wagon full of turnips., Are we suggesting there was a deal made for Nixon to appoint Ford, get pardoned by the new President, and then have Ford select Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President? That is exactly what we are saying.

Anyone who doubts such a deal was made probably thinks professional wrestling matches are for real. It may just be coincidental, but on December 7, 1973,the headline on the upper-right-hand part of page one of the New York Times was: FORD SWORN AS VICE PRESIDENT AFTER HOUSE APPROVES.

The upper-left-hand headline of the very same issue read: GOVERNOR TO QUIT AND SEEK PRESIDENCY, HIS AIDES SAY.

While the nation focused on the Watergate hearings circus, the real show was going on inside a different tent. Columnist Paul Scott wrote at the time: "The drama packed Senate Watergate hearings are only the colorful sideshow to one of the boldest and slickest transfers in US history."And he continued with this revelation: With everyone's attention focused on the cast of "small time" actors parading before the TV cameras recording the special Senate inquiry, only a few privileged insiders are alert to the really big show taking place at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

As part of the plan to create a new world order [world government], the main show involves the carefully planned transfer of power from President Nixon to NewYork's Governor Rockefeller, now strategically positioning himself to become the President's heir apparent for 1976.

Whether Rockefeller with his family's vast economic wealth, social and political power will be able to pull off this carefully managed " powergrab - is one of the most chilling and exciting political stories unfolding in our times.- Half of the Rockefeller coup d'etat has already been achieved. The question of the decade is: Where does Rocky go now? In 1968, after his third flop on the primary circuit, Rocky announced: " . . the old avidity is gone. Has the "old avidity " returned? Is a four-pound robin fat?

Does King Kong like bananas?

Obviously the Rockefellers did not go to all of the trouble in setting the Watergate wheels in motion without having something big in mind. Being a political prognosticator is an occupation only slightly less dangerous than riding tandem with Eve] Knievel. Gathering facts is one thing, projecting them with accuracy into the future is quite another. Circ.u.mstances change, and we don't think there is a single plan which has been carved in stone. The Rockefellers never put all of their financial or political eggs in one basket "Doubtless, the family is considering a whole fleet of alternatives.

Rocky now says that he will not run with Ford in '76. He did not say he wouldn't run without him. Our Was.h.i.+ngton sources tell us that it was Nelson's idea to announce that he would not be on a Ford ticket, and that Jerry unmerrily begged him not to make the announcement. The reason Nelson is getting off the S.S Jerry Ford, is that it is a sinking s.h.i.+p. Rocky's private poll! reportedly show that Ford could well lose early '76 primaries and thereby throw the nomination wide open.

At that point the Rockefeller bandwagon would begin rolling with the greatest media promotion campaign in history, the theme being that only Rocky can save us. Indeed, according to Was.h.i.+ngton's best informed columnist, Paul Scott, Rockefeller began setting up an independent campaign organization two weeks before announcing he would not run with Ford. But wait, the plot thickens.

Many will refuse to believe the next prediction will happen, but we would bet our last farthing on it. If Nelson gets the top spot, the number two man on the ticket will be Ronald Reagan. It will be successfully sold to the Republican faithful across the nation as"the ticket to save the party." Would Reagan prost.i.tute himself to accept the number two man on a Rocky ticket? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Reagan will do whatever his -Kitchen Cabinet- of -money men tell him to do. When he first got the Republican nomination for the Governors.h.i.+p of California in 1966, he quickly cut himself loose from tough conservatives and put Rockefeller men in as his key advisors.

Whether Rocky is at the top or in the number two position on the ticket may depend on whether his private surveys indicate he could be elected President. Recent public polls show that he is not exactly as popular with the American people as ice cream at a picnic. Even though the Rockefeller family is reportedly ready to spend $100 million dollars to put Nelson in the White House, it still might not work.

The American people seem intuitively suspicious of him.

How widely this book is read could influence Rocky's decision.

In addition to financing a lavish direct and indirect campaign for a Rockefeller-Reagan ticket, the House of Rockefeller can be counted upon to pump money in a thousand different and devious ways into splitting the Democrat vote. The odds-on favorite to get the Democrat nod is Hubert Humphrey. The US has moved so far toward fascism - socialism that Hubert Humphrey, a founder of the radical Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), is now considered to be a middle of -the road - candidate. Like Nixon in 1968, Humphrey is a man whose time has come. n.o.body is too wild about him, but he is acceptable to most.

A far left ticket headed by Eugene McCarthy or Senator Frank Church of Idaho would siphon off enough traditional Democrats so that the Republicans could win with forty % of the vote. Divide and conquer is the name of the electoral game.

Wallace can be counted upon to run as a patriotic third party candidate and take some workingman-type votes away from Humphrey. Wallace is not a Rockefeller man and the family would hope that he does not start such a wildfire rebellion against the Establishment that lie actually gets elected.

Meanwhile Nelson can continue as the de facto President, letting Ford walk around with a target on his back. Since Ford has made Rocky head of the Domestic Council (which controls national policy), and since Kissinger runs foreign policy, the House of Rockefeller already controls the government in everything but name. Having Nelson as Veep is a gun perpetually c.o.c.ked at Ford's temple. If Jerry for some reason does not want to go along, a Secret Service man may look the other way while an does a number on the President.

Let us a.s.sume that public revulsion at Rocky is so great that he is dumped from the Republican ticket.

And let us a.s.sume also that Humphrey or another Democrat wins the Presidency. Does that mean that the royal Rockefellers would be stripped of their power? No, not unless the whole CFR socialist -fascist- world government strategy is repudiated. If Rocky is ousted, it will be a huge blow to his inflated ego and might set the Rockefeller Great Merger timetable back somewhat. The House of Rockefeller would simply be back to operating through the CFR. But their plan for world conquest will roll on unabated.

You see, we have the Rockepubs and the Rockedems, but there is not a dime's worth of difference. Both parties belong to the House of Rockefeller.

Epilogue Now you have read the most important contents in The Rockefeller File. The a.s.sembled evidence is almost overwhelming, isn't it? And yet we have left out reams of important material.

This book was originally targeted for 144 pages. But we wound up with over 260 pages -even after omitting a great deal of explosive material. In order to keep the cost from climbing through the ceiling, we settled for the size you are reading. If we have not convinced you of the dangerous power of the House of Rockefeller in 200 pages, you probably would not believe another 200 pages anyway.

We deeply regret not using the voluminous files of research, all on very important subjects, which were gathered for this book. Several volumes could be written on Rockefeller efforts to involve America in World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam -and the profits they made from those conflicts. The alliance between n.a.z.i Germany and the Rockefellers is truly shocking. (Hitler's Luftwaffe ran on Standard petrol, and the Rockefellers were partners in I. G. Farben Industries, whose thousands of war products included the poison gas used in n.a.z.i death camps.) The no-win war in Vietnam was almost totally engineered, from its foolish beginning to its disastrous conclusion, by CFR minions.

Nothing has been said about Nelson's tenure as Governor of New York. We did not relate how he quadrupled state spending; We did not cover his campaign promises not to raise taxes-which were always followed by increases after he was elected. Neither have we touched upon Rocky's edifice complex, such as the $1.5 billion Albany Mall or his creation of "moral obligation bonds" to finance projects the voters had rejected.

Lack of s.p.a.ce prevents us from discussing the Rockefeller power-play behind the myriad regional government plans, which would abolish city, county and state lines thus destroying traditional local government and putting the citizens at the mercy of unelected (and unremovable) federal bureaucrats.

The Family is also the prime mover behind the push for"land use" controls which would allow the government to dictate to you what you can or cannot do with your own property.

But all of these stories will have to wait for another book. We can summarize all of those bulging files of research material by saying that the Rockefellers want federal control of everything. Since they intend to control the federal government, either directly or from behind the scenes, this means that they will control everything. And when they control everything, they will control everybody.

We have shown that the House of Rockefeller is worth billions of dollars -and has considerable leverage over hundreds of billions more, through influence over the mega-banks, financial inst.i.tutions, manufacturing and petroleum production.

The Family has used foundations to preserve and multiply their wealth, and to mold public opinion through education, the media and religion. Through their Council on Foreign Relations they have extended their influence in government, the Federal Reserve, communications and education. An unquenched, ruthless. psychopathic l.u.s.t for monopolistic power has motivated three generations of Rockefellers. Because America is a large, diverse and decentralized nation, it has taken them a hundred years to complete the scaffold which would strangle freedom. Now they are ready to put the rope around our necks and trip the lever.

The question is: Can we cut the rope before the Rockefellers drop the trap door? The most honest and realistic answer is: Perhaps.

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