The Rockefeller File Part 10

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Let's not kid ourselves; resisting the power arrayed against us won't be easy. Many persons who have read this far won't even try-they will decide that it is hopeless and simply return to their business interests or their bridge games. Others might decide that their best course is to support the House of Rockefeller! Switching sides and joining with your oppressors is as old as war. But if you haven't already been tapped, you are probably too late. The House of Rockefeller doesn't need you. (Sorry, Charlie!) Unfortunately, some newly awakened patriots will go off on wild, impractical schemes. They may want to haul the Rockefellers before the courts in an attempt to put them in jail for their crimes and strip them of their power. But, let's face it, this is not going to happen. And such ill conceived crusades end up hurting the cause of freedom far more than they help. There is, however, an Achilles heel in the Rockefeller plan for world dictators.h.i.+p. It is that a Rockefeller triumph depends on their continued control of the US government. If their influence in the federal government were removed, all of their Hitlerian dreams for world conquest would collapse. (Not that Nelson and David would spend the rest of their lives in rags, but at least you wouldn't either.) Rockefeller control over the Executive branch of our government is deeply entrenched. The voters, for example, cannot fire the State Department bureaucracy. But there is a solution.

If a buzz saw suddenly went berserk and was ripping your house to pieces, what would you do? You would pull the plug, of course. The same thing must be done to the Rockefeller conspirators. The way to pull the plug on them is to gain control of the House of Representatives. All government spending bills must originate in the House. And Congress could refuse to pa.s.s any law pus.h.i.+ng us further into World Government. We need 225 Congressmen who have the guts to say NO to the Rockefellers.

The Rockefellers can control key bureaucrats; they can buy and intimidate too many Senators. But a member of the House with enough character and enough support can remain independent of the Rockefeller Family.

The problem is that too many citizens listen to what a candidate says during the campaign, and then promptly forget about the issues-and what he does about them after the election. A Congressman may go to Was.h.i.+ngton with good intentions, but succ.u.mb to the Rockefellers' siren song after he gets there. The pressures are tremendous. He is told that in order to get along, he must go along. If he goes along, his district gets fat government grants and contracts. If he doesn't go along, a Rockefeller-supported demagogue may defeat him in the next election.

What we must have is a "Truth In Advertising" standard for politicians. If you buy a product to do a specific job you expect it to do that job. Why should you expect less from elected politicians? We believe it is time to end the "vote and hope" system of elections, where you hope the new Congressman votes in the interest of his country after he gets to Was.h.i.+ngton. The usual result is that the const.i.tuency gets sold down the river. (A prime example is the confirmation of Nelson Rockefeller for the Vice Presidency when Congressional mail ran 24 to 1 against approval.) We think any candidate worth supporting should sign an elementary contract before you agree to contribute to his campaign or otherwise support him.

'76 PRESS has prepared such a contract, a copy of which appears on the next page. Any political candidate who will hem, haw, double-talk or waffle in an effort to weasel out of signing such a "Truth In Politics- contract will surely not stand up to the blandishments of the Rockefellers once he is elected. Forget him. Be especially leery of the smiling, glad-handing, all- things - to-all- people moderate type of candidate. Such a "middle of the roader" will often compromise on the key issues and still manage to get re-elected time and time again. He is the most dangerous of all politicians.

The diabolical designs of the Rockefellers - their push for fascism- socialism at home and an international World Government must become the key issue of the next CANDIDATE'S CONTRACT.

Campaign Pledge_ In the belief that"Truth In Advertising- should apply to politicians as well as to commercial products and services, I whole heartedly agree that the citizenry is ent.i.tled to expect a candidate to keep his campaign promises once he is elected.

Therefore, as a candidate for election to the office of ............................................................

I do hereby pledge, if elected, to adhere faithfully to the following positions on all votes and debates on these matters: 1. 1 agree to oppose any treaties, legislation, or other measures which would strengthen any regional or world bodies at the expense of American sovereignty.

2. 1 agree to oppose any proposals which would grant foreign aid, tax payer- financed loans or loan guarantees, or other a.s.sistance to any Communist nation, whether such aid is given through national or international agencies.

3. 1 agree that the United States must retain military superiority over any potential aggressor; I will oppose any disarmament proposals that would support a World Government military force or that would not provide for thorough and reliable inspections of other nations.

4. I agree to oppose any deficit spending by the federal government, since such deficits increase the national debt and the inflation of our currency.

5. I agree that the expansion of government over every facet of our lives must be stopped, and that the marriage of Big Government and Big Business must be ended. I pledge to work to reduce the size and number of federal bureaucracies and agencies, not expand them.

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