All The Weyrs Of Pern Part 2

All The Weyrs Of Pern -

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"Accuracy is required of an Aivas system-and a very large data base, what you would call 'knowledge.' You must not believe that the data base can can contain 'everything.' But sufficient to realize the priorities of the programming." contain 'everything.' But sufficient to realize the priorities of the programming."

A harper has to be accurate, too," Piemur said sourly. Master Fandarel's search for efficiency had always had, for Piemur, its humorous side. He wasn't sure if he could be as tolerant of Aivas's rect.i.tude.

A harper -one who plays a harp, an instrument?" Aivas asked.

"I do that, too," Piemur replied, his capricious humor revived as he realized that Aivas did not know very much at all about present-day Pern." The primary function of the Harper Hall is, however, to teach, to communicate, and at need, to arbitrate."

"Not to entertain?"

"We do that, too-it's a good way to teach, as well-and there are many who only do that, but the more skilled of us have multiple duties. It would be presumptuous of me to usurp Master Robinton's right to enlighten you on that account. Although, in actual fact, he is no longer the the Masterharper of Pern. Sebell is, because Master Robinton had a nearly fatal heart attack and was made to retire from active service to the Harper Hall. Not that he Masterharper of Pern. Sebell is, because Master Robinton had a nearly fatal heart attack and was made to retire from active service to the Harper Hall. Not that he has has retired, despite being in Cove Hold now, because of all that has happened since Jaxom discovered Landing and the s.h.i.+p Meadow, and then the caves." Piemur halted, realizing that he was rattling on. It was just like him to want to impress Aivas with his knowledge; more than that, Piemur was experiencing an intense need to anchor his personal values in the presence of this superior intelligence. retired, despite being in Cove Hold now, because of all that has happened since Jaxom discovered Landing and the s.h.i.+p Meadow, and then the caves." Piemur halted, realizing that he was rattling on. It was just like him to want to impress Aivas with his knowledge; more than that, Piemur was experiencing an intense need to anchor his personal values in the presence of this superior intelligence.

"Sebell, who is now Masterharper of all Pern, is on his way with the Records," he went on. "And Menolly. They may look young to you, but they are the most important people in the Harper Hall." Then he added deferentially, "But you should know that Master Robinton is the most honored and respected man on Pern. The dragons kept him from dying. That's how important he is."

"The dragons then have been a successful experiment?" Aivas asked.

"Experiment?" Piemur was indignant and then subsided with a rueful chuckle. "I wouldn't let the Weyrleaders hear you calling their dragons 'experiments.'"

"The advice is appreciated."

Piemur eyed the screen for a moment." You mean that, don't you?"

"Yes. The culture and societies of your present-day Pern have evolved and altered considerably from the early days of the colony. It is inc.u.mbent on this facility to learn the new protocol and thus avoid giving unnecessary offense. The dragons have, therefore, become important above and beyond their initial role in the aerial defense of the planet?"

"They are the most important creatures on the planet. We couldn't survive without them." Piemur's voice rang with pride and grat.i.tude.

"Without intending any offense, is it currently acceptable to maintain the sports of the breed?"

Piemur snorted." You mean Ruth? He and Jaxom are exceptions-to a lot of rules. He's a Lord Holder and shouldn't ever have Impressed a dragon. But he did, and because they thought Ruth wouldn't survive long, he was allowed to be raised."

"That is contradictory."

"I know, but Ruth's special. He always knows when when he is in time. he is in time.

The resultant pause did much to a.s.suage Piemur's feelings of inferiority. He had stumped the Aivas.

"Your remark is unclear."

"You did know that dragons can move instantaneously between between one place and another?" one place and another?"

"That was a basic ability of the fire-dragon from whose genetic material the dragons were originally bioengineered. It was similar to the teleportation ability demonstrated by some species on several other planets."

"Well, dragons can also move between between one time end another. Lessa did, and Jaxom." Piemur grinned, being one of the few people to know exactly when and why Jaxom had moved one time end another. Lessa did, and Jaxom." Piemur grinned, being one of the few people to know exactly when and why Jaxom had moved between between one time and another. "But it's an exceedingly dangerous ability and severely discouraged. Very few dragons have Ruth's sense of time and s.p.a.ce. So, if a dragonrider times it without his Weyrleader's express permission, he gets royally reamed -if he hasn't come to grief messing around with timing, that is." one time and another. "But it's an exceedingly dangerous ability and severely discouraged. Very few dragons have Ruth's sense of time and s.p.a.ce. So, if a dragonrider times it without his Weyrleader's express permission, he gets royally reamed -if he hasn't come to grief messing around with timing, that is."

"Would you be good enough to explain in what circ.u.mstances timing is permissible?"

Piemur had already berated himself for mentioning Jaxom's little excursion. He should have kept it to Lessa's adventure, which was already part of the fabric of recent history. So he switched to a less sensitive subject and told Aivas in detail the tale of Lessa's heroic ride on Ramoth: how she had brought the five lost Weyrs of Pern forward in time to save those in the Present Pa.s.s from annihilation. Even if he said so himself, Piemur thought he recited it with considerable flair. Though Aivas no comment throughout, Piemur sensed that his unusual audience heard-and remembered-every word.

A Spectacularly brave and daring. exploit, clearly of epic proportions despite the considerable risk she ran in losing both herself and the queen Ramoth. The results clearly justified the journey," Aivas stated. It was more praise than Piemur had expected. He grinned with satisfaction that he had managed to impress the thing.

"You mentioned that the Long Interval caused the decline of the Weyrs' authority and its prominence in your society," Aivas said. "Do you know how many times the cycle has been similarly altered?"

"The cycle?"

"Yes. How many times has the orbit of what you call the Red Star failed to bring Thread to Pern?"

"Oh, you mean how many Long Intervals? There have been two recorded in our history. We were told that long intervals would occur, but I don't know who knew that. That's why so many people were so certain, right up till the time we had our first Fall of this Pa.s.s, that Thread had actually disappeared forever."

From her favorite spot, wrapped loosely about Piemur's neck, his golden fire-lizard roused and gave a warning cheep.

"Sensors register that the lump on your shoulder is actually a creature clinging to you."

"Oh, that's only Farli, my queen fire-lizard."

"The creatures have remained in contact with you?"

"Yes and no." Piemur did not think there would be time to give Aivas the recent history of the fire-lizard.

"She just told me that Ruth and Jaxom have returned with the records and Sebell and Menolly." Piemur stood up, draining the last of the klah from his cup. "Then you'll know all that's happened this Pa.s.s. Which hasn't been dull at all, but you-you sort of cap it.

Piemur could hear the exchange of low-voiced conversation down the hallway, and he started to the entrance in case Esselin's guards were being officious. He had taken no more than a few steps when Jaxom, Sebell, and Menolly, bowed under the weight of the sacks they were carrying, came striding down the hall. Menolly, her dark hair still tangled from her flying cap, reached Piemur first.

"Where's Master Robinton?" Menolly asked, looking about, her narrow, elegant features reflecting her perpetual anxiety for her mentor.

"In there, Menolly," Piemur said, pointing. "As if we'd risk him."

She thrust her heavy sack at him and ducked into the room to rea.s.sure herself, while Piemur smiled tolerantly.

"And they left you to mind Aivas all on your own?" Jaxom asked in a whisper. "Learned all the secrets of the universe yet?"

Piemur gave a snort. "As it turned out, I answered his-its-questions. But it was interesting all the same," Piemur said. "And I gave him-it-a few tips to the wise. "He laid his finger along his nose, grinning. "Which is a harper function."

Sebell, looking browner than ever in the dimly lit corridor, gave Piemur the slow smile that added considerable charm to the handsome, intelligent face of the tall Masterharper.

"According to Jaxom, this Aivas of yours is a tale spinner to shame the best of us, with knowledge of all that we were, and what we can be."

"Well, I suspect Aivas might well create more problems than he solves," Piemur said, "but I guarantee you it'll be exciting." He helped Jaxom remove the Records, carefully, from the sacks." Aivas is right interested in you and Ruth, too."

"What have you been telling him?" Jaxom asked in what Piemur privately called his Lord Holder att.i.tude.

"Me? Nothing you'd object to, friend," Piemur hastily rea.s.sured him. Jaxom could still be touchy about other people discussing Ruth. "I spent more time reciting Lessa's ride, which he said was of epic proportions." He grinned broadly.

As Piemur talked, Sebell had been taking in the details of the room, studying the strange wall furnis.h.i.+ngs. Sebell rarely rushed in the way Piemur did.

"And this Aivas has preserved itself from our first days on Pern?" Sebell let out a long, soft whistle. He tapped one of the clear panels and looked around the room. "Where does it store its records? Jaxom said it displayed amazing pictures of our past, as well."

"Aivas, speak for yourself," Piemur suggested c.o.c.kily, wanting to see how Sebell -or Menolly, who entered just then-handled the ent.i.ty. "Aivas?" he prompted. "This is Sebell, Masterharper of Pern, Master Robinton's successor, and Master Menolly, Pern's ablest composer." When there was still no response from Aivas, Piemur felt his irritation rising. "They've brought the Records for you to read."

Aivas remained silent.

"Maybe it's used up the power stored in the sun panels," he said, forcing himself to keep his tone light as he wondered how the Aivas could be forced into answering. He scowled at the unresponsive screen and the green pulse winking in the corner. The f.e.c.kless thing was awake, so it had to be listening. "I don't understand," he said to the others, disgusted by the inactivity. "He was talking up a storm to me just before you came-oh, shards!" He slapped his forehead dramatically with one palm. "Neither you nor Menolly are on his list yet."

"His list?" Jaxom asked, frowning in irritation.

"Yes, his list," Piemur said. He sighed wearily and sagged onto the nearest stool. "The people he is authorized to speak to. Master Robinton and the others decided to limit those who have access to Aivas."

"But I was here," Jaxom exclaimed.

"Oh, he'll probably talk to you once Sebell and Menolly leave. It got set up so that it takes a Weyrleader, a Lord, and a Masterharper for Aivas to add someone to the privileged list."

"Well, I'm Lord Holder of Ruatha," Jaxom began.

"Piemur's not a Master yet, and there are no Weyrleaders present," Menolly said with a little laugh. "Aivas is doing as he was told, which is more than you always do, Piemur." She grinned at him.

"Yes, but now would be the best time for Aivas to catch up on our history while there's peace and quiet. And before Fandarel returns to monopolize him," Piemur said, scrubbing at his face. The effects of a very exciting day were catching up with him.

"I'm on the list though, am I not?" Jaxom asked, a touch of asperity in his voice.

"Yes-you, me, Jancis, Master Robinton, all of us who were in the room when Aivas woke up."

"And he talked to you when you were alone," Jaxom said. "Maybe, if Sebell and Menolly leave-sorry about that-he'll talk to me, and I can feed the Records to him."

"Our feelings won't be hurt," Menolly said, glancing up at Sebell to see him nod in agreement. Sebell's good sense and equable nature were two of the many reasons she loved and respected him. "There're other empty pallets, Piemur; you look to be out on your feet. You and Sebell go sleep in with Master Robinton, and I'll join Jancis. If this Aivas has waited-how many Turns did you say, Jaxom? Twenty-five hundred-" She gave a little shudder for such a long span. "-we can wait until tomorrow."

"I shouldn't leave it all to Jaxom..." Piemur said, definitely tempted by the thought of lying horizontal for a while. That last cup of klah had made no dent in his fatigue.

Menolly took him by the hand. "I'll even tuck you in, the way I would Robse." She grinned at his disgusted snort." You're no better than Master Robinton in taking care of yourself. Come, get some sleep, now. You, too, Sebell. Tomorrow-no, it's already today here, isn't it-well, I suspect everyone is going to rush about like headless wherries. So it'll behoove us to stay cool and calm."

When the doors had closed quietly behind them, Jaxom turned to Aivas.

"There's just me here now, Aivas."

"That is obvious."

"You were obeying your orders, then, weren't you?"

"That is my function."

"All right, then it is my function to show you the Records of our history, as Master Robinton wanted."

"Please place the Record facedown on the lighted plate."

Carefully, with full regard that Master Arnor, the head archivist at Harper Hall, would have his guts for garters if he damaged a single one of the precious pages, Jaxom opened the first Record, Present Pa.s.s One, and laid it on the green glowing panel.


"What? I barely had time to place it," Jaxom exclaimed.

"Scanning is instantaneous, Lord Jaxom."

"This is going to be a long night," Jaxom remarked, and obediently opened the Record to a new page.

"Journeyman Piemur said your white dragon is an exceptional beast," Aivas said, "with many unusual qualities."

"Compensation for him being small, white, and uninterested in mating." Jaxom wondered what Piemur had said about Ruth, even though he knew the journeyman was devoted to both him and the white dragon.

"Was the journeyman correct in saying that Ruth always knows when when he is, and that he has traveled in time?" he is, and that he has traveled in time?"

"All the dragons can travel in time, at least backward," Jaxom said a trifle absently, his attention focused on turning the pages carefully, as well as quickly.

"Timing is also prohibited?"

"Timing is dangerous."


Jaxom shrugged as he changed pages. "A dragon has to know exactly the time when when he is going to, or he can come out of he is going to, or he can come out of between between at the same spot he's inhabiting at that earlier time. Too close, and it is thought that both dragon and rider will die. Equally, it's unwise to go any place you haven't already been, so you shouldn't go forward, because you wouldn't know if you were there or not." Jaxom paused to smooth some pages flat where the binding was particularly tight. "Lessa made a particularly spectacular flight." at the same spot he's inhabiting at that earlier time. Too close, and it is thought that both dragon and rider will die. Equally, it's unwise to go any place you haven't already been, so you shouldn't go forward, because you wouldn't know if you were there or not." Jaxom paused to smooth some pages flat where the binding was particularly tight. "Lessa made a particularly spectacular flight."

"So Journeyman Piemur told me. A brave feat, but apparently not without debilitating consequences. The method of teleporting was never fully explained, but judging by the journeyman's account, an abnormally long period spent in such travel causes sensory deprivations. You and your white dragon have also timed it?"

"That is the term," Jaxom said in a fiat tone that he hoped would discourage further questions. But Aivas was not human, he realized, and might not perceive his reluctance from tone or words. "The episode is not common knowledge."

"Understood," Aivas replied, to Jaxom's surprise. "Would you object, Lord Jaxom, to a discussion of the duties of the various social groups that have been mentioned in the Records so far? For instance, what are the responsibilities and privileges of a Lord Holder? Or a Weyrleader? A Craftmaster? Some terms are so well understood by the scribes that they are not defined. It is necessary to have a firm grasp of such terms to understand the current political and social structures."

Jaxom gave a little chuckle. "You'd do better to ask one of the more experienced Lord Holders: Groghe, for instance, or even Larad or Asgenar."

"You are here, Lord Jaxom."

"Yes, am I not!" The quickness of the Aivas amused Jaxom. So, as talking would certainly relieve the tedium of turning pages, Jaxom complied-and found it very easy indeed to talk to Aivas through the long night. Only later would he realize how skillfully he had been queried. He could not even guess how valuable his explanations would prove to be.

Jaxom had worked his way through five Turns of the Present Pa.s.s when the muscles in his shoulders began to tense. He needed a break. So when he heard someone stirring, he called out softly.

"Who's up?"

"Jancis. You came back-oh!" She grinned as she entered the chamber. "Shall I take over? You look exhausted. Why didn't Sebell or Menolly do this?"

"Because Aivas will have nothing to do with them until they've been formally introduced to him. By a Lord Holder, a Masterharper, and a Weyrleader."

Jancis's expression was rueful. "Sometimes we outsmart ourselves. Here, I'll take over, Jaxom. Get yourself some klah. It should still be good and hot." And taking the Record from his hands, she spread the pages on the panel. "Master Robinton, and the others here then, quite rightly decided it was wiser to limit who could talk to Aivas."

"Hmm, yes, there's no telling what people will ask Aivas," Jaxom said, thinking of the way he had rattled on and on, although Aivas had done all the asking.

By the time he had finished the klah, which was not as hot as he liked but did stimulate him, Jancis had finished that volume. She started on another.

How soon, Jaxom wondered, could he get his lady, Sharra, admitted to the roster? She had been so excited when he had told her about the medical knowledge Aivas claimed to possess. She had two cotholders, suffering intense pains that she was unable to alleviate with fellis. They were slowly wasting away. Master Oldive, whose advice had been sought, was also baffled by their declines. Then Jaxom reminded himself that Oldive, being Masterhealer, would have precedence with Aivas. Jaxom was careful about using his privileges as Lord Holder, and yet, in a case of life or death, could he not make an exception?

"That will be all for now, Journeywoman Jancis," Aivas said in a muted voice. "The energy supplies are nearly exhausted. An hour of good sunlight will be needed to restore power. If the remaining panels could be cleared, there would be more power available in the future."

"Did I do something wrong?" Jancis asked Jaxom in confusion.

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