In Deep Waters: Cruising The Seas Part 9

In Deep Waters: Cruising The Seas -

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"Please don't make me wait, please."

"Are you sure? Sometimes you're not sure."

"I really need to come, please, baby."

There had been a time she'd called me Mistress, but the years together had mellowed the need for the sharp dividing line between dominant and submissive. She was my lover, my partner. I adored taking care of her like this, of antic.i.p.ating what she really needed even when she gave contradictory signs. Did she need to get higher before I gave her release? Her gaze had grown unfocused and her arms were stiff enough to induce cramping. If anything, she was too high and her body wouldn't quite know which pleasure center should respond. I needed to bring her down a little, then push her over the edge.

Freeing the heavy toy from the harness, I showed it to her. "In a while, I'm going to f.u.c.k you with your own c.o.c.k."

She swallowed before saying, "I am so glad I'm a woman and that doesn't involve amputation."

I grinned at her, aware she was breaking the mood, but her eyes were focusing again and her breathing had slowed. "I am fond of all the things that are attached to you."

"Oh, good-oh f.u.c.k!"

I twisted one nipple, hard. "Like this. I like doing this to you because I know you just got very, very wet for me-"

"I'm already so wet, baby!"

"And I know your c.l.i.t just turned into a rock."

"It is-"

I pressed my fingers to her lips. "No more words."

She shuddered and I felt her heart pounding deep and hard.

Slithering down her body I spread her legs, antic.i.p.ating the feast of her thickly wet p.u.s.s.y. To my surprise a little moon winked at me. "What's this?"

She wisely said nothing.

"You're wearing my jewelry. You've got that little clip around your c.l.i.t. You f.u.c.ked me and got yourself off too, didn't you?"

Predictable? Hardly. She'd been a very naughty girl. I put my palm over her c.l.i.t and pressed down. She immediately thrust back with a moan of need and distress.

"You look so pretty with my jewelry on, maybe I should leave it." I slid onto my stomach and parted her lips so I could marvel at the red, swollen beauty of her erect c.l.i.t. I really ought to punish her, but her c.l.i.t was so ripe and so tantalizing. I made a lover's choice, and covered it with my warm mouth.

She moaned so loudly that I couldn't hear the engines for a moment. And she kept on moaning while I used my tongue to work the clip upward until her c.l.i.t was finally released. I knew exactly how good that felt, and enjoyed the helpless twitching of her c.l.i.t against my tongue. I kept my mouth over it, just barely brus.h.i.+ng it with my tongue as I slowly pushed her c.o.c.k inside her.

Her moan became a half-cry, and I pushed a little faster. In my desire to be a good dominatrix I had studied what made the female body respond. I knew that her anterior nerve cl.u.s.ter was tightening against the stimulation while her c.l.i.toral nerves sent reciprocal sensations so that each area was equally pleasured. But my darling was no stranger I needed to study and safeguard, and the familiarity of her was so precious that I sometimes found my heart so tight in my chest I could not breathe.

The lover in me heard her choking, sobbing moans. She loved this. She loved what I gave her. I knew with her hands trapped under her she had no choice but to arch her hips up to meet me. She had no choice now but to come like this and I lifted my mouth from her to watch her gush around the c.o.c.k. When she gasped for breath I pulled the c.o.c.k out of her.

"More, baby." I tongued her c.l.i.t hard this time, and the sharp sensation there unclenched the muscles inside her. She drenched my chest and the bed with a final, hoa.r.s.e cry, then went limp.

I s.n.a.t.c.hed a toga sheet from the floor to mop the bedclothes, then grabbed the other and covered us both just as she burst into tears. My arms were around her and I held her tight.

"Words now, darling, it's okay. I'm here, I've got you. It's okay."

She cried for only a minute, and I knew she was coming down when I heard a little ripple of laugher amongst the tears.


She sniffed, then said, "We're going to have to tip the cabin steward big time, huh?"

"Won't be the first time. Won't be the last."

"G.o.d, you make me happy."

"Oh, darling, why would I not?" I curled into her arms as tears stung my eyes. I was coming down too. s.e.x was all about wet, and tears to me were a natural extension, a different and almost equally needed release.

She whispered a sweet nothing, but my eyelids were already drooping. I felt her fingers at my nipples and was confused for a moment, then realized she was taking off the jewelry moons.

"Thank you," I mumbled. She was so predictable, taking care of me in all the little ways as well as the big ones. Predictability meant trust, I thought hazily. No two nights with her were ever alike and yet they always ended the same way.

Her arms tightened around me. And I slept.

Pool Games Karin Kallmaker "This is the life."

"You got that right." Hana rolled her eyes as her friend Evie put her head back. Obviously Evie was referring to the suns.h.i.+ne and refres.h.i.+ng sea breezes.

Hana was busy admiring the scenery. The comic, Zelda, was organizing the next pool game, and so far there was no shortage of really fine looking women willing to play. "Check out the blondes. Over there, on the left. Asian chick, white chick, gorgeous long hair on both. Do you think they're going to play Pa.s.s the Orange?"

Evie struggled to get her eyes open. "If they do, wake me up."

Hana tipped a little of her drink onto Evie's stomach. After the expected yowl and protest, she said, "I don't know how you can sleep."

"I was up late. Later than I wanted to be."

"I'm sorry, she took longer than I thought she would. Wanted to cuddle and stuff."

"Well, if you're going to bag any more babes in our stateroom, would you finish it up before midnight?"

"You're just pouting because I got her." Hana smiled at the memory. Simone? Samantha? Anyway, she'd been fun.

"Bro, I wasn't even trying."

"Bet I can bag one of those blondes before sunset."

"Sure, yeah, whatever." Evie closed her eyes for good, it seemed.

"It's your sunburn, bro." She glanced up at the overhang- with the sun s.h.i.+fting, Evie would be in the shade within a half hour. She'd leave her to sleep.

She studied the two blondes, oh so femme the pair of them. She'd noticed them at the singles' tables the last two nights during dinner. They both definitely looked up for fun or they wouldn't be wearing such revealing swimsuits and happily partic.i.p.ating in the games.

Pa.s.s the Orange started, and sure enough, the cute twosome played along. As they and their teammates gamboled and splashed, they pa.s.sed an orange from person to person without using their hands. Capturing it between chin and chest, a successful pa.s.s required full and complete body contact, and it was a show worth watching. Zelda added ribald commentary. Hana didn't know if the organizers had done it on purpose, but one team was mostly butch and the other all femme. She forgot to watch the butches with so many lovely and round female attributes rubbing up against each other, all wet and heaving.

This was one h.e.l.l of a vacation.

The butch team was way ahead and would have won had not several of the femmes mysteriously lost their bikini tops all at the same time. The resulting consternation on the butch side of the pool resulted in a dropped orange that bobbed unnoticed. Meanwhile, the unleashed femme equipment seemed to help them make their even easier.

"Those are nipples, not oranges-be careful with the goodies!" Zelda was having a blast, and Hana was rapt counting all the bobbing bits.

She had one more thing to add to her homage at the shrine of Sappho, oh yes she did.

"Don't look now, but short, dark and is headed this way." Felicia gave Zi a wry look. "I thought her eyes were going to fall out the way she was ogling you."

"Not me, you." Zi checked her bikini straps again to make sure they were firmly back in place.

"She is so not my type."

"Right-sure she isn't."

Felicia just shrugged, and Zi wondered what was bothering her friend. "I thought you came on this cruise to get laid. Repeatedly."

"I thought I did too, but I'm tired of being the one in the bin."


Felicia tossed back her long hair in a gesture that wasn't quite her usual come hither signal. "Like I'm the one in a box with a bunch of other oranges getting picked over until someone decides to pick me up. I'd like to do the picking up for once."

The butch from the other side of the pool was nearly upon them, and Zi thought Felicia went on to say, "I'd like to be in charge for once," but she wasn't sure.

"Well, I'm d.a.m.ned well tired of being a good girl," Zi whispered. "Screw Yiyi and her good Asian girl c.r.a.p."

"Be the blonde," Felicia said with a tease in her voice.

"You two looked like you were having a lot of fun," the new arrival said. Zi pulled up her feet from the foot of the chaise, and the butch readily accepted the invitation to sit. "Where you both from?"

"Santa Fe," Zi said. "How about you?"

"Denver. My friend and I both. She's asleep."

"Busy night for her?" Felicia's tone was cool, and Zi took that as a clear sign that Felicia wasn't interested in the butch, which was fine. She definitely was interested in the woman-she looked like she specialized in Quick, Hot and Seeyalaterbabe. Exactly what her inner therapist had ordered.

"She was screaming her head off at the heavy metal concert last night."

"You like metal?" Zi swept her hair off her back so it gathered over one shoulder, and hoped that her momentary puzzlement at its blond hue didn't show. It took getting used to.

"Sure. I'm Hana, by the way."

Zi introduced herself and Felicia, who nodded and returned her attention to the pool where a spirited game of Marco Polo was underway.

"Metal can be very liberating." Zi hoped Hana didn't hear Felicia's quiet snort. So fine, she hadn't ever heard heavy metal before last night, but Hana wasn't going to be around long enough to catch her in a few fibs. "Hey, your friend is looking for you."

Hana turned and waved, and the other butch headed around the pool toward them.

Felicia gathered up her towel and book. "I'm going to burn if I stay out anymore. Have fun, you two."

Zi watched her friend walk away and wondered again what was bothering her. Oh well, she'd tell her eventually. She always did.

"This is Evie," Hana said. "Evie-Zi. She lives in Santa Fe."

Evie nodded, seemed polite enough. "I was going to see if there was any ice cream left and then think about changing for dinner before I head to the casino for a while."

"Good idea. Go ahead and change for dinner. I'll, uh, find you."

Evie nodded and Zi pretended not to see the silent signal pa.s.sed between the two friends. She and Felicia had a similar arrangement.

"She seems nice," Zi said after Evie left.

"We're peas in a pod." Hana stretched her legs out in front of her. She tanned easily, it looked like, but she was still several shades lighter than Zi was. "When we were eight we were the only two tomboys in our neighborhood, and we've been butch brothers ever since."

"Bet you were both cute little girls."

Hana gave her a sidelong look. "But we wanted to be boys. A lot. No dresses to begin with. And we both had brothers and they didn't have to do any housework. My brother got taught how to drive when he was eleven. Why wouldn't I want to be a boy?"

Zi grinned. "Okay, I can get that. Believe me, I'm well-schooled in what good little girls can and can't do."

"My folks tried." Hana gave her a lopsided smile that Zi knew brought women running for miles. "I was the kind of girl who liked to do the other girls, and from the time I was fifteen I was a terror. Evie and I-we both adore girls."

Yes, that smile was devastating and, before Yiyi, Zi might have tried to resist it. But now she had some major time to make up, and a fast-talking butch who wanted an hour or two of fun was exactly what she needed. Cheap s.e.x, and lots of it. "All sorts of girls, or a certain kind?"

Hana ran one finger along the curve of Zi's calf. "I like all sorts of girls. I'm especially fond of those who like me to be very much in charge."

Zi tucked her toes under Hana's thigh and stretched. "So you like telling a girl what to do?"

"Only in private."

"But this isn't very private." Zi tossed back her hair, aware that Hana was enjoying the view.

"So I'm not telling you what to do, am I?"

Zi drained the last of her frothy drink. "Why don't you give it a try?"

Hana gave her a long, smoldering look. "I've got vodka and orange juice in my room."

Zi rose to her feet, trying to make the most of all her five feet. The high-heeled sandals helped. As always when she stood up, she had to pause to catch the s.h.i.+p's motion. Hana steadied her with a firm hand at her elbow. "Thank you."

Hana kept her hand where it was, even tightened it a little. "Have a drink with me."

"Yes." She let the next swell under the s.h.i.+p s.h.i.+ft her weight toward Hana. Practically in her arms, she whispered, "There, that wasn't so hard, was it? You told me what to do and I said yes."

If Evie had had any idea how easy it would be to talk this particular babe into their cabin, she wouldn't have given up, Hana thought. She kept the pace slow as they chatted and laughed on their way down two flights of external stairs. They went indoors at the rear lounge and the frigid air hit their overheated bodies.

"I always feel like I need a sweater inside." Zi caught Hana checking out her nipples. "Like what you see?"

"Oh, yes," Hana said with all the fervor she could muster. "I'd like to see more of it."

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