The Clockwork Universe Part 21

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Rattansi, Piyo. "Newton and the Wisdom of the Ancients." In Fauvel et al., eds., Let Newton Be! Let Newton Be!

Redwood, John. Reason Reason, Ridicule Ridicule, and Religion and Religion: The Age of Enlightenment in England 16601750. The Age of Enlightenment in England 16601750. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976.

Rees, Martin. Just Six Numbers Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe. The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe. New York: Basic Books, 2001. New York: Basic Books, 2001.

Roche, John. "Newton's Principia Principia." In Fauvel et al., eds., Let Newton Be! Let Newton Be!

Rogers, G. A. J. "Newton and the Guaranteeing G.o.d." In Force and Popkin, eds., Newton and Religion. Newton and Religion.

Rossi, Paolo. The Birth of Modern Science The Birth of Modern Science. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001.

---. Logic and the Art of Memory Logic and the Art of Memory: The Quest for a Universal Language The Quest for a Universal Language. New York: Continuum, 2006.

Rota, Gian-Carlo. Indiscrete Thoughts Indiscrete Thoughts. Boston: Birkhauser, 2008.

Russell, Bertrand. The Scientific Outlook The Scientific Outlook. New York: Norton, 1962.

Schaffer, Simon. "Somewhat Divine." London Review of Books London Review of Books, November 16, 2000.

Seife, Charles. Zero Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea The Biography of a Dangerous Idea. New York: Penguin, 2000.

Shapin, Steven. "Of G.o.ds and Kings: Natural Philosophy and Politics in the Leibniz-Clarke Disputes." Isis Isis 72, no. 2 (June 1981), pp.187215. 72, no. 2 (June 1981), pp.187215.

---. "One Peculiar Nut." London Review of Books London Review of Books, January 23, 2003. (This is an essay on Descartes.) ---. "Rough Trade." London Review of Books London Review of Books, March 6, 2003. (This is an essay on Robert Hooke.) ---. "The House of Experiment in Seventeenth-Century England." Isis Isis 79, no. 3 (September, 1988), pp.373404. 79, no. 3 (September, 1988), pp.373404.

---. A Social History of Truth A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth Century England Civility and Science in Seventeenth Century England. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.

---. The Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Smith, Virginia. Clean Clean: A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Smolinski, Reiner. "The Logic of Millennial Thought: Sir Isaac Newton Among His Contemporaries." In Force and Popkin, eds., Newton and Religion. Newton and Religion.

Sn.o.belen, Stephen. "l.u.s.t, Pride and Ambition: Isaac Newton and the Devil." In James Force and Sarah Hutton, eds., Newton and Newtonianism Newton and Newtonianism: New Studies New Studies. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer, 2004, pp.15581.

Stayer, Marcia Sweet, ed. Newton's Dream Newton's Dream. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.

Stewart, Ian. Nature's Numbers Nature's Numbers. New York: Basic Books, 1995.

Stewart, Matthew. The Courtier and the Heretic The Courtier and the Heretic: Leibniz Leibniz, Spinoza Spinoza, and the Fate of G.o.d in the Modern World and the Fate of G.o.d in the Modern World. New York: Norton, 2006.

Stillwell, John. Mathematics and Its History Mathematics and Its History. New York: Springer, 1989.

Stone, Lawrence. The Family The Family, s.e.x and Marriage in England 15001800 s.e.x and Marriage in England 15001800. New York: Penguin, 1979.

Struik, Dirk. A Concise History of Mathematics A Concise History of Mathematics. New York: Dover, 1948.

Tamny, Martin. "Newton, Creation, and Perception." Isis Isis 70, no. 1 (March 1979), pp.4858. 70, no. 1 (March 1979), pp.4858.

Thomas, Keith. Man and the Natural World Man and the Natural World. New York: Pantheon, 1983.

---. Religion and the Decline of Magic Religion and the Decline of Magic. New York: Scribner's, 1971.

Tillyard, E. M. W. The Elizabethan World Picture The Elizabethan World Picture. New York: Vintage, 1961.

Tinniswood, Adrian. His Invention So Fertile His Invention So Fertile: A Life of Christopher Wren A Life of Christopher Wren. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Tomalin, Claire. Samuel Pepys Samuel Pepys. New York: Knopf, 2002.

Weber, Eugen. Apocalypses Apocalypses: Prophecies Prophecies, Cults and Millennial Beliefs Through the Ages Cults and Millennial Beliefs Through the Ages. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000.

Weinberg, Steven. "Newton's Dream." In Stayer, ed., Newton's Dream Newton's Dream.

Westfall, Richard S. Never at Rest Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton A Biography of Isaac Newton. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

---. "Newton and the Scientific Revolution." In Stayer, ed., Newton's Dream. Newton's Dream.

---. Science and Religion in Seventeenth-Century England Science and Religion in Seventeenth-Century England. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1973.

---. "Short-Writing and the State of Newton's Conscience, 1662 (1)." Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 18, no. 1 (June 1963), pp.1016. 18, no. 1 (June 1963), pp.1016.

White, Michael. Isaac Newton Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer The Last Sorcerer. Reading, MA: Perseus, 1997.

Whitehead, Alfred North. Science and the Modern World Science and the Modern World. New York: Free Press, 1925.

Whiteside, D. T. "Isaac Newton: Birth of a Mathematician." Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 19, no. 1 (June 1964), pp.5362. 19, no. 1 (June 1964), pp.5362.

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Wisan, Winifred. "Galileo and G.o.d's Creation." Isis Isis 77, no. 3 (September 1986), pp.47386. 77, no. 3 (September 1986), pp.47386.

Ill.u.s.tration Credits Page 1 Trustees of the Portsmouth Estate. Reproduced by kind permission of the Tenth Earl of Portsmouth. Photo by Jeremy Whitaker.

Page 2 Courtesy of the Governors of Christ's Hospital.

Page 3 Top: Public domain Bottom: Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig. Kunstmuseum des Landes Niedersachsen. Museumsfoto: B. P. Keiser.

Page 4 Top: Detail from the Bayeux Tapestry-11th Century. By special permission of Bayeux.

Bottom: Public domain.

Page 5 All public domain.

Page 6 Top: Portrait of Samuel Pepys (16331703) 1666 (oil on canvas) by John Hayls (fl.165176). National Portrait Gallery, London, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library.

Bottom: Museum of London.

Page 7 Top: CORBIS.

Bottom: Bull and bear baiting (woodcut) (b&w photo) by English School.

Private Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library.

Page 8 Top: Public domain.

Bottom left: SSPL/Science Museum/Getty Images.

Bottom right: Wellcome Library, London.

Page 9 All public domain.

Page 10 All public domain.

Page 11 Public domain.

Page 12 Top: Portrait of Galileo Galilei (15641642), astronomer and physicist (drawing), by Ottavio Mario Leoni (c.15781630). Biblioteca Marucelliana, Florence, Italy/The Bridgeman Art Library.

Bottom: Gal. 48, fol. 28r, Firenze, Biblioteca n.a.z.ionale Centrale. Reproduced by kind permission of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attivita Culturali, Italy/Biblioteca n.a.z.ionale Centrale, Firenze. This image cannot be reproduced in any form without the authorization of the Library, the owners of the copyright.

Page 13 Top: Pythagoras (c.580500 BC) discovering the consonances of the octave, from "Theorica Musicae" by Franchino Gaffurio, first published in 1480, from 'Revue de l'Histoire du Theatre,' 1959 (engraving) (b/w photo) by French School (20th century). Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library.

Bottom: Pythagoras (c.580500 BC), Greek philosopher and mathematician, Roman copy of Greek original (marble) by Pinacoteca Capitolina, Palazzo Conservatori, Rome, Italy/Index/The Bridgeman Art Library.

Page 14 Top: Public domain.

Bottom: Telescope belonging to Sir Isaac Newton (16421727), 1671 by English School.

Royal Society, London, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library.

Page 15 Top: Portrait of Edmond Halley, c.1687 (oil on canvas) by Thomas Murray (16631734).

Royal Society, London, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library.

Bottom: Wellcome Library, London.

Page 16 Werner Forman/CORBIS.

Index The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific pa.s.sage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

ABC of Relativity (Russell), 297 (Russell), 297 abstraction, 192, 19599, 196 196, 219, 222, 230, 246, 305, 342n 195, 342n 198 acceleration, 93, 96, 209, 25456 Aczel, Amir, 138n Adler, Alfred W., 267 Aga.s.siz, Louis, 128 Albert of Saxony, 2023 alchemy, 6, 5456 chemistry and, 5556Newton and, 48, 5556, 72, 278"philosopher's stone," 55, 252 Alfonso the Wise, 62 America's founding fathers, 31516 Anne, Queen of England, 262 Archimedes, 42, 187, 190, 252, 283n, 284 Aristotle, 45, 62, 92, 94, 96, 174, 189, 190 Earth as immobile, 9899, 172, 174Galileo refutes, 93, 172, 187, 188worldview, 19798 astrology, xv, 17, 64, 145, 146, 147, 156, 165, 227, 228 astronomy, xv, 89, 111, 112. See also See also moon; planets; stars; sun; universe moon; planets; stars; sun; universe birth of modern, 156, 339n 145Copernicus and, xiii, 97102, 112Galileo and, xiii, 102, 1056, 11213gravitational theory and, 315Kepler and, xiii, 14561Tycho Brahe and, 1067, 106n, 15961, 159n Aubrey, John, 65n, 78n Augustine, St., 6364, 130, 130n .

Bacon, Francis, 65, 65n, 144 Baker, Henry, 336n 120 Barrow, Isaac, 343n 226 Barzun, Jacques, 38 Beethoven, Ludwig von, 231 Bellarmine, Cardinal, 113 Biagioli, Mario, 334n 98 Bible Boyle's study of, 18as code or cipher, 18, 35creation, date of, 128date of doomsday, 1314, 14n, 18earth-centered universe of, 97fear of critical investigation and, 89mysteries as divine, 63Newton's study of, 18, 35, 48, 23132, 274, 311, 325n 18 binomial theorem, 228, 228n Bohr, Niels, 229, 302, 349n 302 Bolyai, Johann, 39n Boorstin, Daniel, 62, 260 Boyle, Robert, 4, 18, 30, 50, 51, 56, 68, 83, 242 applied technology and, 84argument against secrecy, 67dead men and hangings, 53, 54experiment on pet dog, 80experiments at the Royal Society, 5960, 81 Boyle's law, 56 Bronowski, Jacob, 125 Brown, Gregory, 346n 262 Bruno, Giordano, 314 Bunyan, John, 343n 226 Butler, Samuel, 8687 .

calculus, 22122, 223, 24152 acceleration and, 25456derivation of word, 223forerunners of, 226impact of discoveries, 258integration, 229Leibniz and, xiv, 4344, 47, 24152, 268Leibniz's notations, 26869, 268nNewton and, xiv, 22532, 24152, 268, 269Newton-Leibniz feud, xiv, 25970revelations of, 25658 Cambridge, England Newton in, xiv, 5, 28, 48, 241, 271, 272, 27880, 290, 320plague in 1665 and, 28, 226Stourbridge Fair at, 22627, 343n 226 Candide (Voltaire), 235 (Voltaire), 235 Cardano, Girolamo, 6667 Caroline, Princess of Wales, 262, 26365 Cartesian coordinates, 194, 341n 193 Ca.s.sirer, Ernst, 236 cat piano, 79 79, 7980 Celestial Mechanics (Laplace), 317 (Laplace), 317 chain of being, 12123 Chandrasekhan, Subrahmanyan, 13233, 23031, 285, 31819, 331n 73 Charles I, xiv, 15 Charles II, 8, 15, 17, 30, 32, 58 charters the Royal Society, 83grisly interest in anatomy, 7879microscope and, 116science and, 8384 circle, 40, 40 40, 43, 101, 136, 163, 164n, 166, 191, 192 planetary orbits and, 100101, 147, 147 147, 148, 14950, 150 150, 16364, 164 164, 172, 275 Clarke, Samuel, 26465, 31112 clockwork universe, xvii, 18, 18283, 274, 310, 31113, 316 Coga, Arthur, 6061 Cohen, I. Bernard, 74, 299 comets, 1617, 40, 43, 75, 101, 294, 295, 302 Conduitt, John, 272 consciousness, 302 Copernicus, Nicolaus, xiii, 9799, 1012, 112, 113, 146, 150, 156, 160, 170, 171, 172 Cromwell, Oliver, 3, 38, 70n Croone, William, 8182 Crosby, Alfred, 192n .

d'Alembert, Jean, 224 Dantzig, Tobias, 202 Darwin, Charles, 112, 127, 128, 256, 266, 302n Daston, Lorraine, 63 Day of Doom, 11 day of judgment (apocalypse), 1319 Revelation 11:3, 14ntiming of, 1415, 14n, 19 Defense, The (Nabokov), 132 (Nabokov), 132 Descartes, Rene, xiii, xviii, 5, 42, 54, 79, 97, 190, 19495, 200, 286 Cartesian coordinates, 194, 341n 193coordinate geometry, xiii, 19093, 226, 227, 228, 240graphs, 19192, 194, 200, 21213, 213 213, 341n 193negative/imaginary numbers and, 196vacuums, 198n, 286 Dialogues (Plato), 200 (Plato), 200 Diderot, Denis, 45 Digby, Sir Kenelm, 50, 50n, 52 Dirac, Paul, 22930, 295, 348n 295 Discourse on Method (Descartes), 19495 (Descartes), 19495 disease, xv, xvi, 78, 9, 80n. See also See also plague plague four "humors" and, 8081 Donne, John, 11, 26, 71, 102 .

Earth. See also See also planets; universe planets; universe Aristotle's immobile, 9899, 172, 174earth-centered universe, 91, 112, 113, 160, 176, 335n 112four elements theory, 92gravity and, 305Greek understanding of, 92h.e.l.l, location within, 113mathematical laws for, 9394right triangle of Earth, sun, moon, 138nspeed of, 175as spinning and moving, 9799, 101, 111, 112, 170, 172 Eddington, Arthur, 298 education, 42, 62, 6970, 69n Edward III, 27 Edwards, Jonathan, 11 Einstein, Albert, 39n, 88, 125, 132, 133, 169, 283, 304, 306, 338n 143 special relativity, 17172, 229, 298 Elements of Newton's Philosophy (Voltaire), 297 (Voltaire), 297 Elizabeth I, 37n, 78 ellipses, 40, 40 40, 16365, 164 164, 164n, 166, 179, 275, 278 inverse-square laws and, 28182, 282n England in the seventeenth century beheading of Charles I, xiv, 15bulldog, 80Civil War, xiii, xvi, 44comets in 16641665, 16crime and punishment, 5354, 7678, 78 78, 78n, 331n 78Hanoverian claim to the throne, 261as incurring G.o.d's anger, 17Newton-Leibniz feud, 25970plague (bubonic plague), xvipracticality celebrated, 88Puritan rule, 15Restoration (of monarchy), 15scientific rise in, 98 Euclid, 40, 135, 190, 227, 240, 298 five "Platonic solids" and, 15253, 153 153, 339n 153 Euclid's geometry, 40 40, 40 Evelyn, John, 3233, 60 evolution, 127, 128, 266, 309 experimentation on animals, 59, 7982blood transfusions, 6061, 61 61, 8182on dogs, 8082, 86 experimentation (cont.) (cont.) Hooke in charge at Royal Society, 59new focus on, 6165on poison, 81as stunts, 8182vacuum chamber, 4, 5960, 65, 198n Eyam, England, 2728, 1078 .

falling objects, 178n acceleration, 93, 96, 209, 25456all objects fall at the same rate, 18789Galileo's experiments, 17279, 178 178, 18386, 184 184, 18789, 200Galileo's law of motion, 17475, 178, 186n, 24446, 245 245, 25355, 276mathematical laws for, 124, 186nNewton's laws of motion and, 18081, 180, 180, 181 181, 341n 181parabolic paths, 178 178, 179, 245 245, 246, 25657televising Olympic divers, 18889vacuum chamber and, 188 Farriner, Thomas, 30 Federalist papers, 316 papers, 316 Fermat, Pierre de, 42, 138n, 226 Fermat's Last Theorem (Aczel), 138n (Aczel), 138n Feynman, Richard, 94n, 96, 330n 68, 334n 96 fire as common cause of death, 8, 9day of judgment and, 19as divine punishment, 9fighting methods, 3132Great Fire of London, xiv, 2933 Flamsteed, John, 75 Fontenelle, Bernard de, vii, 111, 111n force, 91, 95, 156, 174, 180, 180 180. See also See also gravity gravity Franklin, Benjamin, 239, 316 Frederick the Great, 45 Freud, Sigmund, 112 .

Gadbury, John, 17 Galen, 80 Galileo, xiii, xviii, 5, 93, 96, 97, 145, 159n, 16979, 3045 abstraction and, 19899, 305, 342n 198birth, xiii, 169character and personality, 16970clockwork universe and, 18283death, xiii, 98experiments with falling objects, 17279, 178 178, 18386, 184 184, 18789, 200G.o.d as mathematician and, 124, 125infinity and matching technique, 2035, 204 204, 207 207, 207Kepler and, 170law of falling objects, 4041, 17279, 18586, 186n, 189, 190, 25355, 276law of pendulums, 183Leaning Tower of Pisa and, 184, 187, 188, 244mathematics and, 41, 95, 124, 132, 182microscope and, 11718movement of the Earth and, 170, 172music and, 183new star and, 107objective reality and, 94planetary orbits and, 164refutes Aristotle, 93, 94, 172, 188telescope and discoveries, 99, 102, 10513, 110 110telescope and military uses, 1089, 335n 109theory of relativity, 17172trial of, xiii, 98, 205worldview, 19799 Galle, Joseph, 315 Gardner, Martin, 143 Gauss, Carl, 143n Geometry (Descartes), 228 (Descartes), 228 George I, 261, 26263 George II, 264 Gilbert and Sullivan, 228n Gillispie, Charles C., 9495, 183, 297 Gingerich, Owen, 156 Glanvill, Joseph, 84, 85n, 111 G.o.d, 327n 35 chain of being and, 12123clockwork universe and, 18283cosmic harmonies and, 158nas creator/controller/designer, 3738, 37n, 39, 41, 111, 117, 119, 12125, 126, 127, 128, 154, 23536, 277, 294, 303, 31013as creator of perfection, xvii, 35, 41, 101, 117, 121, 12425, 130, 132, 144, 234, 274, 312, 327n 35, 344n 234divine messages, 910, 29, 30, 33divine punishment, xv, 9, 27, 33, 76, 327n 35evolutionary theory and, 309existence of, 38, 127gravity and, 31013, 315, 316, 317laws of nature and, xvii, 37, 12426, 132Leibniz on, 12324as mathematician, 39, 41, 12125, 127, 132, 157, 294miracles and, 311Newton on, 27374, 308, 31013new views of the universe and, 99seeking through science, 132, 134, 144, 30713, 320seventeenth century theology and, 1012world as G.o.d's riddle, 14344, 146, 169, 234, 320 Graham, Ronald, 229 graphs, 194 cannonball's flight, 21314, 214 214Cartesian coordinates, 194, 341n 193Descartes and, 19192, 194, 200, 21213, 213 213Galileo's rule (d = 16 t2), 245 245slope and, 21213, 213 213 gravity baffling nature of, 3016, 302nconfirmation by Le Verrier, 315G.o.d and, 31013, 315, 316, 317inverse-square laws and, 27475, 279moon and, xiv, 27377, 276 276, 305Newton's theory, xiv, xvii, 35, 36, 48, 127, 229, 27177, 276 276, 28385, 294, 3016, 315as weak force, 304 Greece, ancient infinite as taboo, 2012, 253manual labor and utility, 40, 327n 40mathematics in, 3940, 42, 129, 13539, 142, 143music in, 129, 129norder in the heavens and, 9091, 91n Greece, ancient (cont.) (cont.) physics of, 91planetary orbits and position of stars, 102secrecy about mathematics, 67nsquare root of 2 and, 67n"wisdom of the ancients" and, 36 Gulliver's Travels (Swift), 8788 (Swift), 8788 .

Hall, A. Rupert, 199, 297, 342n 198 Halley, Edmond, 278, 279 calculus and, 257diving bell and other accomplishments, 280Newton and, xiv, 27980, 28890, 291, 293, 296 Hamlet (Shakespeare), xiii (Shakespeare), xiii Hardy, G. H., 135 Harmony of the World, The (Kepler), 134 (Kepler), 134 Harriot, Thomas, 239n, 345n 239fn Harvard University, 54 Harvey, William, 54 Hawking, Stephen, 115 Heisenberg, Werner, 12930, 132, 229 Henry, John, 303 Hippasus, 67n Hobbes, Thomas, 72, 327n 37 Hodges, Nathaniel, 24 Holland, 21 Hooke, Robert, 4, 59, 86 on aim of science, 6970appearance, 75, 291argument for secrecy, 68character and personality, 29091feuds with Newton and others, 75, 29092, 293inverse-square laws and planetary orbits, 279, 280, 289, 290microscope and, 11415, 118 118, 11819Royal Society experiments, 59, 66study of art, 70, 70nvacuum chamber, 4, 5960, 65 Houtermans, Fritz, 6768, 330n 68 Hudson, Henry, 107 Huxley, Aldous, 319 Huxley, Thomas, 127 Huygens, Christiaan, 75, 240, 305 Hydrostatical Paradoxes (Boyle), 83 (Boyle), 83 .

infinity, 200209, 202 202, 216n, 21921 Galileo and, 2035, 204 204G.o.d and, 234, 344n 234Greek's fear of, 2012, 253Leibniz and, 22223mathematical limits and, 21921, 224mathematics and, 208motion and, 202, 2089, 225Newton and, 222paradox and, 203points on a line and, 207 207, 2078Zeno's paradox, 2012, 215 215, 21516, 21921 Inquisition, xiii, 205, 314 inverse-square laws, 228, 27475, 277, 279, 280, 28182, 282n, 286, 289, 290, 292, 294 Italy burning of Giordano Bruno, 314Galileo's, 171plague (bubonic plague), 21scientific decline in, 98, 334n 98trial of Galileo, xiii, 205 .

Jefferson, Thomas, 316 Johnson, Samuel, 73 Jonson, Ben, 75 Joyce, James, 2056 .

Keats, John, 95 Kepler, Johannes, xviii, 5, 41, 14568, 3045 birth, xiiicharacter and personality, 146, 15859clockwork universe and, 182death, xiiiescape into abstractions, 134idea about force propelling the planets and, 156as imperial mathematician, 165laws of, xiii, 158n, 16268, 169, 182, 190, 275, 294mother's imprisonment, 134Mystery of the Universe, 15556, 160patterns and, 15758planetary orbits and, 14656, 147 147, 149 149, 150 150, 151 151, 154 154, 158, 16268, 164 164, 165 165, 275, 278, 281theory of, 155Tycho Brahe and, 15861 Keynes, John Maynard, 48, 56 King Lear (Shakespeare), 231 (Shakespeare), 231 Kircher, Athanasius, 79 79, 7980 Kline, Morris, 10, 131 Koestler, Arthur, 101, 339n 145 Kuhn, Thomas, 99 .

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 73n, 31617, 331n 73 Laws (Plato), 327n 40 (Plato), 327n 40 laws of nature, xviixviii cosmos ordered by, 3435as few and simple, 12425, 126, 132Galileo's law of pendulums, 183Galileo's on motion, 4041, 173, 18586, 189, 294as G.o.d's mind, xviii, 35, 132, 14344, 146Greeks and geometry, 130, 130 130Kepler's laws, xiii, 158n, 16268, 169, 182, 190, 294in mathematical form, 12324Newton's laws of motion, 4244, 17374, 17981, 180 180, 181 181, 294Pythagorean theorem and, 142randomness discounted, 12728 Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van, 114, 115, 115n, 223 microscopic world and, xiv, 114, 11516, 336n 114sperm cells seen by, 11516, 116n, 336n 115Vermeer and, 115n Leibniz, Gottfried, 3435, 47 47, 23344, 303, 328n 47 alchemy and, 55appearance, 46, 239"best of all possible worlds," 234, 235, 327n 35binary language and computer, 239, 239nbirth, xiv, 239calculus discovery published, xiv, 242, 243, 268calculus invented, xiv, 4344, 47, 24152, 268calculus notations, 26869, 268nCandide and, 235 and, 235Caroline, Princess of Wales and, 26365, 31718character and personality, 46, 225, 23940, 268Clarke correspondence, 265Collected Works, 238 Leibniz, Gottfried (cont.) (cont.) death, xiv, 317, 318as genius, 4647, 233, 237, 23839, 241G.o.d, view of, 12324, 234, 23536, 312gravitational theory and, 303, 305, 306Hanoverian court and, 26164, 346n 262infinitesimals, 22223, 241mathematics and, 24042"miracle year," xiv, 241on music, 183non nature, 125Newton and, xiv, 75, 24243, 25970, 306, 308, 31013, 317reputation, 317style as frenetic, 47, 238talents and accomplishments, 4546, 23739vacuums and, 198nWebsites, 344n 237, 346n 262 Lely, Peter, 70n lenses, 1078, 114 Le Verrier, Urbain, 315 L'Hopital, Marquis de, 320 light angles of, 130 130, 130, 131 131, 131brightness of, 274Newton's properties of, 48, 51, 74, 136, 291speed and medium for, 131, 131 131 Lincoln, Abraham, 219 Locke, John, 52, 176, 288 London bear- and bull-baiting, 80buildings and structures, 31coffeehouses, 27879, 278nas disease-ridden, 7executions, 7778, 78 78, 331n 78Globe Theatre, xviGreat Fire of, xiv, 2933Hanging Days, 53living conditions, xv, 3Newton in, xiv, 262plague and, xiv, 21, 2324, 2528St. Paul's Cathedral, 5, 33theaters, 3Thomas Gresham's mansion, 3 London Bridge, 29, 30, 32, 78 78, 78 Louis XIV, xvi, 44, 58, 239, 240 Luther, Martin, 16 .

Macauley, Thomas, 262 Manuel, Frank, 328n 44 mathematics, 3940, 42 abstraction and, 73, 19599, 222beauty of, 9394, 94n, 95binomial theorem, 228calculus, xiv, 43, 22122, 24152, 25456, 258of change, 21415 (see also calculus) calculus)Descartes' coordinate geometry, xiii, 19093, 226, 227, 228, 240as escape from ordinary world, 133Fermat's last theorem, 138nGalileo's rule (d = 16 t2), 245 245, 24546, 25355G.o.d as mathematician, 39, 41, 12125, 127, 132, 157, 294graphs, 19192, 192n, 194great discoveries and youth, 22931great-man theories, 267Greeks and, 3940, 42, 13539imaginary numbers, 196infinity and, 208, 21921as language of nature, xvii, xviii, 6, 41, 9395, 94nas language of science, 199moving objects and, 4243 (see also falling objects; motion) falling objects; motion)mystical properties of numbers, 130negative numbers, 19596, 219Newton's Principia Principia as world's most difficult geometry book, 73 as world's most difficult geometry book, 73pa.s.sion for, 13233patterns and, 13539plain speaking and, 70Platonic solids, 15253, 153 153, 154 154, 339n 153prime numbers, 136, 136nproblem of square root of 2, 67nproof, 13637, 13941, 140 140Pythagorean theorem, 137 137, 13739, 139 139, 13941, 140 140, 143nridicule of mathematicians, 8788secrecy in, 6667, 67nsequences, 220, 220ntriangle, 149as universal tool, 214zero, 195, 219 medicine, 78, 5354, 8081 Mermin, David, 334n 96 Michelangelo, 231, 307 Michelet, Jules, xvin, 323n xviiifn Micrographia (Hooke), (Hooke), 118 118, 11819 microscope, 52, 83n, 11419 discoveries with, 11416fly's eyes, 118 118, 119geometric shapes seen, 120, 336n 120glory of G.o.d and, 117, 119, 120Hooke and, 11415, 118 118, 11819Leeuwenhoek and, xiv, 52, 114, 11516, 116n, 336n 114, 336n 115Pepys and, 83sperm cells seen, 11516, 116n, 336n 115 "Mistress of Vision, The" (Thompson), 348n 295 Moliere, 301 Montaigne, Michel de, 11213 Montesquieu, 125 moon, 138n Newton's theory of gravity and, 27377, 276 276, 305as a problem for the Greeks, 91ntelescope and revelations, 86, 106, 10910 More, Henry, 99, 128 More, Thomas, 78n Moses, 36 motion, 143, 208, 252. See also See also falling objects falling objects acceleration and, 93, 96, 209, 25456Aristotle's theory, 94average speed, 209calculus and, 143, 24452, 257cannonball's flight, 178 178, 18081, 21314, 214 214, 257, 341n 181Galileo's concept of time as variable, 18386Galileo's experiments and, 124, 17279, 178 178, 18386, 184 184Galileo's law of, 178, 189, 24446, 245 245, 25355graphs and, 212, 213 213infinity and, 202, 2089, 221, 225, 241instantaneous speed, 21011, 21516, 221, 24752, 248 248, 249 249, 251 251Newton's laws of motion, 42, 17374, 17981, 180 180, 181 181, 341n 181speed, 254steady change, 209, 21213, 213 213Zeno's paradox and, 2012, 215 215, 21516 Munch, Edvard, 333n 92fn music, 95 Galileo and, 183Kepler and, 15758Leibniz on, 183nPythagoras and, 129, 129n, 15758staff as Europe's first graph, 192n Mystery of the Universe, The (Kepler), 15556, 160 (Kepler), 15556, 160 .

Nabokov, Vladimir, 132 Napoleon Bonaparte, 317 natural philosophers, 4, 7n Nayler, James, 77 Never at Rest (Westfall), 319, 351n 319 (Westfall), 319, 351n 319 New Astronomy (Galileo), 170 (Galileo), 170 Newton, Hannah, 44, 328n 44 Newton, Isaac, 35, 41, 4445, 125, 22532 admiration of and fame, 45, 261, 264, 271, 315, 316, 317, 318alchemy and, 48, 5556, 72animals, concern for, 79appearance, 46apple story, 272, 272nbelief he was chosen, 23132, 233Bible study by, 18, 35, 48, 23132, 274, 311, 325n 18birth, xiv, 44, 98, 231calculus invented, xiv, 43, 44, 22532, 24152, 268, 269in Cambridge, xiv, 5, 28, 48, 241, 271, 272, 27880, 290, 320character and personality, 5, 35, 3637, 46, 73, 135, 225, 226, 26770, 28889, 31920death, xiv, 5, 45deliberate arcaneness of publications, 7273Descartes' coordinate geometry and, 22728, 240elliptical orbits and, 27982experiments on his eye, 49 49, 49feud with Flamsteed, 75feud with Hooke, 75, 28990, 29192, 293genius of, 4647, 232, 256, 262, 31820G.o.d, view of, 41, 273, 277, 312, 320G.o.d and gravity, 30713, 315G.o.d as mathematician, 124, 125gravity and, xiv, xvii, 35, 48, 73, 127, 190, 229, 27177, 276 276, 28385, 295, 315Halley and, xiv, 27980, 28890, 293infinity and, 222intelligent design and, 128inverse-square laws, 228, 27475, 277, 279, 280, 28182, 282n, 286, 289, 290, 292, 294knighting of, xiv, 26162, 314lack of travel, 48laws of motion, 4244, 17374, 17981, 180 180, 181 181, 341n 181Leibniz and, xiv, 75, 24243, 25970, 306, 31013, 317light, properties of, 48, 51, 74, 136, 229, 291list of sins compiled, 1112in London, xivmathematics and, 132, 135, 22629, 231, 232, 28285, 343n 226"miracle years," xiv, 22632, 278natural laws and, 34Newton Project website, 325n 18"on the shoulders of giants" remark, 75, 145, 291Optiks, 261, 308papers obtained by Keynes, 56posthumous influence, 31516Principia, xiv, 73, 127, 271, 28587, 293301religious motivation, 30713Royal Society member, xiv, 290Royal Society president, 5, 262, 26970, 292Stourbridge Fair and, 22627, 229style as focused, obsessive, 4749, 28384telescope designed by, 290vacuums, 198nas warden of the Mint, 262 Newtonianism for Ladies, 297 .

Olson, Donald, 333n 92fn "On the Motion of Bodies in Orbit" (Newton), 281, 284 On the Plurality of Worlds (Fontenelle), 111 (Fontenelle), 111 On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres (Copernicus), xiii, 98 (Copernicus), xiii, 98 Optiks (Newton), 261, 308 (Newton), 261, 308 Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 127 (Darwin), 127 Oxford University, 48, 62 .

parabola, 40, 40 40, 179, 245 245, 246, 25657 Park, Katharine, 63 Pascal, Blaise, 38, 42, 112, 11617, 198n, 226, 240 Pauli, Wolfgang, 349n 302 Pepys, Samuel, 21, 21n on executions, 331n 78on the Great Fire of London, 32mathematics and, 42on the plague, 2122, 23, 24, 2627as president, Royal Society, 83, 348n 295on Royal Society experiment, 8182 Peter the Great, 262, 280 Petrarch, 20 Philosophical Transactions, 74, 270 photosynthesis, 87, 87n physicists, 13233 physics. See also See also motion motion calculus and, 143, 24452, 257great discoveries and youth, 22931mystique of impenetrability and, 29798shooting a basketball, 257, 345n 257universals and, 197 Physics (Aristotle), 94 (Aristotle), 94 Pilgrim's Progress, A (Bunyan), 343n 226 (Bunyan), 343n 226 plague (bubonic plague), 8, 9 9, 2024 "Bless you" custom and, 22closing of Cambridge, 28, 226death carts, 27death toll, 20, 26, 27as divine punishment, 9, 27, 33efforts to stop, 2526in England, xvi, 19, 20epidemic of 1665, 19, 2324in Europe, xvi, 20, 21in London, xiv, 21, 2324, 2528nailing shut of houses and, 2223"searchers," 23spread of, via fleas, 20, 21, 2728symptoms, course of disease, 22tolling of bells, 26, 27in village of Eyam, 2728 planets, 91 cla.s.sical doctrine of circular orbits, 100101discovery of new, 105distance from the sun, 168elliptical orbits, 275, 279, 28082, 281n, 317 planets (cont.) (cont.) Jupiter and moons, 110 110, 11011Jupiter's and Saturn's...o...b..ts, 14650, 147 147Kepler and, xiii, 14656, 147 147, 149 149, 150 150, 151 151, 154 154, 158, 158n, 16268, 164 164, 165 165, 275, 279Mars' orbit, 150movement of, 100101Neptune, 152, 315Pluto, 152, 152nSaturn, path of, 100 100sun-centered solar system, 9799, 101, 112, 146, 154 154, 156, 160, 171Ura.n.u.s, 152, 315weight of, 1012 Plato, 122, 200, 327n 40 Plutarch, 283n Poe, Edgar Allan, 348n 295 Pope, Alexander, 37, 122, 269, 317 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce), 2056 (Joyce), 2056 Principia (Newton), xiv, 73, 127, 271, 28587, 293301, 318, 320, 351n 319 (Newton), xiv, 73, 127, 271, 28587, 293301, 318, 320, 351n 319 Book I, 286, 294Book II, 28687Book III, 287, 28889, 293, 294calculus used in, 29899Chandrasekhar and, 73, 31819, 331n 73difficulty of, 297300first edition, first printing, 29596, 297gravitational theory, 295, 3016Halley and, 28890, 291, 293, 296seeking G.o.d in, 30713as "System of the World," 294theorem at center of, 29394 Proust, Marcel, 257 Ptolemy, 99, 100 100, 100 Pythagoras, 36, 67n music and, 129, 129n, 15758mystical properties of numbers, 130Pythagorean theorem, 137 137, 13739, 139 139, 13941, 140 140, 143n, 189 .

Quakers, 77 quantum physics and quantum theories, 258, 302, 349n 302 .

Rabi, I. I., 230 Ray, John, 34, 126 "Red-Headed League, The" (Doyle), 177 relativity, theory of, 17172, 229, 298 religion, 1012 apocalypse, 1319belief in the impossible, 62, 63, 85ncuriosity as a sin, 6364experiments as incompatible with, 6263fear of d.a.m.nation, 10heaven and h.e.l.l, location of, 113punishment of dissenters, 77salvation and the elect, 10science and, 89seeking G.o.d through science, 30713seventeenth century as "G.o.d-drenched era," 38, 39 Rossi, Paolo, 69n Rota, Gian-Carlo, 133 Royal Society of London air, weighing of, 84, 86applied technology and, 84challenging tradition that new is dangerous, 6162cranks and strange experiments, 51experimentation, focus on, 5965, 72flying chariot report and, 5152formal charter received, 11founding, xivThe History of Fishes, 296Hooke and experiments at, 66investigation vs. scholars.h.i.+p, 72meetings of, 5865members.h.i.+p, 1660, 36microscope and, 118motto: "Nullius in Verba," 58, 75new and old ideas at, 5057Newton joins, xivNewton-Leibniz feud and, 26970Newton president, 5, 262, 26970, 292Newton's paper on light, 51openness vs. secrecy in, 6671Pepys president, 83plague year and, 26plain speaking and, 70, 71poison experiments, 81, 332n 81ridicule of, 86scientific collaboration and, 4scientific journal of, 74spiders investigated, 51transfusion experiments, 6061, 61 61, 8182, 332n 81vacuum chamber experiments, 4, 5960, 65world's first official scientific organization, 5 Rudolph II, Emperor, 165 Rupert, Prince of the Rhine, 5960 Russell, Bertrand, 133, 169, 23839, 297 .

Sagan, Carl, 111n Schaffer, Simon, 345n 242 science/scientific revolution abstraction and, 19799America's founding fathers and, 31516belief in progress, 8485, 96birth of the modern age, 34, 314chemistry and, 5556common sense challenged, 9094, 97102debate over scientists' character and motives, 307, 307ndisdain for the past, 5657experimentation, focus on, 6165fear and new views, 99feuds and, 266founding fathers of, 36, 35as a free-for-all, 58goals and purposes of the universe and, 93G.o.d made irrelevant by, 30910, 317G.o.d sought through science, 30713, 320how objects move and, 2089laughter as reaction to discoveries, 83mathematics and, 88, 199modern, as unfathomable, 302old beliefs clung to and, 5257, 85nopenness vs. secrecy and, 6671, 7374poets on, 95skepticism and, 6364study of objects in motion and problem of infinity, 200206truth and, 224wisdom of the ancients and, 36, 37, 62 scientists, 7n. See also See also Royal Society Royal Society as elite, 68, 73 scientists (cont.) (cont.) feuds among, 75new generation, inspired by Newton, 7374openness vs. secrecy and, 6671, 7374as part-time or needing patronage, 7475peer review, 74prejudice against applied knowledge, 69, 69nsatirizing of, 84, 8589 seventeenth century "all things are numbers," 129apocalyptic beliefs, 1319birth of the modern age, 34"Bless you" custom, 22as callous and cruel era, 7682, 78 78, 79 79chain of being, 12123cities, xvcrime and punishment, 7678, 78 78, 78ncynicism and self-indulgence, 15dedication page of books, 71disease as divine punishment, xvdissections as entertainment, 76, 7879education, 42, 62formality and etiquette, 7071lack of toilets, xvilife expectancy, 7living conditions, xv, 34mathematics, view of, 143nursery rhymes, 80omens and signs, xv, 1617personal hygiene, xvi, xvinprecariousness of life in, 78religion, 1012, 38supernatural beliefs and, 6torture as entertainment, 77wigs worn, 58world as cosmic code or G.o.d's riddle, 14344ye, 25n Shadwell, Thomas, 8586 Shakespeare, William, xiii, xv, 169, 231 Shapin, Steven, 335n 109 "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry G.o.d" (Edwards), 11 Sleepwalkers, The (Koestler), 339n 145 (Koestler), 339n 145 slope, 21213, 248, 251 251 Smyter, Sarah, 8 Solomon, King, 36 Sophia Dorothea, queen consort, 263 sound, 274 Spinoza, Baruch, 327n 37 Starry Messenger, The (Galileo), 1056 (Galileo), 1056 "Starry Night" (Van Gogh), 92n stars Ca.s.siopeia, 106, 106nfusion in, 6768Greek understanding of, 9192Milky Way, 106, 110movement of, 100predictable locations of, 9192, 92n, 156, 333n 92fnsupernova, 106nTycho Brahe's new star, 1067, 106n Stewart, Ian, 25556, 345n 254 Strickland, Lloyd, 344n 237 sun, 304 -centered solar system, 9799, 112, 146, 154 154, 156, 160, 171fusion in, 6768gravity and, 302right triangle of Earth, sun, moon, 138nsolar eclipse, 3034 Swift, Jonathan, 8788 .

Taswell, William, 33 telescope, 52, 335n 109 Galileo and discoveries, 99, 102, 10513, 110 110glory of G.o.d and, 117, 119Harriot and, 239n, 345n 239fnman's place in the universe and, 11213, 116military uses, 1089, 335n 109moon and, 86Mount Wilson's, 88Pepys and, 83 Thirty Years' War, xiii, xvi, 134, 235 Thomas, Keith, 80 Thompson, Francis, 348n 295 Throgmorton, Sir William, 51 Thurber, James, 83n time, as variable, 18386 Tolstoy, Leo, 231 transfusions, 6061, 61 61, 332n 81 Tycho Brahe, 1067, 106n, 15861, 159n Kepler and, 15556, 15861nose of, 159 .

uncertainty principle, 229 universe. See also See also planets; sun; stars planets; sun; stars anthropomorphizing of, 93Biblical dating of, 128clockwork universe, xvii, 18, 18283, 274, 310, 31113, 316earth-centered, 91, 112, 113, 160, 176, 335n 112eclipse prediction, 101Einstein and shape of, 88fifth element of, quintessence quintessence, 92Greek view of, 9092life on other worlds, 99, 143nman-centered, 9596, 11213, 116, 30910Milky Way, 106, 110motions of the stars, 100planets, 91, 100 100, 100101, 105, 110, 110, 11011 11011position of stars in the sky, 92, 92nPtolemaic model, 99100, 100 100, 335n 112right triangle of Earth, sun, moon, 138nsize of, 113sun-centered solar system, 9799, 112, 146, 154 154, 156, 160, 171 Urban VIII, Pope, 170 U. S. Const.i.tution, 316 .

vacuum chamber, 4, 5960, 65, 198n vacuums, 19798, 198n, 286 falling objects and, 188 van Doesburg, Theo, 196 196 Van Gogh, Vincent, 92n Vermeer, Jan, 115n Vicars, George, 2728 Vidal, Gore, 75 Virtuoso, The (Shadwell), 8586 (Shadwell), 8586 Voltaire, 45, 127, 158n, 235, 236, 297, 317 .

Wallis, John, 231 Watson, James, 155 Watts, Isaac, 12 "weapon salve," 50, 50n, 52 Westfall, Richard, 232, 319, 343n 226, 351n 319 Whewell, William, 300 Whiston, William, 311 Whitehead, Alfred North, xvii, 42, 195, 342n 195 Whiteside, D. T., 343n 226 Whitman, Walt, 95 Wilson, Woodrow, 316 Wisdom of G.o.d Manifested in the Works of Creation, The (Ray), 126 (Ray), 126 witches, 54, 85n, 134 Woolf, Virginia, 105 Wordsworth, William, 317 Wotton, Sir Henry, 105 Wren, Christopher, 45, 14n, 115, 278, 279, 280 in Royal Society, 50splenectomies by, 80, 81 .

Zeno, 200 Zeno's paradox, 2012, 215 215, 21516, 21921 zero, 195, 196, 211, 215, 219

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