Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 42

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1. Echinus ovum ? Peron and Lesueur. Lam. Hist. 3 48.

This specimen, presented to the Museum, agrees very well with the short description given by Lamarck of this species.

2. Echinus variolaris. Lam. Hist. 3 47.

This specimen, agreeing very well with the description of one found by Peron, is very remarkable; and has the larger area agrulate and ornamented with two rows of white tubercles, nearly as large as those in the genus Cidaris; the pores in the upper part are not perforated, and are placed in segments of circles round small tubercles.

3. Echinometra luc.u.n.ter.

Echinus luc.u.n.ter. Gmel. Sys. Nat. 1 3176.

Icon. Ency. Method. t. 134. f. 3, 4, 7.


Physalia megalista ? Peron Voyage 1 Lam. Hist. 2 481.

Icon. Peron, Voyage Atlas, t. 29. f. 1.

No specimen of this animal was preserved, but Captain King observes, that the animal he caught, of which he made a drawing, differed from Lesueur's figure of P. megalista, in being of smaller size, and with fewer tints; the colour of the tentacula was a brighter purple tipped with yellow globules, and the crest of a greenish hue, but the general colour of the animal was purple. It measured from three-quarters to one inch in length.

Captain King considered it to be a variety of P. megalista.

Porpita gigantea. Peron, Voyage 2. Lam. Hist. 2 485.

Icon. Peron and Lesueur, Atlas, t. 31. f. 6.

A very beautiful and accurate drawing of this curious animal was made by Lieutenant Roe. M. Lesueur's figure is also very correctly drawn.



1. Tubipora musica. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 3753. Lam. Hist. 2 209.

Icon. Seba. Mus. 3 t. 110. f. 8, 9. Soland. and Ellis. t. 27.

According to Peron, the animals of this coral are furnished with green-fringed tentacula.

2. Pavonia lactuca, Lam. Hist. 2 239.

Madrepora lactuca, Pallas, Zooph. 289.

Icon. Soland, and Ellis, t. 44.

3. Explanaria mesenterina, Lam. Hist. il. 255.

Madrepora cinerascens, Soland. and Ellis.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, Number 26. t. 43.

4. Agaricia ampliata, Lam. Hist. 2 243.

Madrepora ampliata, Soland. and Ellis, 157.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, t. 41. f. 1, 2.

5. Fungia agariciformis, Lam. Hist. 2 236.

Madrepora fungites, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 3757.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, page 149. t. 58. f. 5, 6.

6. Fungia limacina, Lam. Hist. 2 237.

Madrepora pileus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 3758.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, t. 45. Seba. Mus. 3 t. 111. f. 3, 5.

7. Fungia compressa, Lam. Hist. 2 235.

8. Caryophillia ? fastigiata, Lam. Hist. 2 228.

Madrepora fastigiata, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 3777.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, t. 33. Esp. Suppl. t. 82.

9. Porites subdigitata, Lam. Hist. 2 271.

Icon. --

10. Porites clavaria, Lam. Hist. 2 270.

Madrepora porites, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 3774.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, t. 47. f. 1.

11. Astrea stellulata ? Lam. Hist. 2 261.

Madrepora stellulata, Soland. and Ellis, page 165.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis. t. 53. f. 3, 4.

Obs. The stars in this specimen are more numerous, and do not perforate.

12. Madrepora prolifera. Lam. Hist. 2 281.

Madrepora muricata, Gmel. Syst. 1 3775.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, t. 57.

13. Madrepora abrotanoides, Lam. Hist. 2 280.

Madrepora muricata, Gmel. Sys. Nat. 1 3775.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, t. 57.

14. Seriatopora subulata, Lam. Hist. 2 282.

Madrepora seriata, Pallas. Zooph. p 336.

Madrepora lineata, Esper. Suppl. 1 t. 19.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, t. 31. f. 1. 2.

15. Madrepora laxa (?) Lam. Hist. 2 280.

16. Madrepora plantaginea (?) Lam. Hist. 2 279.

Icon. Esper. Suppl. 1 t. 54.

17. Madrepora corymbosa, Lam. Hist. 2 279.

18. Madrepora pocillifera, Lam. Hist. 2 280.

19. Gorgonia flabellum, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 3809.

Flabellum Veneris, Ellis, Corall. page 76.

Icon. Soland. and Ellis, t. 26. f. A.

20. Galaxaria cylindrica, Lamouroux.

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