Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Volume II Part 41

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167. Macroglossum kingii (n.s.) M. capite thoraceque viridibus, abdomine nigro flavoque variegato, alis integris hyalinis subtus ad originem flavis, superis basin versus brunneis pilis viridescentibus obtectis costa limboque posteriori brunneis, inferis ad originem limb.u.mque internum brunneo-viridescentibus.

Macroglossum kingii. De Cerisy ma.n.u.scripts.

Obs. The antennae of this beautiful species are black, very slender at the base, and thick towards the extremity. The palpi are greenish above and white beneath. The breast is white in the middle, and yellow at the sides. The two first segments of the abdomen are, on the upper side, gray in the middle, and yellow on the sides; the third segment is black, with a part of the anterior edge yellowish towards the side; the fourth segment is entirely black, having only a white fringe on its anterior edge; the fifth segment is of an orange yellow, with the middle black; the sixth segment is entirely yellow, and the whole abdomen is terminated by a pencil of hairs, which are yellow at their base, and black at the extremity. The thighs are whitish, with the tibiae and tarsi yellow.

168. Cossus nebulosus. Don. Insects of New Holland.

169. Euprepia crokeri (n.s.) E. alba antennis fuscis, cavite nigro bipunctato, thorace linea transversa miniata antice punctis quatuor et postice duodecim nigris, alis testaceo-fuscis, superis ad basin albis punctis axillaribus tribus atris maculisque duabus mediis hyalinis, abdomine supra miniato subtus albo lateribus duplici serie punctorum nigrorum notatis, pedibus chermesinis.

Euprepia crokeri. Captain P.P. King ma.n.u.scripts.

Obs. This lovely insect, of which two specimens were taken at sea, has been named by Captain King after John Wilson Croker, Esquire, M.P., and First Secretary of the Admiralty.

170. Noctua cyathina (n.s.) N. fusco-grisea subtus pallidior, alis superis linea transversa fusca sub-undata aliisque marginalibus obscuris fascia apicem versus fulva undata intus lineola fusca terminata, ad marginem externum dilatata, limbo punctorum serie vix marginato, subtus fascia alba, posteris supra apicem versus nigris fascia media maculisque tribus marginalibus albis, subtus macula marginali pallidiori margine nigro punctato.

Order h.o.m.oPTERA.

171. Cicada australasiae. Don. Ins. of New Holland.

172. Cicada zonalis (n.s.) C. capite thoraceque flavis, hoc macularum fascia nigrarum punctisque posticis variegato, abdomine atro fascia antica rubra a.n.a.libusque tribus albis, lamellis basalibus subviridibus, elytris hyalinis costis viridibus pedibusque testaceis.


173. Scutellera banksii. Don. Ins. of New Holland.

Obs. This insect varies so much in colour, that I almost think it to be the same species with the following S. cyanipes, Fab.

174. Scutellera cyanipes.

Tetyra cyanipes. Fab. Syst. Rhyng. 133. 23.

175. Scutellera imperialis.

Tetyra imperialis. Fab. Syst. Rhyng. 128. 1.

176. Scutellera corallifera (n.s.) S. supra cyanea linea verticali nigra thorace antice aurato, scutello ad basin macula transversa rubra, corpore subtus nigro-cyaneo pectoris lateribus auratis abdominis lateribus rubris anoque viridi, pedibus rubris tibiis tarsisque nigro-cyaneis.

177. Scutellera pagana.

Tetyra pagana. Fab. Syst. Rhyng. 134. 29.

178. Pentatoma caelebs.

Cimex caelebs. Fab. Ent. Syst. 4 111. 119.

179. Pentatoma elegans.

Cimex elegans. Don. Ins. of New Holland.

180. Lygaeus regalis (n.s.) L. capite rubro, antennis nigris, thorace flavo-marginato antice lineis alba nigraque transverse notato, scutello nigro, elytris flavis macula media parteque apicali membranacea nigris, corpore subtus fulvo lateribus albo-lineatis pedibus nigro-brunneis.


181. Stratiomys hunteri (n.s.) S. nigro-brunnea tomentosa, post-scutello flavo, abdomine supra nigro maculis utrinque basin versus duabus viridibus, subtus viridi, pedibus flavis.

Stratiomys hunteri. Captain P.P. King ma.n.u.scripts.

Obs. This insect has been named by Captain King after Mr. James Hunter, the surgeon of the Mermaid.

182. Asilus inglorius (n.s.) A. obscuro-luteus abdomine ad basin pilis flavis hirsuto, alis flavo-hyalinis apice obscurioribus, pedibus rufis geniculis tarsisque nigris.

183. Taba.n.u.s guttatus. Don. Ins. of New Holland.

184. Taba.n.u.s cinerescens (n.s.) T. cinereo-ferrugineus subtus albescens, alis hyalinis basin versus subluteis, abdomine linea media maculisque quatuor utrinque cinereis.

185. Pangonia roei. (n.s.) P. rostro brevi tota ferruginea nitida, abdomine subtus testaceo alis fulvo-hyalinis apice margineque exteriori saturatioribus fasciisque duabus mediis obscuris marginalibus.

Pangonia roei. Captain P.P. King ma.n.u.scripts.

Obs. This insect has been named after Lieutenant John S. Roe, R.N.; one of the a.s.sistant-surveyors of the expedition.

186. Anthrax prae-argentatus (n.s.) A. supra niger pilis flavescentibus tomentosus subtus albidus, ore albo, pedibus nigris, alis brunneo-hyalinis margine exteriori saturatioribus apice albis.

187. Anthrax bombyliformis (n.s.) A. nigro-bmnneus post-scutello ferrugineo, abdomine supra ad basin fulvo apice albo fasciaque media fusca, subtus albo pedibus atro-brunneis alis hyalinis basi margineque exteriori fuscis maculisque aliquot discoidalibus.

188. Musca splendida. Don. Ins. of New Holland.


189. Nephila cunninghamii (n.s.) N. thorace sericeo cinereo, geniculis incra.s.satis pedibus nigro-fulvis, tibiarum primo et postremo pari flavo-annulatis.

Nephila cunninghamii. Captain P.P. King ma.n.u.scripts.

Named after Mr. Allan Cunningham, the botanist of the expedition.

Obs. The genus Nephila has been very properly separated from Epeira by Dr. Leach in the Zoological Miscellany.

190. Uloborus ca.n.u.s (n.s.) U. albescens thorace convexo, pedum pari secundo longiori, femoribus nigro-punctatis.

191. Linyphia deplanata (n.s.) L. rufo-testacea mandibulis pedibusque apicem versus nigris, thorace sub-circulari plano, pedum secundo pari longiori.

Obs. The difference of this spider from the genus Linyphia, as characterized by Latreille, consists in the circ.u.mstance of the two largest of the four middle eyes being the posterior ones. The palpi of the male are in this species each provided with a spiral screw resembling the tendril of a vine.

192. Thomisus morbillosus (n.s.) T. pedibus quatuor primis longioribus, cinereus thorace macula postica sublunari magna viridifusca, pedibus sub-geminatim fusco maculatis.


Anatifera sulcata. Gray, Ann. Phil. 1825.

Pentalasmis sulcata, Leach.

Montague, Test. Brit.



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