Scandal Supermodel Chapter 2208: i want to pursue him personally

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Chapter 2208: i want to pursue him personally


Translator: 549690339

an xiaowan brought it in and opened the thermos without a word. she put the porridge into a small bowl and placed it on the small table in the middle of the bed.

it was indeed a woman.

However, she was lying on the bed and seemed to be asleep. For a moment, he could not see her face clearly.

moreover, there were bloodstains and dirt on his face, so he couldn’t see it clearly.

An Xiaowan was afraid that someone would notice her gaze, so she didn’t dare to look too long. She just quietly placed the porridge, side dishes, and other things on the table one by one and stood to the side.

The doctor in the room looked at the head doctor, but he didn’t want to wake her up, so he didn’t move for a while.

However, he was a little unhappy when he saw that the food delivery man was still not leaving.

“You can leave now.”

an xiaowan blinked and said softly and respectfully, ” “when master doctor is done eating, i’d like to take these dishes and wash them.”

“i’ll get someone to send it over.” he said in a deep voice.

an xiaowan secretly frowned and couldn’t help but glance at the bed again.

what was this “yi zhu”? He could not even see her face from afar, let alone deduce her character.

but one had to admit that she looked extremely miserable at the moment.

“Alright, thank you.” An Xiaowan respectfully lowered her head and retreated, giving up on watching.

as she left the room, she could not help but look around.

the facilities in the ward, the people around, the structure of the room, and the books on the bookshelves.

this “yi zhu,” let’s not talk about her character. just by looking at her injured appearance today, it was obvious that she had many enemies. Such a person must have many dangers around him, and he might even be a Desperado.

As a mother, an Xiaowan suddenly became very harsh in her judgment of people.

she had completely forgotten that huo shen was also such a dangerous person.

“I feel like the person who delivered the food is a little unfamiliar.”

“Why are you unfamiliar? you’ve paid attention to it?”

“Well, it’s not that. I just feel that my eyes are particularly beautiful,” the man swallowed his saliva and said, ” “If there had been someone with such beautiful eyes before, I would definitely remember.”

However, he had no impression of that pair of eyes.

The third man nodded and said, ” actually, I think it’s a little strange too. The way they delivered the food, the way they spoke, and the way they acted didn’t seem like the typical behavior of people in heaven and earth City.

“oh, i didn’t notice that.”

While everyone was discussing, the woman lying on the bed suddenly moved.

Her eyes moved and she turned around with difficulty. Looking at the porridge and dishes on the table, she took a deep breath and waved her hand.

hence, someone immediately shook her bed a little more.

She forced herself to sit up and took a deep breath. She endured the pain and asked in a hoa.r.s.e voice, ” “where did that woman go?”

The crowd was stunned and immediately asked the guard.

“He said he went south,” he replied.

“master doctor, do you need us to chase after him?” His subordinates quickly asked, afraid that there was indeed something wrong with that person.

However, the master doctor shook her head.

She quickly finished her porridge and side dishes, then waved her hand to have the servants clear the table.

she sat up straight and forced herself to stand up.

“Master doctor, don’t get off the bed! your injuries are very serious, you need to lie down and recuperate!” Professor Aiur immediately started shouting.

However, the master doctor shook her head and continued to get off the bed. She said in a hoa.r.s.e voice, ”

“I want to go there personally.”

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