Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness Chapter 908: Demoness: You're Becoming More Like A Sect Master

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Chapter 908: Demoness: You’re Becoming More Like A Sect Master


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The sect was recuperating, but the end of the recent battle did nothing to bring peace of mind to the disciples of the sect.

On the contrary, they worried even more.

Prices of goods soared for a while, and the cost of talismans doubled.

Unfortunately, Jiang Hao had to patrol and couldn’t craft talismans for sale.

He felt like he lost a chance to earn spirit stones.

Every time he pa.s.sed by the market, he could only shake his head and sigh.

The patrol tasks were precisely the reason there was no one like him selling talismans.

The battle had been between the powerful cultivators, so the Spirit Herb Gardens didn’t suffer much damage.

The powerful cultivators had no interest in the gardens because it didn’t benefit them.

It was a contest of strength among the elites. The fate of the sect was in the hands of a few.

During the patrol, they encountered many people. They learned quite a lot from them.

It was said that the Masters of each branch were severely injured. Elder Baizhi’s condition wasn’t good either.

If someone hadn’t intervened midway, the conflict might not have ended so easily.

“Someone intervened?” Jiang Hao was surprised to hear this.

He couldn’t understand who had helped the Heavenly Note Sect.

However, it was just a rumor as no one was able to tell him who it was.

Liu Xingchen was also busy and didn’t come to meet him.

In one of his patrols, Jiang Hao saw six undercover agents. He captured two of them, and let Zheng s.h.i.+jiu capture the other two.

The rest were too powerful for them to deal with.

It wasn’t until early January that the patrol duties decreased, and everyone had some time to rest.

When they sat down to rest, Zheng s.h.i.+jiu sighed. “It seems that the Law Enforcement Hall is busier than expected.”

They were doing tasks under the Law Enforcement Hall, so they could feel how busy they were.

However, it also had many benefits for their cultivation.

During this time, their spirits were highly concentrated, and their power was constantly in operation. After patrolling for several months, everyone’s strength had improved.

They also gained a better understanding of how to handle things.

Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and stood under a tree.

During the patrol, they hadn’t gained anything much.

There were no mines or areas with spirit herbs.

In the five months of patrol duties, apart from gaining more information on the matter, they didn’t find any other benefits.

Fortunately, the patrol mission was coming to an end, and he could go back to manage the Spirit Herb Garden.

After a moment, he looked at his interface.

[Name: Jiang Hao]

[Age: 40]

[Cultivation Realm: Middle Stage of the Immortal Ascension Platform]

[Cultivation Method: Heavenly Sound Hundred Revolutions, Hong Meng Heart Sutra]

[Divine Ability: Nine Revolutions Death Subst.i.tution (unique), Daily Appraisal, Clear and Pure Heart, Reappearance of Hidden Spirit, Divine Might, Revival of Withered Tree, Heavenly Cauldron, Indestructible Vajra]

[Cultivation: 27/100 (can be cultivated)]

[Lifeblood: 25/100 (can be cultivated)]

[Divine Abilities: 2/3 (cannot be obtained)]

‘Forty years old…’

Jiang Hao felt sentimental. He had aged so soon.

There was still quite a long way to go to reach the late stage of the Immortal Ascension Platform. It would be challenging for him to survive with even this cultivation realm.

It would be better to become stronger as soon as possible.

“Now that the big battle is over, the Candlelight Pill Pavilion is probably eager to plant top-grade spirit herbs again.”

With sufficient spirit stones, he could cultivate a large quant.i.ty of top-grade spirit herbs.

He had 180,000 spirit stones left.

After killing the Fallen Immortal Clan members, he had gotten a lot of spirit stones.

He couldn’t find some of their storage treasures, but the ones he did find had many spirit stones.

It was almost impossible to have so many spirit stones.

He obtained 260,000 spirit stones and numerous elixirs, but there were almost no magic treasures.

For some reason, it seemed that the Fallen Immortal Clan’s members only had defensive treasures and not many offensive treasures.

Perhaps, they weren’t that wealthy.

He had 440,000 spirit stones.

Was it normal for someone at the Immortal Ascension Platform to have that many spirit stones? He had never met someone with that many spirit stones.

Jiang Hao didn’t think too much about it and took a break for a while.

When the patrol missions were over, he planned to visit the Lawless Tower and ask about the Shangguan family.

When a gathering happened next, he would inform Gui about who was targeting her, and then they could confront Gu Changsheng together.

He just needed to stall for time.

He suddenly heard footsteps approaching.

Others couldn’t hear them.

It meant a power cultivator was coming that way.

At the Lawless Tower, there were four people. They were Zhuang Yuzhen, King Hai Luo, Nangong Yue, and Mi Lingyue.

“Have you noticed it? The number of people visiting has decreased lately. It seems like they’re too busy,” Nangong Yue said.

“Unfortunately, we can’t find out what has happened,” Mi Lingyue said.

“We should wait for someone to visit. Then. We can find out,” King Hai Luo said.

“When do you plan to leave, Heavenly King?” Mi Lingyue asked curiously.

“No one can force me to do anything here. Besides, everyone will do everything to protect me here,” said Hai Luo. “Why do you want to leave?”

“I heard that the Twelve Heavenly Kings are preparing to ascend to immortality. Aren’t you planning to do that as well?” Mi Lingyue asked.

“How can he ascend when he isn’t even at the peak of the Immortal Ascension Platform?” Zhuang Yuzhen asked.

“You old b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You’re one to talk! You’re only at the early stage of the Primordial Spirit Realm.” King Hai Luo sneered.

Zhuang Yuzhen chuckled. “I already ascended.”

King Hai Luo snorted. “Well, my cultivation realm is still higher than yours here. Even ten of you can’t defeat me. Haven’t you figured it out yet? I’m different from all of you here.”

“King Hai Luo has another name overseas. Do you know what it is?” Mi Lingyue asked Zhuang Yuzhen.

Zhuang Yuzhen said, “Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d?”

The group started arguing again.

Nangong Yue sat in her cell and felt that these people were alright.

She had been here for so long that she didn’t even think of escaping anymore.

But she had to leave one day.

Her fellow members were all achieving extraordinary things. She couldn’t stay here indefinitely.

She was waiting for someone to arrive.

She hoped to exchange some secret information for freedom.

At the Hundred Flowers Lake, Hong Yuye sat at the stone table and gently lifted the teapot to pour herself some tea.

The tea was reddish. Spiritual energy flowed inside.

At that moment, a white figure descended.

“Sect Master,” said Baizhi respectfully.

“Is it over?” Hong Yuye put down the teapot.

Baizhi nodded. “It’s all thanks to you, Sect Master.”

Hong Yuye turned to look at the white figure outside the pavilion. “You’re becoming more like a Sect Master.”

Baizhi looked astonished. She knelt in respect.

Hong Yuye looked at her. “Don’t overthink.”

Baizhi nodded but still felt uneasy.

“Tell me about what we have gained this time,” Hong Yuye calmly said.

“The sect suffered damage and needs a long time to recover. The mines were blasted open, and something inside was taken away. It’s presumably the work of the Heavenly Gate Sect,” Baizhi said. “The important members of the Heavenly Saint Sect and the Great Thousand G.o.d Sect tried to abduct Miao Tinglian and Mu Qi from the Cliff of Broken Hearts. However, they failed. They have been captured. We also captured a few members of the Great Thousand G.o.d Sect, but a certain disciple carrying a lantern is unaccounted for. We are still investigating.”

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