Parallel Memory Chapter 329 The Final Match: Hiro Vs Misha

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Chapter 329 The Final Match: Hiro Vs Misha

329 The Final Match: Hiro Vs Misha

“3…2…1…0. Ladies and gentlemen, after an incredible match between two talented fighters, we have a winner. The winner of this match is Misha Kanon!”

The crowd erupted in cheers as Misha was declared the winner.

Misha fell to her knees, exhausted and barely conscious.


She was breathing heavily because of the intense match she had with Lisa. This was the toughest fight that she had in her entire life.

And the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming as she managed to defeat Lisa who was always ranked higher than her.

She looked around the crowd and all of them were cheering for her. Her family was also waving and cheering for her.

She was immediately taken by the medic to get treatment. While Misha was getting treatment outside the ring, Lisa was taken to the hospital for treatment.

While Lisa’s situation is much better than Zion’s, she suffered multiple burns from her own attack. For complete recovery, she had to be admitted to the hospital.


Misha was still getting treated and the finals were going to start in 10 minutes. Misha’s condition was not very good but it was worse for Hiro.

Even with all the treatment he received, he had yet to recover. It seems that for him to fully heal, he must also go to the hospital. However, this was not the time, and both of them have to engage in a final fight before they can go to the hospital.

“Welcome to the final match of the tournament, ladies and gentlemen! We’ve seen some incredible fights so far, but this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. It’s the match of the year, and it’s about to go down.

On the left, we have Misha Kanon, who’s fought her way through some tough opponents to get here. Her incredible agility and sword technique allowed her to make it to the finals, and she’s not about to stop now.

And on the right, we have Hiro Ernest, who’s been showing incredible power and ranked second in last year’s Tournament Of Academies. He’s a force to be reckoned with, and he’s looking to take home the champions.h.i.+p trophy tonight.

Both of these fighters have trained hard for this moment, and they’re ready to give it their all. It’s going to be a battle of strength, technique, and strategy. Who will come out on top?

We’re about to find out. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the final fight of the tournament!”

Misha knew that she had to push through the pain and give her all in the final fight. She couldn’t let all her hard work and dedication go to waste. It was the same for Hiro, who had come to win.

She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the fight ahead. Her opponent was tough, but she was determined to give it her best shot.

The referee signaled the start of the final fight, and Misha was the first to strike.

[ “Shattering Flower Style: Rose Blossom” ]

Since they were both sword users, the fight was very straightforward.

[ “StarShatterer Style: Complete Annihilation” ]


The sound of their swords colliding echoed throughout the arena, as Misha and Hiro clashed in a fierce battle. However, Hiro had more power and pushed Misha back.

In their first confrontation, Hiro showed that his strength was higher than Misha’s. It was normal as Hiro was Rank-B – while Misha was only Rank-C.

Although this difference in rank is something that many people can’t overcome, Misha still refused to give up. Misha once again stepped forward and swung her sword at Hiro.


Hiro defended himself from her attacks without a problem. From the way Hiro was blocking the attacks, he didn’t seem injured and appeared to be in good health.

Despite the odds being against her, Misha continued to fight with determination and an unwavering spirit. She knew that she had to find a way to overcome Hiro’s strength and skill.

As the battle continued, Misha began to study Hiro’s movements and style of fighting. She a.n.a.lyzed his strengths and weaknesses, looking for any openings that she could exploit.

It was certain that Hiro was better in every aspect including strength, stamina, mana, techniques, and experience. However, there was one thing that Hiro lacked compared to Misha. And that was speed.

[ “Shattering Flower Style: Petal In The Wind” ]

Misha was using her agility to her advantage, dodging and weaving around Hiro’s powerful strikes. She knew she couldn’t match his other aspects, so she had to rely on her speed to find some opportunity to deal with Hiro.

[ “Star Swift” ]

Hiro had also used Star Swift but he was seemingly slower than Misha.

Hiro was trying to rely on brute force to overpower Misha. He was swinging his sword with all his might, trying to break through Misha’s defense. However, Misha continued to dodge Hiro’s every attack.

-SLAs.h.!.+ -SLAs.h.!.+

Misha knew she had to make a move soon. She couldn’t keep dodging forever, and Hiro was starting to wear her down.

She took a deep breath and gathered her strength. Then, she launched herself at Hiro.

[ ” Shattering Flower Style: Withered Petal” ]

[ “StarShatterer Style: Void Destruction” ]

Hiro blocked her attack with his Void Destruction. Even if Misha was faster, Hiro was still quick enough to react to Misha’s attacks. Moreover, he was stronger and needed less time to create an attack as strong as Misha’s attack.

Therefore, even with her superior speed, she failed to exploit its advantage. As long as Misha’s stats were below Hiro’s, it would be extremely difficult for her to defeat Hiro.


After failing to injure Hiro with her Withered Petal, Misha immediately creates a distance between her and Hiro. She then proceeds to lift her sword in the air and prepares for Dahlia Burst. She was willing to try every move in her a.r.s.enal in order to find an opportunity to land a hit on Hiro.

[ “Shattering Flower Style: Dahlia Burst” ]

Once again, a ma.s.sive burst of energy erupted from the ground in the shape of a Dahlia flower. The petals rained down on Hiro just like they did on Lisa.

[ “StarShatterer Style: Void Destruction” ]

Unlike the situation with Lisa where she suffered quite a bit because of this skill, the situation with Hiro was different. He easily destroyed incoming attacks.

[ “Star Swift” ]

When Misha was busy firing off the attack, Hiro immediately tried to close the distance and attack Misha who was busy.

[ “StarShatterer Style: Void Destruction” ]


Misha quickly became alert as Hiro suddenly appeared before her. She immediately stopped attacking Dahlia Burst and tried to escape. However, it was already too late and she could not dodge Hiro’s attack.

Hiro’s sword struck Misha’s shoulder, leaving a deep cut. Misha gritted her teeth and tried to keep her composure despite the pain.

She knew that she couldn’t afford to make any more mistakes. She had to come up with a new strategy to turn the tables on Hiro. Misha took a step back and a.s.sessed the situation. Then she took a deep breath as she channeled mana throughout her body as well as her sword.

[ “Shattering Flower Style: Belladonna Dance” ]

The “Shattering Flower Style: Belladonna Dance” is a technique that involves using the poisonous plant Belladonna to disorient opponents. When Misha performs this technique, she scatters Belladonna leaves or petals in the air, which creates a hallucinatory effect on her opponent. This effect can cause the opponent to become disoriented, making it difficult for them to predict Misha’s movements and attacks.

In addition to the hallucinatory effect, the Belladonna petals or leaves can also have a poisonous effect on the opponent. If the opponent inhales or ingests the Belladonna, it can cause weakness, dizziness, and even unconsciousness. Misha can also use a Belladonna-based poison on her sword, which can weaken or disorient opponents with just a single scratch.

The “Shattering Flower Style: Belladonna Dance” is a powerful and unpredictable technique that relies on using a poisonous plant to gain an advantage over opponents. It emphasizes speed, agility, and precision sword strikes, making it an effective counter to opponents who rely heavily on brute strength and power.

Although the power of this skill was strong and scary, the execution appeared completely different. When Misha used the technique, her movement was very elegant and beautiful like some kind of fairy dancing.

Indeed, the “Shattering Flower Style: Belladonna Dance” technique seems paradoxical in that it relies on a deadly plant to create a beautiful and mesmerizing effect on opponents. Misha’s graceful movements, coupled with the disorienting and poisonous effects of Belladonna, make for a unique and formidable fighting style.

Hiro had also taken action and tried to block her new skill, however, Misha’s movement was completely different from the earlier one. It was also difficult to predict where she would attack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Misha darted in and landed a swift strike on Hiro’s side. Misha followed up with a flurry of attacks, using her speed and agility to dance around Hiro and strike him from all sides.


He had been hit a couple of times which made him feel queasy and almost got himself into serious trouble. However, the effect didn’t last for long since it was just small scratches and he was able to block Misha’s sword at the last second.

Hiro was caught off guard by Misha’s sudden change in tactics, but he quickly regained his composure and started to defend himself properly. While her new skill was powerful and unpredictable, she was still held back by her rank.

[ “StarShatterer Style: Complete Annihilation” ]

Hiro swung his sword in a wide arc, creating a burst of energy that exploded on impact. But Misha was already prepared for this and had moved out of range.


Misha closed the distance between them again, darting in with a quick, low strike that caught Hiro off guard. She followed up with a flurry of blows that left him reeling.

Hiro was starting to feel the effects of Misha’s relentless attacks. His movements were getting slower and his strikes less precise.

Hiro was not in the best shape due to incomplete recovery after Zion’s fight. Coupled with Misha’s new and powerful attack, Hiro seemed to be on the losing side.

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