Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 975 Fierce Dragon Battle

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Chapter 975 Fierce Dragon Battle


The crowd went crazy. My heart was beating faster and faster as I couldn't help but smile defiantly against the amazing challenge I was being given. This tournament as a whole was just what I needed to unwind some of my ever-growing anger against all the s.h.i.+theads annoying me outside of this place, specially that idiot of Oberon and his million of clones. If it wasn't for that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, things might had gone better, perhaps Benladann's family wouldn't had been killed, perhaps her village would had lived and prospered in harmony, perhaps many people wouldn't had to go through so much s.h.i.+t, including me.

Yeah… I have to channel all the anger and frustration I have and imagine that idiot of an elf in the face of this imbecile of a dragon named Iron, whom, quite honestly, I respect for his interesting battle tactics and his endurance.

"This is as far as you'll go, Iron. I'll take you down now." I proclaimed; the entire crowd went insane.


"Did he just said that?!"

"Bold words!"

"Prove yourself now kid!"

"Beat him! I f.u.c.king hate Iron!"

"Come on Iron, beat that a.s.shole!"

"Boss Iron ain't going to lose to a kid like him!"

It felt as if there were drums of war right in the background, a smile surged in Iron's face, as his eyebrows, made of scales, t.i.tled a bit in surprise over my bold words.

"Gehahaha! Oi, Boulder, distract this kid's father. I'm taking him myself." Said Iron.

The crowd once more went insane, Jotun immediately spoke with her loud voice, which made it felt like she had a microphone.

"Ooooooh?! What is this?! Iron himself has proclaimed he'll have a 1v1 against Drake, the "Future Dragon King"?! What sort of bold words are these coming from one of my most nasty kids? Are you sure about this?!" Laughed Jotun, as Iron clicked his tongue.

"Shut up old woman! I'll do it! I'll take this arrogant a.s.s down myself!" Iron proclaimed.

"Bold words!" I said with a smile.

"Heh, you're the bold here s.h.i.+thead!" He laughed.

"Come!" I said.

"That's what I was going to do anyways!" Iron suddenly flashed towards me. His entire body began to shapes.h.i.+ft while he ran towards me like a furious lizard. His spikes grew up to twice their original size, his entire scales became incredibly slim, and his head grew longer and sharp, like the jaws of a crocodile! I see, dragons can shapes.h.i.+ft if they got the talent for it, don't they?

And not only that, but Iron boldly used the spikes of his hand to slice through his tail and make it regrow like lizards do, enchanting it with greater and bigger scales, and as he reached my body, he swung it. Suddenly, I noticed the tip of his tail being like a long and sharp spear.


The sound metal against metal resonated across the entire tournament, as my black and silver-scaled tail swiftly intercepted Iron's tail. This guy was almost double my size, yet I knew he wasn't that big of a deal, especially because I, myself, can also shapes.h.i.+ft and grow my body!


"W-What the?!"

Iron was shocked as he saw me intercept his tail attack with my own, and not be damaged by the piercing power of his tail spear. Of course, a second after, what truly shocked him was seeing me reach the same height he had!


I infused divine power into my hands as I unleashed a barrage of punches!

"Dragon Meteor!"


CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+

Several fists quickly reached Iron as he swiftly evaded half of them, but the rest quickly inspected his body, each one was like a meteor itself, cracking his own scales and leaving b.l.o.o.d.y wounds behind.


I swiftly moved, kicking him swiftly into the chest with all my strength!



Iron couldn't help but cry in agony as he was launched into the skies, my wings quickly extended as I infused essence into them and then, I took flight!


"Hahahaha! Now this is getting interesting!"

Iron, however, although he was completely covered on wounds and bleeding all over, smiled, laughing like a maniac. His entire body suddenly pointed all the spikes it had against me, firing them like projectiles!


Suddenly, I saw hundreds of spikes as big as buildings flying towards me, all of them hard enough to easily pierce through tanks themselves, and just as I had thought, they easily pierced through my d.a.m.n scales and reached my flesh and even bones, getting incrusted there and imbuing their venom into my entire body. My wings suddenly felt stiff, as I was unable to flap them anymore, but I was still able to lift myself using Wind Magic.


As Iron laughed and pointed his fingers at me, the crowd went insane.

"What is this?! This is Iron's amazing move he does when his foes get! Spike Missile!" Jotun said, as if she was proud of her son's underhanded tactics.

The crowd really gave me for dead by then.

"He's done for."

"Wow, so much for the Dragon King."

"What a disappointment!"

"Is he really just going to lose right now?!"

"No way…"

"Iron, finish him!"



"DO IT!"

Jotun grew more excited as she heard the crowd speak, with my entire body paralyzed, they thought I wouldn't be able to do much now.

Iron smiled, looking at the crowd and moving his hands as if he was listening to me.

"What's this? Is Iron listening to his fans?! Will he do it?!" Jotun roared while laughing.

"HAHAHA! There's no helping it! Oi, newbie, prepare yourself for my finis.h.i.+ng move!" He said with a smile.

"Hoh? Finis.h.i.+ng move?" I asked provocatively.


Suddenly, Iron's tail grew as gray as iron, suddenly and completely turning into metal with various layers, the top turned into an incredibly long and sharp blade. Using his wings, he flew high into the skies, and then fell towards me while spinning, using that tip of his tail like a spinning saw blade.

"This is my special move, Spinning Saw Blade!"



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About Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 975 Fierce Dragon Battle novel

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