Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 706 - Nobody Wants This Guy

Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System -

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Chapter 706 - n.o.body Wants This Guy


Suddenly, the System spooks me with her voice coming out of absolutely nowhere, what's wrong with her?! Does she enjoy scaring the s.h.i.+t out of me all this time? I am seriously going to die being scared by her.

Okay then, I guess there is indeed SOMETHING, but we won't know until later, great. I guess the director of this story, miss system, just doesn't want to show it to the audience yet…


"No, it isn't that! There is more to it, the emotions and… didn't you get new dungeon capabilities?" He asked.

"Not for now, I am still absorbing them so its gonna take a while for them to resurface and become something that can help… Anyways, the dungeon is already mine so I should be going for now." I said, as I decided to walk back to the duchy.

"Let's go, I am so tired, I want to take a warm bath and eat a lot of tasty food." Said Benladann. "Can you prepare us something, dear?"

"Papa! I waw…" Said Benladra, she was hungry as well.

"Sure, for my wife and daughter I can prepare you the entire world in a plate!" I said.

"Hey! Wait! What about me!?" Asked Zero.

"You stay here and don't bother us." I said.

"Eh?! But I want to go out!" He cried.

"Agh… You're seriously so annoying." I sighed. I went back to him and grabbed him with my soul, put my "soul hand" inside the dungeon core and then ripped him out of the core.


He began to cry in pain but I didn't really cared, I used spirit magic and wrapped him around mana and spirit energy, and then I looked around at what to contract him with… My wife and my daughter? No way… So only me? Agh, I don't want to have this guy around me… No way… Ah! Fuyu.

Fuyu was sitting atop my head even now, so I quickly stuck her with the spirit.

"W-What the? What did you do to me?!" She cried.

"Oooh! A new host, a master!" Said Zero.

"W-Who is this creep?!" Cried Fuyu.

"Sorry but I couldn't contract it with me, he's too annoying, so you'll bear with him." I said.

"No, please! Get him out of my sou!" Cried Fuyu.

"H-How come n.o.body wants me?! I am pretty good at talking!" Cried Zero.


I took away Zero from Fuyu again and then I had an idea. I opened a portal of dreams and went inside the fox's inheritance, there, her true dream body was there, the fox from outside is like a clone she transfer her mind into.

"W-What is this place?" He asked.

"Hey Belle, can you convert him into an independent spirit or something?" I wondered.

"W-Who is this guy anyways?!" She asked.

"Just do it please…"


Belle infused dream power into Zero before he were to dissipate, and then he turned pink-colored, his ma.s.s of a body turned all into a pink-colored ball with a golden-colored eye in the middle of it, he had transformed into an independent dream spirit!

"W-Wow… What have I become now?!" He asked.

"A dream thing." I said. As I left him alone and he began following me around while speaking.

"A dream thing?! What's that? Can you explain it to me at least? I really don't have any idea what's a dream thing!" He said. "My master didn't lived in an era with this element!"

"Errr… Rose?" I said.

"Eh? Whose Rose?" Asked Zero.


Rose was summoned to my side as I snapped my fingers, the ghost made of blood and darkness smiled coquettishly at me, her vampire charm had begun to increase even more over time…

"yes, my master?" she asked.

"Take care of this new recruit." I said. "Put him inside of your stomach until he learns to be less annoying. No hard feelings Zero, but you're honestly a pain."

"Eh?! Aaaagghh!"

And the guy was dragged by Rose into her phantasmal abyss, where he was embraced by her darkness, hugged and loved, until he were to stop being annoying.

"Uugh… EH? It doesn't feel so bad…"

I heard him say that before I didn't listened to him anymore.

"Can I eat him afterwards?" Asked Rose.

"Erm… No." I said.


Anyways, after the whole ha.s.sle, we moved back to the surface and then back to the duchy, it was around 7 PM when we moved back, and we found the entire adventurer guild with even more people, it seems that at these hours they usually stop doing stuff. My party didn't asked about what happened down there because they don't know about anything yet, they were not able to enter with us nor they could hear what happened there, so for now, to save up the explanations, we decided to leave it for another day.

"h.e.l.lo, Drake, everyone, you seem to have come back quite quickly! So what did you hunted?" Asked Marie, the Majin girl looked as cute as ever.

"We found a lot of slimes, a lot of them… rare variants too, here." I said. I showed her some of the cores of the less valuable slimes, such as the Slime trios and the Diablo Slimes, or the Blue Slime we fought at the beginning, that guy was also kind of low level or something, I think.

"Eeeh?! T-These slime cores…!" Muttered Marie, as she activated some sort of magic that created a monocle made of darkness in her right eye, which she used to somehow appraise the core, interesting. "They're of incredible quality! Amazing, Drake, all of you are amazing! T-These items are probably all A Rank in quality!" She said.

"A Rank?!" I wondered in surprise.

"T-These cost way more… Are you sure you want to give it to the quest people for this little money?"


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