Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 595 - The Reason Behind The Unique Skills

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Chapter 595 - The Reason Behind The Unique Skills


I had checked my daughter's Unique Skills in detail, and I couldn't help but grow intrigued about what they could truly do, even the descriptions themselves were sometimes quite vague, and other times they really just gave some info I didn't even knew what they meant to me.

Like… angels actually exist? And there's a G.o.d named The One? Is this guy like… the G.o.d from monotheistic religions? You're kidding me now? After seeing how there were so many G.o.ds in this world now there is one that is the only one? This feels like some bulls.h.i.+t to me.

Well, whatever, I am not going to give an atheistic rant or something, I've never been atheist before and I do believe in G.o.d… but knowing this really just impacts me now. So he actually exists, or is this guy just another person?

Getting to know such info through my daughter really unsettles me, even more knowing she can wield a magic exclusive to this Primordial Deity's creations, Angels.

System, can you tell me more about this or is that all the info you could get?

Can you? Please.

Wish? My little girl used one… for Benladann?

Eh?! That's broken!

Oh, I see, so it depends in how strong the user is before anything else… I see.

Well, Heaven Magic seems pretty broken, if she could become as strong as an Immortal and use Wish… what else could she do?

I know! I am just wondering…

Well, anyways, moving on, is there any other spell?

Is there a way for me to learn this magic?


Ah… I guess I should give up then, let's leave it into Benladra's hands for the moment, I am sure my beloved daughter will use this holy power.

Wait, if she got this magic, is she qualified as a holy being like an angel.

I see, I guess that's true, there shouldn't be any angel in here, there aren't any to begin with in this religion- Except Valkyrie!

But I doubt those are really related to all of this, right? Yeah, there's no way.

I see, for now, let's just say that my beloved daughter is a little angel and that's it.

Anyways, moving on to the other Unique Skills… Well, how to say this? They're very extravagant as well, they are very insane, as much as mine and her mother, so she's really quite amazing, huh?

What about the other Unique Skills? Can you go into more detail about Stargazing Eyes? I am very intrigued about the possibilities it can have, but I am quite worried that my daughter might be tormented by seeing futures where bad things happen…

I see, I guess that's that… And yeah, I suppose it would be better if she could learn how to speak if she ever gets a premonition in the future, if she ever sees us dying miserably or something, I wouldn't want her crying while not being able to tell us what she saw… that would be quite awful.

And… the last one, Parental Bond, this one is pretty simple but also quite amazing, can I really share my powers with her?

Hm, I see. Well, I am pretty okay with that, to be honest. I hope she can activate it soon so she can get a boost from me and Benladann.


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