Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 470: More Heads

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Chapter 470: More Heads


After evolving, I had become gigantic! So big that I could easily look over the sect from above. I looked really like an apocalypse bringer now! I don't think I was able to grow this big before using my abilities, so this is a big plus.

The people around the sect looked at me with awe. Now that I think about it, I've never revealed I am actually a dragon, so they think I am a weird monster.

I quickly decided to run away from them and shapes.h.i.+ft into my normal form inside the forest.

However, not without having inspected my body beforehand! I had realized I got pretty strong; my body had become quite amazingly covered in silvery-white scales s.h.i.+ning with a crystalline azure afterglow. My eight tails were long and sharp, and had spear tips on them too.

My limbs remained the same, I had three pair of them, and were still quite big, but not too big to contrast the appearance of an Orochi. Alongside that, my four wings became foldable, so I was able to easily hide them and look like a snake if I wanted.

My eight heads all looked a bit different, this part was pretty interesting, it was as if each head had turned into the head I had as one of my previous evolutions, while still merging the aspects of looking like snakes, which made it pretty awesome, not going to lie.

I had a few horns here and there, but my body was mostly smooth like a snake, and I had a certain air of power and holiness within me, something special, mythical, or something…

It really gave me some sort of regal appearance.

When I went back to humanoid form, I discovered I was able to do something peculiar.

I could divide my heads into seven clones that were special and not as weak as the slime-like clones that can shapes.h.i.+ft on me and are remotely controlled.

Although I can still remotely control them and give them orders, these clones were different and had different and independent thoughts, just like the heads!

It was as if I had my own band of clones like that b.a.s.t.a.r.d of Greenwood does. Well, or whatever they are, I don't really know if they're clones or something.

Each clone took a different appearance that didn't really looked like me but had a faint appearance to me, four of these clones were actually female too, which surprised me.

And each one had a little distinction from one another too, as if they were encompa.s.sing my different personalities and egos… like natures. By the way, all of them were ice giant-looking still.

"So we can do this? Interesting, this evolution really brought wonders, although Rank 5 seems still far away, this is decent progress." Said a stoic man with a muscular frame. He had sharp brown eyes and short silvery-white hair, wearing a silver tunic. I called him Silver.

"So I am you, yet I am also me? Are we sure we are not just cloned at the end and are not the same collective consciousness?" wondered a beautiful and rather charming woman, with a mature and s.e.xy body. I was quite surprised that this was one of my clones… she had wide hips and ma.s.sive b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her s.e.x appeal reminded me of Ca.s.siopeia a bit, that one witch with phantom magic we killed back in the Ice Moon sect. She had sharp crimson-red eyes and long black hair. Her clothes were also simplistic, and were Purple, so I called her Purple.

"We might be all the same, but we are also different, so let's get along, okay?" said a gentle-looking girl- actually, it was a boy. This boy had the same appearance as my gender-bender one, so I guess that became him? I can still take that form too, I think. He was rather cute, his clothes were pink, so I called him Pink.

"What a surprising thing! Oh man, I am shocked… Hahaha! Aren't we not dreaming? Holy s.h.i.+t…" said a lax-looking man with long hair and closed eyes, he had bright green hair, and when his eyes opened, they shone with bright yellow-gold light. His clothes were also green, so he went as Green.

"Hmm… I am quite worried about what might happen in the future with such circ.u.mstances… Ah, are we allowed to have our own rooms?" asked a blonde beauty with s.h.i.+ny aquamarine eyes and a blue dress, she had a smaller body than Purple, but was just as blessed with a.s.sets, that I was simultaneously looking at her while also being her made me feel rather weirded out.

"I have my worries but… I suppose we can get along, right? We are all the same in some sort of way…" said a beautiful slender woman. Her hair was pure white like snow, and seemed devoid of s.h.i.+niness like silvery-white hair often is. Her eyes were deep red, and she looked like a vampire be it not because she had the ice giant features. Her slender figure made her look rather regal. Her dress was white, so she was named White…

"Let's get all along, everyone! Ah, I want to make friends, ehehe…" chuckled a cute little girl, that was also me and a clone at the same time. She looked like an adorable ten year old loli with long brown hair and sharp golden eyes. Her dress was brown, so I called her Brown…

"Your names are very original, main body, I applaud you." Said Purple, sarcastically pointing out my naming.

"Well what do you expect?! I can't come out with stuff out of nowhere and be consistent." I sighed.

"Ah, that really sounds like you… And me." Laughed Green.

"Everyone, everyone! I believe we should give a group hug to strengthen friends.h.i.+p!" said Brown.

"Aw, you're such a cutie, I can't believe you're us…" said Pink.

"Hehe, I could call you big brother." Said Brown.

"Oooh! T-Though, I would prefer to be called big sister, fufu…" giggled Pink.

"Hmm, this is a bizarre situation." Said Silver.

"Oh, you think so?" I asked.


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