Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 283: Strange Visions

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Chapter 283: Strange Visions

Benladann POV


When Drake let me go into his dreams about his previous life, I lost him.

I couldn't find him anywhere.

It was as if something engulfed him completely from my grasp.

I immediately got worried.

Where did he go?! He can't just leave me in this dream!

Is this a prank of his?

No… My Drake would never prank me like this…

Maybe… something bad happened to him?

I should look for him!

But where am I now?

I found myself in a strange room.

Where is this place?

When I walk over the wall, I suddenly found myself in a completely dark s.p.a.ce, where many pieces of buildings float everywhere.

It is a strange and bizarre sight.

All these buildings, what do they mean?

I fly around them, floating in midair.

"Drake? Drake! Where are you?"



I keep looking for him everywhere, but he's nowhere to be seen…

Where's my Drake?

I fly around until I heard something.


"Eh? Who was that?"

I begin to move near the voice, the little whisper resonating around this darkness.

And within a room that is slowly fading into pieces within this darkness, a young boy is crying.

His skin is not blue, he looks like a human from my previous life.

Who is this boy? His hair is brown, and his eyes seem to be blue.

"Sniff… It hurts…"

Hm? Is he okay?

I moved near him.

"H-h.e.l.lo… Are you okay?"

The boy suddenly looks at me, her face was swollen. How could someone hit such a young child?!

"Sniff… W-Who are you?"

"Eh? I am… Benladann."

"I don't know you… Leave me alone…"

"Huh? But you're wounded…"

"I… I am fine…"

"No,? you're not fine! Who would hit such a young kid? Who did this to you?"

"I can't tell you… Or they will punch my face again…"

"What? Who are they?! I will punch them for you!"

The boy looked at me back. But he seemed too afraid.

Suddenly another piece of a building merges with this one, and the door opens.

Two figures walk inside. They're two men, old men, they barely resemble the boy in some features.

"We are finally back… Man, I am tired."

"Where's the dinner? Oi, s.h.i.+tty brat!"

"Ah… Aagh!"

One of the men suddenly grabs the boy from the ear and carries him around the floor.

"Where the f.u.c.k is our dinner?! My sister gave away her life for you and the only s.h.i.+tty thing you do all day is crying!"

"It hurts! Please stop… Agh…"

"Leave him alone!"

I cannot see a boy being treated like this. I simply ran without thinking and planted my feet over that fat b.a.s.t.a.r.d. His entire face was blown, and he dropped to the ground.


"W-Who the f.u.c.k are you?!" the other skinny guy looked at me while trembling.

"Don't worry, boy, I won't let them treat you like this anymore. You're so young… You shouldn't be treated like this." I said.

"Ah… Uncle!"

The boy, however, ignored me as he ran towards his uncle, this guy was his uncle?!

"W-Why did you hit him?!" he asked.

"I… But he… he was treating you so bad…"

"But he's the only family I have… I have nothing… Without him…" he muttered, as he began to cry.

The only family?

What have I done?

"I am sorry, please… I…"


The boy cries as he suddenly fades away. The entire buildings fade into nothingness.

What was that?

Who was that boy?

What's going on right now?

Are… these Drake's memories?

Was he treated this badly as a child?

But… he always talks about his family, his mom, dad, brother, sister… they're always nice to him.

So who else are these memories of?

Maybe Drake… Never told me the full story of his past?

This doesn't make any sense… Why wouldn't he?


Maybe because they're too painful?

I haven't completely told him all my past either… I never went into detail about my experimentations, or all the h.e.l.l I went through either…

"Drake! Where are you? Dear…"

I begin to fly everywhere one more. In this s.p.a.ce, it is as if I were a feather, I can easily maneuver anywhere.

I keep seeing the boy in most of the buildings.

He's always being mistreated everywhere I go.

His Uncle always treats him the worst.

But in the school where he goes, he seems to always be alone and bullied too.

Why do people enjoy the suffering of innocents so much?

I don't get it…

Every time that I try to save him, the memories fade away.

Drake… I just want to help you…

Let me help you…

Suddenly, I arrive at an almost full building. It had yet to fragment away.

In there, the boy was being brutally beaten by his uncle once more.

His entire face was swollen, and he was barely breathing.

I have to do something! He'll… die…

"You s.h.i.+tty brat! I f.u.c.king hate you! Your face reminds me of that b.i.t.c.h that took away everything we had! Why don't I just change your face forever, huh? Gahahaha!"

The man suddenly grabbed a knife out of the messy floor and points its sharp blade at the boy's face.

What is he doing?!

However, the boy suddenly awakes from his daze and stops him midway through.

"No… Aaghh! Stop…!"

"You s.h.i.+tty brat, I'll do whatever I want with you! You're below my jurisdiction now!"


The boy suddenly pushes the man away and grabs the knife.

The man leaps over him and begins to punch him again.


"What's wrong? You got a knife and you're still a trembling and s.h.i.+vering f.a.ggot?! You don't even dare hit me back! Hahaha! You're a f.u.c.king p.u.s.s.y- GAGGH..!"

However, the boy suddenly stabbed the man's chest. The knife deeply pierced his chest, blood flowed out like rivers

"Y-You… s.h.i.+tty brat…! Agh…"

And the mand drops dead on the floor.

The boy drops the knife. His hands are filled with blood.

His hands are trembling, as he doesn't know what's going on anymore.

"Ahh… W-What… What have I done?! Ahhh… Ahhhhh!!!"


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