Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1672 Benladra's Might

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Chapter 1672 Benladra's Might


The advance of Drake's army continued, the demons were being slaughtered rapidly as not only were his Undead weakening them and holding them back, but his family were butchering them.

It has only been a few minutes since Benladann and Miranda entered into the butchery, shredding and annihilating anything in their wake, but their children followed right after.


The Demons commanded hundreds of Demonic Beasts at once, rus.h.i.+ng towards the closest targets, aside from the pair of deadly chaos dragons. Two little draconic girls floated in midair, small enough to look like flies in front of them.

Yet, that didn't really last that long, as Benladra and Kate quickly nodded, their bodies transforming immediately. Benladra unleashed a blinding explosion of golden light, as her draconic body of over two hundred meters emerged, spreading out her big, angelic and feathered wings for the world to see. Her radiant, silvery-white scales covered her body, as her golden horns and eyes shone with bright light.

Her angelic and draconic figure greatly contrasted with her cute little sister, Kate, who unleashed a storm of blue and gray colored lighting, her body quickly growing hundreds of times her small size, taking the form of a gigantic metallic drake, with a less bulky build than her big sister, she was much thinner and lean, with long, metallic arms and legs. Her scales were fused into a completely silver armor, her long wings looked like several blades a.s.sembled together, and neon blue circuits glowed through her entire body, as her long, sharp jaws, connected to her long neck, opened.

Both girls opened their draconic jaws, in fact, greeting the almost one hundred Demonic Beasts with a combined attack.

And what better attack than a Dragon's Pride?

Their Dragon Breath!


A blindingly golden beam and another of blue and gray lightning were unleashed from both girl's draconic jaws, impacting the incoming armies of demons and vaporizing them within seconds, a huge explosion akin to a small atomic bomb erupted, making the entire territory tremble.


"I think we killed a few," Kate said.

"Not enough! Let's go, sis!" Benladra said.

"Nh!" Kate nodded.

Both girls rushed forwards, greeting another wave of Demonic Beasts, this time led by several more Demons, the Onis, the largest of all the Demons appeared, each one being three hundred meters and carrying utterly ma.s.sive weapons made of demonic beast bones.

"Kill those little pests!" they roared in unison.


Like loyal dogs, the various Demonic Beasts charged forward, some of them even carrying the Onis themselves, becoming ma.s.sively gigantic mounts for the already t.i.tanic demons.

"They're here, unsheathe your weapon, Kate! Don't let them step forward!" Benladra said, as she summoned her spear made by her papa, the [Divine Holy Light Dragon Spear Of Heavenly Flames: Valkyrie].

"I won't!" Kate nodded, unsheathing her giant silver-colored blade, and loading it with her energies and powers. This was also a gift from her father, the [Divine Mechanical Longsword Of Technomancy: Electra].

Both weapons were specifically designed for both girls, they were their personal, growing weapons. Since Drake gifted them to the girls that they've been developing them and growing them as they developed themselves.

They couldn't easily deal with the incoming attackers with their dragon breaths, as any dragon would have a small cooldown before they could release it again. The only one that seemed to not have any was Drake due to his insane regeneration powers.

However, the more dragon breath they used consecutively without resting, the more they risked taking damage in their throats and their Breath Organ, an internal structure that allowed dragons to convert their internal energies into powerful beam attacks, their breaths.

"{Divine Holy Light Armor}!"

Benladra covered her body with an additional layer of defenses, an ability from her spear itself that conjured an armor of Heavenly Holy Light around her body! This, coupled with her Defensive Draconic Arts, made her incredibly tough, more than anything ever before. This armor decreased all damage she took by fifty percent and even enhanced her Holy powers by three whole Ranks!

"{Layered Electromagnetic System Field}!"

Kate also activated her sword's technique, as a field, a domain made out of System and Technomancy Divinity and Essence spread around her, which weakened foes that stepped in and decreased damage dealt, while constantly damaging them too with each pa.s.sing second. But above all, it helped her also summon any of her technomancy gadgets anywhere she wanted within the field.

"I'll take the right!" Benladra said.

"Then I'll go for the left!" Kate nodded.

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

Both dragon sisters disappeared from the place they were seconds ago, appearing right in front of the demons and demonic beasts, their weapons and powerful domains clas.h.i.+ng against their demonic auras, as explosions of blinding holy light and gray and blue electricity surged!


A dozen Demonic Beasts were immediately annihilated, as Benladra impaled them with her holy spear and fired a myriad of Heavenly Suns against the surrounding foes, disintegrating any part of their body her holy powers touched, which the demons were terribly weak against!


The Onis rushed towards her, attacking Benladra with their ma.s.sive arms and gigantic weapons. They surpa.s.sed her size greatly, but she didn't give up, quickly summoning her Tiamat s.h.i.+eld and defending from deadly blows with it, while also using her spear, impaling and piercing their arms as they gave her an opening after she defended.

"I won't forgive those that try to kill papa or innocent people! Go back to h.e.l.l, demons!"

Benladra roared with her righteous ire, as she pushed forwards and slammed one of the Onis with her s.h.i.+eld, before activating it and releasing its counterattacking beam against all of them at once.


The beam pierced a dozen Onis and quickly weakened them majority of them, their large wounds covered on rainbow flames and light.

"T-That d.a.m.ned s.h.i.+eld again…?!"

"D-Dammit! Stop her!"

"How can we struggle…?! She's merely a lizard!!"

The Onis couldn't believe how pathetically they were being overwhelmed, they tried to stand back up, only to see Benladra appearing in front of them, moving like a ray of blinding light and impaling their heads with her spear!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+


The daughter of the Dragon King had no mercy.


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