Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1504 Jamar's Incredible Growth

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Chapter 1504 Jamar's Incredible Growth


The mushrooms growing over the two Red Oni King's skin exploded, blowing up their skin as well. Their muscles and bones were too tough to blow up even after all those explosions, but the damage they took was still severe.


"My skin… its burning!"

As the two Red Oni Kings cried in pain, the little mushroom laughed heartily atop the skies, almost forgetting how small he truly was!

"Hehehe… HAHAHAH! You've tasted but a small amount of the might of us Myconid! We will no longer be looked down; we are strong too!"



The two Red Oni Kings, however, quickly stood back up and targeted Jamar, their enormous fists reaching him faster than he could have hoped.


The young Myconid panicked after seeing the incoming attack. He has tried to stand out because he had not been able to help too much in these last fights.

In the Flame Emperor's confrontation, he was unable to help against such a powerful foe himself and could only watch in the sidelines as everyone battled him.

And even in the Inheritance Trial, he got tired way too many times, although he grew stronger thanks to the Divine Power rewards, he had been knocked out in the middle of the fight against Asmodeus.

And when he woke up, it was already over!

He felt frustrated with himself, and deep down, with his own race. He believed that the Myconid were very weak and frail, and because of this, he couldn't exceed like everyone else.

This is why he tried his best to stand out and boast…

However, he was different now.

No longer a mortal, but a powerful Myconid G.o.d, the first of his tribe to have ever been born, actually!

"I won't let you intimidate me!!!"

With a brave yet reckless roar, he swung his sword with all his might, remembering his father's movements, while fusing it with his Psychic Powers, which every Myconid could develop eventually, and that he himself also learned.

"{Dragon Blade Arts}: {Draconic Scale Parry}!!!"


The attack from both t.i.tanic beings was barely stopped as a ma.s.sive s.h.i.+eld made of Surtr's own powers manifested in front of Jamar.

This was the unique connection between Surtr and his friends or "followers"! His System allowed him to give them something similar to professions and t.i.tles.

Such powers allowed them to gain power from him and specialize in unique magic and abilities, the power they had grown since they meet him was all thanks to such connections.

And Jamar was his brave squire!

The s.h.i.+eld of flames which contained around 50% of Surtr's summoned Magical Power was enough to parry the gigantic fists, pus.h.i.+ng the two t.i.tanic demons farther away!


"What the…?!"

The two were left perplexed for only a few seconds, before they came back right away to attack him, using their giant demonic bone weapons this time.

"{Divine Mushroom Domain}!"

Jamar unleashed the power he had acquired after ascending into a Rank 8 Initial Stage Myconid G.o.d, releasing his still beginner-level Divinity Aura and imbuing it into the ground.


Suddenly, the ground shook, as gigantic mushrooms fueled with Divine Power and Demonic Power surged, pus.h.i.+ng away the two t.i.tanic demons and attacking them as they surged from the ground.

CLAAs.h.!.+ CLAAs.h.!.+ CLAAs.h.!.+ CLAAa.s.sHH!!

"What the…?!"

"Are these d.a.m.n mushrooms?!"

The Demons had little time to think though, the mushrooms release deadly spores that weakened them, which they couldn't easily resist as normal poison.

And as if that wasn't enough, several gigantic hands made of transparent energy emerged out of Jamar, who was squinting his eyes hardly while touching his forehead, trying to get out all the Psychic Power juice!

"{Divine Psychic Magic}: {Telekinesis Hands}!"

The hands kept restraining and pus.h.i.+ng back the Demons! Alone, they wouldn't do much, but the sheer combination of attacks from his sword, the powerful mushrooms popping out of the ground, each one with t.i.tanic sizes, and the psychic attacks made them have an actual hard time!

Enough for Jamar to buy time for the two real t.i.tanesses to arrive!

Two looming shadows surged behind the two Red Oni Kings, as they noticed two Fire t.i.tans of almost their same size arrive…

"Nadia! Mina!"

Jamar was happy to see them finally catch up to them, the two girls quickly pointed their gigantic weapons at the two Demons.

After having drank several elixirs containing the blood of Fire t.i.tans, they managed to further improve the cultivation of their own Fire t.i.tan Bloodline.

Making it possible for their size-changing abilities to improve amazingly…

But that wasn't all, this change of size wasn't just size alone, it brought to them unprecedented amounts of Divine Power.

It awakened more than just greater size and strength, but powerful tattoo-like runic inscriptions across their bodies, known as Divine t.i.tan's Legacy!

With it, they could awaken newfound power, channeled directly from the t.i.tan's Records, similar to the Draconic Records.

"{Divine Blazing Dragon Battle Axe Arts}: {Infernal t.i.tanic Decapitation}!!!"

Nadia smiled evilly, swinging her t.i.tanic axe against the nearest Red Oni King, a single slash was all she needed to slice through the demon's arm that was holding his weapon.



The Red Oni King roared in fury and agony, opening its jaws to release a deadly explosive breath of Demonic Flames towards Nadia!

However, Mina right behind waved her t.i.tanic staff, as she conjured her powerful magic, now boosted even further through her ma.s.sive size, which also boosted her magic size as well!

"{Divine Heavenly White Dragon Flame Magic}: {Heavenly Dragon Flame Vortex}!"


A gigantic dragon made of white and golden flames surged from below the Red Oni King, coiling around it and generating a deadly vortex of flames, purifying it and dealing incredible amounts of damage!


The other Red Oni King furiously rushed towards the two, only for Nadia to smile, leaping towards him while making the entire battlefield tremble, her foot crus.h.i.+ng any foe below her like ants.

"What? Do you have something to say?" She roared. "{Divine Blazing Dragon Battle Axe Arts}: {Wrathful Asura's Tempest}!"

Her Aura erupted from her body, as her axe hacked through the Demon like a warm knife through b.u.t.ter, cutting through both of his arms before she sliced his throat!

SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+


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