Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1380 Benladra And Kate's True Might!

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Chapter 1380 Benladra And Kate’s True Might!




Two powerful Divine Dragon Breaths struck Fiera's Infernal Chimera Beast t.i.tan, leaving two enormous holes on its blazing body!



Fiera opened glanced in utter disbelief at the two dragons she had believed for sure were taken care of! The two girls quickly woke up with the time Charlotte gave to them, and instantly went on the offensive once more.

"They're awake!" Charlotte cried in excitement as she saw Benladra and Kate once more flying in the skies.

"They took a short nap, I guess." Fuyu laughed. "They still need to train their defensive abilities… But look carefully now, Charlotte. You're about to see what they are truly capable of!"

"Y-You d.a.m.n brats!" Fiera cried, her body suddenly feeling exhausted by the attack.

The damage that her Infernal Chimera Beast took shouldn't be transferred to her at all, yet she somehow felt tired. Those two Dragon Breaths had taken a large chunk off her own Divine Energy reserves!

"At first we thought we could talk things out, but like daddy said once, sometimes talking won't do!" Benladra said angrily. "You're a meanie and cruel person! You're nothing like Rose and Coral!"

"Nope." Kate said while nodding.

"W-Who the f.u.c.k is Rose and Coral?!" Fiera screamed in anger. "I am the Infernal Princess, Fiera! I have burned and devoured hundreds of thousands with my flames! Did you think that because I look young, I would be somehow a little angel like you two stupid idiots?! YOU'RE DEAD WRONG!"

Her entire body continued exuding more and more Divine Power, as her Infernal Beast Chimera started to absorb the power and grow in size.

"I'll show you why I am the second strongest of the Four Hounds!!!" She screamed while laughing. "[Infernal Asura's Eight h.e.l.lish Fists]!"

Her already evolved Infernal Chimera Beast t.i.tan roared, growing a new pair of arms, and unleas.h.i.+ng a barrage of eight fist attacks, overflowing with explosive infernal flames.

The fists were about to hit the two dragon sisters, however, several blue portals emerged behind Kate, as an army of almost a hundred mechanical monsters emerged from within!

"[Divine Mechanical Fusion]!"


A bright blue neon light emerged from her body, as it connected with the circuits of the almost a hundred mechanical monsters, their bodies instantly flew towards Kate, fusing with her and a.s.sembling themselves together, sharing their power together.


[Kate] has fused together with almost a hundred [Divine Mechanical Beasts]!]

[She has temporarily transformed into a [Mechanical Dragon t.i.tan]!]

[All her Stats have increased by +300%! Several new Abilities have become available through the temporary [Mechanical Dragon t.i.tan] form.]

In just a split of a second, Kate's entire body grew to the size of the Infernal Beast Chimera t.i.tan, and with her two enormous mechanical claws, she intercepted the t.i.tan's eight h.e.l.lish fists. The impact between both t.i.tans made the entire battlefield shake almost at the same level as the battle between Drake and the Flame Emperor.


Kate's fists were not only much stronger, but they were also heavier, each of the fire-made fists were instantly destroyed by the mere impact of her attacks, seconds before her huge chests opened, revealing a gigantic cannon.


With a mighty roar, the t.i.tanic mechanical dragon unleashed a overwhelming red laser beam, piercing through the Infernal Beast Chimera and pus.h.i.+ng it several hundreds of meters away!



Fiera couldn't help but fall into panic as she was thrown away alongiside the Infernal Beast Chimera she had merged with, her divine energy once more took a big hit, and above all, she had also taken damage herself.

"N-No… this can't be…! To be defeated by mere children? Me?! The one that had brought h.e.l.l itself to this continent?!" Screamed Fiera. "Never… NEVERRRR!"

She quickly got up again, screaming in frustration as she poured all the Divine Energy she had left into her t.i.tanic infernal chimeric beast, who quickly took the shape of a ferocious blaze dragon!

"[Infernal Dragon's Breath]!!!"

The Dragon head opened its ma.s.sive jaws, releasing a gigantic breath attack that could easily split the heavens and destroy many mountains!


However, Benladra appeared in front of Kate, bravely defending her sister, her surrounding suddenly started to change dramatically, as her golden eyes shone like stars. This was the power of her [Stargazing Eyes] Unique Skill.

Anybody with Unique Skills will know that the stronger they grow, the more abilities Unique Skills can develop, and Benladra was no exception to this rule. Her Stargazing Eyes had recently evolved a new ability, the power to temporarily channel the brilliance of the stars within the cosmos!

"[Cosmic Star Aura]!"


Her Aura seemed like an exact composition of the cosmos within the far outer universe. Hundreds of small stars started rotating around Benladra's body, as she quickly pointed her hands at the beam.

"[Celestial Star Rain]!"

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

Hundreds of celestial stars, mixed with the power of her Heaven Magic, were fired at the same time! The breath attack from Fiera's Infernal Beast was instantly destroyed as the stars pierced through the flames and then through her beast's body!


"W-Wha…?! T-This is…! No… Impossible…!"

Fiera vomited a mouthful of blood as she felt her own body covered in several holes. The miniature stars were incredibly condensed plasma and light spheres, deadly to almost anybody.


Fiera tried one last stand, her monstrous form fusing with her chimeric infernal beast as she turned into a monstrous female beast made of flames, roaring back at Benladra and Kate like an accursed specter, rus.h.i.+ng towards the two of them!

However, the girls fearlessly charged forward, charging their bodies with their Divine Power, and quickly attacking Fiera at the same time with their fists.

A barrage of heavenly and cosmic fists alongside t.i.tanic mechanical fists pierced through Fiera's monstrous, blazing body, her screams could be heard loudly as her entire body was turned into nothing with each punch!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+


"We will not stop!" Benladra roared.

"You will die by our hand." Kate responded.

Their auras combined together, transforming into the gigantic head of their own father, made out of pure ethereal divine energy, biting through Fiera, and then exploding, completely ending her once and for all!

"My… lord…!"



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