Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 129: Eating Scrap Metal

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Chapter 129: Eating Sc.r.a.p Metal


After everyone went to sleep on the second floor, where I gave everyone some leather beds and put them on the chimney so they could sleep more comfortably, I decided to a.s.sess what I got.

A pile of sc.r.a.p metal and all types of mechanical pieces… and a large mana core battery shattered into pieces.

Oh right, there are also the small drones I got… those also had small mana cores on them.

I decided to eat all the mana cores. The big one was the tastiest, and it granted a nice amount of stats.

Now, what do I do with the sc.r.a.p metal? I just ate the mana cores, and I didn't get any skills like [Living Mechanical Body], [Gamma Blade], or anything, so I don't think I will get any of such things from eating these robots either.

But why not give them a try? They seem to be made of magic metals even rarer than what I found with Mining. Oh right, when I mined days ago, I got a pile of metals, although I have not been using them because it is frankly easier to use Icesmith to make weapons and armor…

I have eaten a few of these metals, but they are not tasty, nor they gave me anything. Well, I guess like any other cultivation material.

But maybe it could be different this time?

Hmm… Well, I will eat three drones and an entire arm of the big one, how about that? Maybe if I ever find a Technomancer, he could build me a mech or something… Is there another Technomancer? I hope so… Wait, no, I don't hope so. I don't want to fight with overpowered mechs again.

Anyways, I started munching.

It was very hard to eat.


But I continued to devour it all and swallowed it for some time… Uegh.

After around an hour, I finished.

And nothing!

Okay, this was a total waste of time-


[Magnetism Field Lesser Manipulation: Level 1]

[Metallic Rearrangement: Level 1]

[Mithril Ore Sh.e.l.l: Level 1]

[Photon Bullet: Level 1]


So I got something?! Not what I had imagined though, I didn't instantly become a robot or something… But this is way more than I thought I would get, which was just nothing.

This is… Also very strange, is this the first time I am getting element-based skills that are not of ice and wind?

[Magnetism Field Lesser Manipulation: Level 1]

Manipulate the magnetic energies around your body to a lesser extent. Can be improved through the use of Gravity Magic, a branch of Spatial Magic.

So this one is related to s.p.a.ce Attribute! Well, it is not as if I suddenly gained s.p.a.ce magic though, it is limited to a certain use.

[Metallic Rearrangement: Level 1]

Rearrange your metallic parts for greater efficiency when moving or fighting.

Eh? This one is definitely for a robot, it shouldn't work for me, right?

I quickly tried to use it, and discovered that I was able to somewhat rearrange my own metallic scales, even to the point of forming something like a s.h.i.+eld if I concentrated many in a certain area… maybe this plus the previous skill could let me launch my own scales as an attack.

[Mithril Ore Sh.e.l.l: Level 1]

Spend mana to generate a sh.e.l.l of mithril ore, an ore with high magical properties, both resistant to magic and also capable of conducting it with ease, while also being very resilient.

This one… I tried it and it generated a new layer of protective sh.e.l.l-like scales around any part of my body that I wanted. Perhaps the robots were made of this material the most. Oh, and when I detach them, they stay… Meaning that I could use this to craft stuff?

[Photon Bullet: Level 1]

Concentrate your mana into a bullet of light and fire it at your foe to deal magic-based damage.

As simple as that with this, I can fire a Light Bullet… Is this Light Attribute Magic? Not really… it is limited to a bullet! Like the ones, the mech fired at me, which were able to bend my scales.

But with this I get more variety I suppose… Interesting. It would be nice if I could find something big and strong to test my new skills, but there's nothing like that around.

I wonder… System can I learn every single elemental magic?

So I can't get full-fledged magic?

Hm… I guess I will have to discover it by myself. Although if I were to just get all elements, it would lose the "ice dragon" vibe to it, right?

Maybe it won't be as easy as I think, or perhaps it will be, but Ice Magic will still be my best one?

Or perhaps it will merely complement it…

Do I have any other element affinity?

So the system is like an artifact in a way?


For now, I suppose I should rest a bit- wait.

As I ate the last piece of mana core battery left, I suddenly felt like my Mana resonated with power. The mana within changed quality and so did my entire body…

I think I ranked up? No, staged up, I guess…


Now, what should I evolve into?

System, show me the evolution options.




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