Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1029 Dissapear!

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Chapter 1029 Dissapear!


Dreams and Nightmares have the power to hurt Souls. When people sleep, they find themselves inside dreams as their very souls. The ability to draw any living being into a dream is but natural for a G.o.d of Dream such as myself, and with the power of Belle boosting my Dream Magic to completely insane levels, this was more than possible.


The aberration began to agonizingly cry, its body shapes.h.i.+fting countless times, trying to keep itself from being sucked. But its body itself wasn't really going anywhere, its soul was. Bit by bit, the soul started to disintegrate, being absorbed into the Gates of Nightmares, a special Divine Spell I created on the spot that transports a soul into a Nightmare that destroys and devours their souls, giving me power with each devoured soul.

However, that alone won't do.


The Dragon heads roared, within the aberration, a sudden barrier of light emerged… Yeah, that's divine power. It not only stole around 50k from me when it ate my arm somehow, but it began to suddenly multiply it bit by bit. It seems that its powers somehow made it possible for Divine Power to be as duplicable as any cell within its system.

Like this, this strange Divine Barrier stopped the soul from being absorbed, and I gritted my jaws in anger… for a few seconds only, as I've already thought about such a thing beforehand.

"I thought you would do as much, my dear friend."

In one of my hands, a sphere of darkness emerged.

And in my other hand, a sphere of light appeared.

"How about this?"

I combined both spheres of enormously concentrated quant.i.ties of divine darkness and divine light, condensing them together into a sphere of twisting darkness and light that turned gray-colored.

"Divine Light and Darkness Magic: Twilight Nova."


I dropped the twisting sphere of gray matter over the Aberration as if it were a small little ball.

It slowly fell over the Aberration, as it tried to pierce through it with dragon breaths, however, it was surprisingly fast, easily reaching the aberration and then… yeah, exploding.


The enormous pressure of the explosion was so strong that it shook the surroundings, breaking the sound barrier and then distorting s.p.a.ce itself for a few seconds, cracking it lightly.



The barrier it created and any divine power it could exert was destroyed, and my Dream Clone conjured five more Gates of Nightmares while we were at that.

"How about this, you piece of s.h.i.+t?"


It soul struggled, but it was quickly sucked away by the six gates at the same time, its soul quickly disintegrating.


However, suddenly, a humanoid voice emerged from within his soul.

What the…?

"It hurts…"

"This must be a punishment for all my sins!"

"As if this twisting, horrendous and never-ending flesh prison with an endless desire for flesh wasn't big enough of a punishment…"


It was talking?

Could this be the soul's true personality resurfacing?

Maybe… like Benladann, his Unique Skill was taking over his body and controlling him, turning him into a monster?


"Uroboros… For how long you plan to torment my soul?!"


"Let's end this…!"

Amidst the humanoid-shaped soul face that emerged, the abhorrent scream of a monstrous eldritch ent.i.ty appeared within the soul, devouring that consciousness back, as the black soul quickly dissipated into nothingness…

Maybe I could had done something but… I wasn't going to let that thing live after seeing what it was capable of doing.

I didn't have time for mercy.

"Well, that was… certainly something."

However, despite that strange talking soul, things ended as I expected. My strategy… thankfully worked. I was already on the edge of my seat thinking what else could I had done against this monster but stopping its body and then absorbing its soul into a Nightmare worked.

Now, I just have to wait for the Nightmare to devour the soul completely and it should be over… But just because, I should really destroy the corpse it left behind.

Anyways, Divine Spirit Creation: Divine Black Hole Spirit"


The leftover body ma.s.s was quickly disintegrated through a Black Hole, being completely devoured, and disintegrated to an almost subatomic level, as much as I possible could, I kept conjuring them over and over, as the ground below reached the bedrock and it began to shatter and crack apart, countless enormous cracks surged from the ground, leading outside into the surface of the seas.


Sea water quickly started filling the caves completely now.

"I need to repair this mess- Eh?"

However, as I was beginning to relax and think I've finally won, within the Nightmare I threw the soul inside, something was happening.

The soul gathered into a ma.s.s of darkness and began bouncing around the confines of the nightmare, trying to break through its walls viciously.

It constantly shapes.h.i.+fted into aberrations of shapeless forms, hitting the dream walls, which were resisting rather well.





The aberration's soul constantly attempted to break through the Nightmare, it left me slightly surprised.

But it wasn't as if I couldn't do something over it either.


"I got it."

Belle quickly converged her magic powers with mine, as we conjured a powerful divine magic spell together.

"Divine Nightmare Magic: Nightmare Annihilation."


Suddenly, the nightmare I sent the soul of Gluttony into began to twist around. Like a dimension by itself, it was shaped into a bubble. The bubble started to slowly twist its own shape aberrantly, slowly beginning to become smaller and smaller.





The Nightmare became a tiny black dot, and then it suddenly disappeared.


An enormous shockwave of divine power was unleashed, breaking apart my surroundings and ruining everything even more, as ocean water continued pouring inside.

And with that… Gluttony is officially over.

…I hope.

"Now, now, let's fix this thing already-"


The ground began to shatter more and more, as an enormous crack appeared across the ground, opening, and leading to…

Magma underground?!


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